MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Chris G might have been the only one that made top 8. Not sure.

Looks like Cl0ck is here. Just beat Crying Bryan

I hate it when NY players move to the West Coast, East Coast players are on that Next Level shit. Not sure why they move to Cali but must be good reasons, closer to Evo I suppose, not that that really matters to sponsored players.

Weather and opportunity. NyC may be a great place to grow hungry competitors but
honestly shits poverty over here. Rents are too damn high.

We back boys!

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MVCI 4th most entrants for Final Round 2018, just sayin.

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Word. I see it has 73 entrants which is like 5 more than Injustice. Crazy that an NRS game that can sell millions canā€™t pull above Marvel at tournaments. Crack is where itā€™s at.

More surprising is DBFZ is still second place to SF after all of the hype. Like Injustice I think it sold pretty well, but donā€™t think it brought too many new people into the competitive community. It was generally a more casual focused game any way.

I expect to see lots of Hawkeye and Coon as usual. Chris G most likely taking it. MegamanSteve will be there which means Mind Stone confirmed.

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Alright. It took me a couple of weeks but i finally had my hands on MVCI and DBFZ, so i can actually install a bit of my great wisdom and views as to what i think the problem is.

First i see that marvel still ranks in the top 5 most FGā€™s in terms of player participation and maybe even online views, but sadly itā€™s quantity is just too low for itā€™s iconic standards. 73 on the last one, which is 5 more than IJ2 (because IJ2 is a very shallow game that does get boring fast) while DBFZ and SF5 are WAAY above in the quantity.

In one aspect it shows that MVCI isnā€™t dead, because it has beaten games that got itā€™s place in evo however, for Marvel standards it can be viewed as way too low. MVC used to be what DBFZ gotā€¦ sometimes even higher so this 75 can still be perceived as a negative when clear out certain desperations and loyalty towards the product weā€™ve been following.

Whether DBFZ is going to last this long in popularity is another debate, but right now Marvel is a mediocre game.

Gameplay wise, it is goodā€¦ yes there are fun elements but there is this missing piece that i feel when playing it in where I just canā€™t get the same amount of desire or interest as i did with MVC2 and MVC3. It just seems so odd and at the same time you canā€™t feel that passion in the game as with the previous ones.

Itā€™s like, I like the game but I just donā€™t love it. I remember when MVC2 was new, the Greatest poster would really skip school sometimes because i was just so interested in making an actual teamā€¦ same goes with UMVC3. There was something in MVC that no other games had and i just donā€™t feel the same kind of ā€œspiceā€ in this game. Itā€™s like, i only like the game and stick by it due to my attachments to the series.

DBFZ is actually a fun game. I take back on what i said it about being a girls game. It is surely easy and scrub friendly but there is this element that MVC2 and MVC3 managed to give out.

In short, we can put the blame on capcom or disney for banning this game from evo, but the reality is this is just missing something.


is dbfz really easyer then mvci?
it feels for me much faster paced and the pressure/blockstrings you have to endure including the mixups while barely see anything due to all the flashyness and without pushblock to get opponents off of you. then you have to pick/learn 3 chars instead of just twoā€¦as much as people claim that dbfz is such a easy game i dont manage to get the hang on it at all with its pacing, rushdown/pressure orientated and combo system while i didnt had that feeling in mvci.

A mostly intelligent, well composed post from a well-known troll?
I may not like the new layout for the forums, but apparently there are some redeeming qualities.

If youā€™ve played Marvel 2, 3 or Skullgirls and understand 3v3 games already, DBFZ is already going to be simple. There are things about it that are simplified even if you dont account for the 3v3 part. Especially when it comes to all of the 2 button auto tracking stuff so spacing is never a huge factor for more than very short periods. Some of those things bypassing most of the standard fireballs in the game.

Vegeta assist and to a lesser extent beam assists are the only real strong neutral assists in the game so itā€™s much easier to decide which assist to pick. Thereā€™s only one assist per character and certain characters share the exact same assist with the exact same properties. Which even then the cooldowns are so long that you only are going to use them every like 10 seconds or so. Theyā€™re not like an extra poke or fireball that you can call almost anytime like older 3v3 games. Even in Marvel Infinite you can tag switch and put new things in the neutral at a much faster rate and pretty much make so many things into something that assists you in neutral. You see it with Hawkeye players who with the tag system can essentially have an FPS worthy list of arrows to use as assists for the other character. He shows off what the tag system really does to expand the game as you can tag off anything including normals and supers. Being able to literally capture the hit box of any move and use it in neutral for your other character.

In Marvel 3 there were a lot of things like THCā€™s, multiple assists that changed which DHC/THC you did that could greatly change how your team worked. In Infinite just the stone you pick alone can greatly change what a character can do in neutral or with their combos and supers and the tag system essentially gives each team its own set of neutral tools and assists that only that team can perform. Like Space Dr. Strange and Time Dr.Strange are pretty much 2 different characters especially when you account for what they can do with their storms.

I donā€™t understand why you had to say that in your post.

My posts where always intelligent. In fact, back in the UMVC3 days it was my posts that ended up manifesting in realityā€¦ My posts were more than theory blogging but actual intelligent perspectives that people can consider as prophecies.

Do your research.

Itā€™s easier because 1 factor is that they nearly play the same from what I see.

Sure there is rushdowns, zoning type of characters but characters are just not as polar opposites like MVC was from what iā€™ve tried.

An example is MVC3 Wolverine and MVC2 Magnetoā€¦Even when you start playing casuals (playing cpu is not casual gaming)you can really feel the difference in playing Magneto and Cable. In DBFZ itā€™s just not like that. The depth level of learning the type of game Vegeta plays in comparison to xx character isnā€™t that deep.

However, at the end of the day, regardless of MVCI having more depth in mechanics it is totally meaningless if the game just isnā€™t as interesting in feel. This is why DBFZ is a better game because it gives that personal investment while MVCI doesnā€™t do it as muchā€¦ they made the mistake that people only cared about the functionsā€¦ā€œnova functions like magneto blah3xā€¦ā€ .

We know through DBFZ that this isnā€™t true. They function at 70% the same but there is still a great personal investment in this due to itā€™s characters.

Another good example of the functions argument being wrong is me. During the days i was banned, many posters would try to be like meā€¦ Soviat stole a lot of my shit and made threads to get him popularā€¦ Zantarnlcon did the same, and anybody could do ā€œgoodā€ in a religion thread because i wasnā€™t there. Regardless of them trying ā€œfunctionā€ like me, they just were not the same. They didnā€™t have a legacy of great posts, they werenā€™t responsible for putting SRK on the map like how i did, they didnā€™t prophecies advancements like i did in the UMVC3 Blogspot thread, and they didnā€™t have a 10+ year undefeated religion thread streak like i did. No matter who comes or who goes there will always be One. Great. Poster that canā€™t be duplicated regardless of them ripping off my shitā€¦ and because of that SRK almost went out of business.

Does anyone see how similar MVCIā€™s bomb is to my banning? The whole 2v2+gems as well as the lack of x-men is the downfall of this game. The gems work just like how the assists where in the past; serving as that ā€œfunctionā€ā€¦ but there is just no personal interest and investment when designing xx/xx/gem. The gems just werenā€™t the same. They didnā€™t have that legendary legacy as Magneto, Sent, etc had in the metagamesā€¦ there is just no personal investment that i can draw for it when compared to the time it was a team game.

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I keep getting the itch to boot the game up and play for a while, but I get depressed knowing thereā€™s less than 20 people playing on PC.

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Marvel top 8 bout to start

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the Top 8 was pretty good. I really enjoyed watching Dual Kevinā€™s Hawkeye.

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Itā€™s impressive that they can do it, but I really hate watching Winter Soldier and Hawkeye. Feels Bad. :frowning:

With that said, really loved seeing all the other characters, especially Strange.

Pretty good diversity overall with characters. Just sucks that space and soul are still the only stones really worth bothering with. The other stones have fun stuff, but they dont turn things around when youā€™re pressed like Space and Soul do.

Oh and this Dual Kevin combo was sick.

Been a while since anyone posted here, so let me start things up again. This may be kind of a stretch, but since the Capcom USA headquarters are in San Fran, NCR is going on this weekend, and the rumors of more content on April 10 going around, I donā€™t think itā€™s odd to expect an announcement this weekend. Fingers crossed.

Everything is just rumors ATM. The latest Marvel LIVE video talks about rumors they heard about Max going to some part of Cali to try out some new DLC for a ā€œdead gameā€.

Supposedly itā€™s already been confirmed that Max was talking about DBFZ, but yeah thereā€™s still some things here and there about in the air. The only thing else that came out was the supposed text written out from some guy on Steam who said the game is completely done with DLC and will end support by Oct. 2018.

What actually is going to happen only time will tell. Supposedly part of the big issue with the game is a recent article that said Marvel didnā€™t want Capcom beating up on their characters so it was really tough to promote the game because of that. Basically Marvel/Disney are in a state now where itā€™s tough to do crossovers because they are taking absolute extremes to how you can display their characters in anything promotional. Hard to advertise Marvel vs Capcom without Marvel characters getting beat up.

Opened game.
Labbed in Training for about 2.5 hours.
Didnā€™t get a single match.
Closed game.
