MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

SFxT is like the perfect example.
A tag-team game with a fun mechanic and interesting possibilities that was doomed by subpar aesthetics and awful DLC practices.

I’m not holding out hope for an update to this game; I just think it’s a lot of fun.

Y’all spend too much time worrying about people playing games you don’t like and not enough time going around playing the games you do like.


I’m not gonna debate why I play a game, and you need to get over that people aren’t curating their playtime based on your lil vendetta.

The ‘activist’ approach to gaming is the weirdest, dramatic trend today. Not everybody chooses what they play based on some collective reaction to a game - especially if it’s amorphous shit like “they don’t care, we deserve better”. Better how? Why do people write poetry instead of solutions?

Or is it because this game’s gameplay required ONE patch to be maybe the best playing Vs game in a decade? All the bitching takes the long road around the most important aspects of the game because they have no argument against it.

And frankly, this is the attitude that fucked SFxT as well as this game. That’s why I completely ignore or mock the FGC whenever I hear bitching about gameplay; I know if a game delivers on exactly that they’ll ignore it cause “hur hur I can’t afford DLC” “hur hur why is Chun’s like that”.

Not sure if I could find a picture to show how much I agree with this statement. WHAT COULD THIS BE?

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i nice looking arcade stick?

Sick ass stick man. One of the guys that replied to that twitter is so wrong though, “we have not abandoned it”…??? I haven’t, you guys haven’t, the players haven’t, but capcom and marvel? Fool, what is it gonna take for people like that to CLEARLY see that they already have? Lmao. They haven’t abandoned it but just haven’t said a thing in months after much criticism. No hope tweets, no nothing. Anybody who thinks this isn’t called abandoning a game can tell me what is? Now, maybe they’re working on an update, maybe more characters, maybe THE FUCKIN X-MEN LIKE EVERYONE WANTED, maybe they’ll come out and surprise us, which I can only dream, but as of NOW, they abandoned it. I agree with a lot of the community though, the gameplay of mvci is a freakin 10/10. Haven’t had so much fun with a fighter in years.

And this was being shown at the Capcom Booth… Interesting.

it’s nothing

If Capcom was doing anything with this game E3 was the time to say so. Until they announce something, I’m going to assume they dropped the game and any related staff are off elsewhere. I do not care about hyper analyzing every little thing that ‘maybe kinda’ hints at whatever. Til I see a straight up trailer it’s dead on the production side. Still play it, tho.


This. It does hurt to admit, though.

Unless they have contract bounds preventing them to say anything that can be perceived as negative towards Marvel. They share this product after all.

You could tell just by the past articles where they tread away when X-men questions were asked.

Yup, what a shame they abandoned this game, waste of awesome gameplay to work with, unless some dev gets drunk and spills the beans then we’ll never know, at least in the near future. Anyhow I still get plenty of games, I’m in the west coast btw.

Can I get your PSN, then? Mine is kestrelman12.

Back on Ranked, since Unranked is getting scarce, and worked up a 7 win streak. Been really getting by on common sense fundementals cause my fingers don’t do optimization, but it’s fortunate these lab guys don’t take a hint. I have to touch them more often but fuck it I’m doing it. Kinda like how Capcom won’t touch this game.

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Most likely a bunch of bullshit but

Doesn’t even read legit. Garbage.

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that deserve the lol button back haha… When’s was Sodom and Viper confirmed anyways haha

Yeah Viewtiful Angry Joe for MVC!! haha

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That would be pretty neat if true, but I don’t believe even half of those additions, especially given how this game has been treated up to this point.

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I don’t believe it either, although that /v/ person (the maker of the claimed leak) did leak smash ultimate before E3.