MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Who ready for the BP update where he absorbs most projectiles and charges his suit for an area of effect blast? (Hey it’s MCU right? RIGHT?)

I was just about to say something about. Wakanda forever!

Give Winter Soldier’s Armor Ability to Black Panther

^ would be cool, albeit it would need to be applied differently.
I still find it funny that XCOTA was probably the most innovative in
powers and meter management. Was just down hill from there.

Idk if he mention this on his twitter feed but the 1st combo doesn’t work on some characters. For the second I will have to check with him. For anyone interested he also has some cool space tech in his feed.

@AsuraXgunner It’s likely not on smaller and female characters. Those Shell Kick combos look impractical. It takes an amount of execution.

Here’s hoping the demo really does mean an update is coming.


Make Morrigan great again!!

There’s a JP-exclusive AE and MVCI event in a couple of weeks.


Damn does this game have issues we never had to deal with before.
Didn’t know that lets say if you’re holding forward when the screen freezes
and you’re still holding forward if you try to input a special that needs that
forward input that shit is GONE if you try to do it immediately after the freeze.
I was wondering why so many of my firebrand inputs fucked up randomly.

Why is my favorite (and really only) game I play right now so Shite LOL
I mean I new it ate inputs during the screen freeze but I knew you could
buffer buttons. Stick inputs though? There’s some shoddy shit in this piece.

My computer is not powerful enough to run Marvel VS Capcom Infinite. Even though it have been built like a year ago. is there any way for fighting games nowadays to have PS2 Style 3D Graphics so that even the less powerful computers can run them?

Input freeze has been a thing for a while now. If it hasn’t been patched out by now I have to assume it’s by design. Maybe it’s because a lot of supers aren’t invincible on startup so if you miss your chance, you’re fucked?

I think it’s done to actually make invincible supers stronger. Otherwise you would get counter superd all the time.

I don’t see the point in doing Dante’s double jump combo as a starter. You get the same or even slightly more hits off a combo without it. Not to mention it’s easier to do the combos without risking messing up on the double jump combo timing. What I mean is with s double jump you can launch them up twice more but on the 3rd launch you can’t follow up with anything other than a hit in the air then any other button/special won’t connect. Without the double jump, just launching and using lp,lp,hp~special you get the second launch but you can follow it up with anything in the air. What I mean is with or without double jump combos you basically get the same hits and damage. Only difference is that with the double jumps you have to cancel after the second launch and without double jump you can cancel after the third. In a nutshell: why use double jump combos when a regular one does the same damage and hits and it’s harder to miss time it?

A very slight modification to @“Evil Canadian” 's easier BnB made it so that not only can I hit this combo on almost every character (will lab vs Arthur/Rocket later), but now I can get the corner carry I need to do some Noodly goodness.

EDIT: CONFIRMED, it will work on everyone, including midgets. You just turn s.hp into when cancelled into LK Donkey Kick

You don’t quite get what I’m saying. I knew it ate inputs during the freeze but if you kept your last input say buttons pressed and released it in a negative edge style you could keep your input after the screen freeze. What I’m saying is that negative edge doesn’t work on stick motions or something because if i keep holding forward I won’t have a forward input at all after freeze.

Top 8 should be starting in an hour

Any west coast guys there besides Chris g? Haven’t really been able to catch any of the tournament