MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Where are you from again? I still get matches on PS4 even though it’s not a ton of people and occasionally run into the same dude.

I’m in California, but that isn’t the problem (I open it up to any region and 2+ bar connection)

The problem is that I play on PC, the fighting game dead zone.

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That’s what I figured. Nobody’s been on PC for it since the game launched. Just about everyone that still goes to tournaments for it are on the PS4 rankings.

Yeah I set up ranked fight request same region and only took about 90 seconds to find a match.

Give me some breath of fire character or psylocke and I might come back

the game needs to be 3v3, with the beloved x-men characters (and Doom) that contributed the most of this games legacy. In addition to the Greatest Poster, posting his great strats and views that will influence random lurkers on this site and put them on the metagame stage.

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Plus you’re in Cali. I think most of the online players are on the east coast (you know all 26 of us) so when you’re able to play we’re alseep. We’ve been having online tourneys and stuff. Not to say I get matches without using Steams freindslist anymore. I definitely request most of my matches nowadays.

I’m in Cali also. I just noticed something today, if you go into online search, wether it be beginners lobby,casual, or ranked match its hard to get an opponent, I did this like 2 weeks and didn’t find a single match I swear. Then today I went into training mode first, and goddam I swear I got a match every 20 seconds. This might be just getting lucky but I played more today than I have in all the past months by going first into training mode then on the menu set to casual/ranked to ON. Anyone else notice this?


This has been well-known since at least January, possibly earlier.
Training mode is the only way to reliably find matches… assuming there’s anyone playing on your platform in the first place.

looks at Steam and cries

Hey man, PM me your steam id, I used to live in SoCal but moved to Colorado for work. 1 hour difference we might be able to get some games in.

I had to drop games for a while due to work/moving but, I’d like to get back into it.

seems there is something going on behind the curtains. on the steamdb entry of the game there is a suspicious update from the 12th which added a new private release candidate under the depot section. could actually mean that we get another batch of characters. supposedly they were already working on other characters so maybe they decided to at least finish them so it isn’t lost money.



And damn if this section is absolutely dead. :frowning:

and another steamdb update

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Interesting! What is a private release candidate exactly?

it’s an internal build of the game for testing.

I’m really hoping it is something, this series deserves more than what it got. Just have to wait and see.


Yeah, I feel pretty strongly that something is coming even though it was not included in the recent press release.

Decided to make a list of what stone I think is best for each character based on what I’ve seen and played against. Feel free to provide arguments for what might be incorrect.

Reality: Chris, Spencer, Iron Man, Hulk, Sigma
Space: Morrigan, Ultron, Dormammu, Rocket, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, Jedah, Black Widow, Frank, Haggar, Gamora
Power: Ryu, X, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Spider-Man, Venom, Thanos, Nemesis, Black Panther, Chun-Li, Nova
Time: Arthur, Ghost Rider
Soul: Dante, Strider, Monster Hunter, Zero, Firebrand, Winter Soldier
Mind: None

It’s not that I think Mind sucks or anything, I just can’t imagine any character not benefiting more from another stone.


Is the least they could do for the hardcore legacy fanbase.

Don’t think there are any Steam heads still here but if you are and want to find matches with people who will play or do play regularly:


and another one

according to a supposed leak in the steam forums, the next batch of characters are