MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

for those who want more moves for X well I made this fake move list.

Megaman X special moves

1 shotgun Ice

quarter circle foward and light punch

2 Electric Spark

charge back for two seconds and press foward and light punch

3 Rolling Shield

quarter cicrle foward plus medium punch

4 Homing Torpedo
charge back for two seconds and press medium punch
5 Boomerang Cutter
quarter cricle foward and light kick.

6 Chameleon Sting

charge back for two seconds press light kick

7 Storm Tornado

quarter circle foward and medium kick

8 Fire Wave

charge back for two seconds and press medium kick.

9 Sonic Slicer
dragon punch motion and light punch

10 Strike Chain
dragon punch motion and medium punch

11 Spin Wheel
dragon punch motion and light kick

12 Bubble Splash

dragon punch motion and medium kick.

13 Speed Burner

quarter circle back and light punch

14 Silk Shot

quarter circle back and medium punch

15 Magnet Mine

quarter circle back and light kick

16 Crystal Hunter

quarter circle back and medium kick

17 Acid Burst

Half-circle forward and light punch

18 Tornado Fang

Half circle forward and medium punch

19 Triad Thunder

Half circle forward and light kick

20 Spinning Blade

Half circle forward and medium kick

21 Ray Splasher

full circle forward and light punch

22 Gravity Well

full circle forward and medium punch

23 Parasitic Bomb

Full circle forward and light kick

24 Frost Shield

full circle forward and medium kick

25 Lightning Web

half circle back and light punch

26 Soul Body
Half circle back and medium punch

27 Aiming Laser
half circle back and light kick

28 Double Cyclone
half circle back and medium kick

29 Rising Fire

full circle back and light punch

30 Frost Tower

full circle back and medium punch

31 ground hunter

full circle back and light kick

32 Twin Slasher

full circle back and medium kick

33 Crescent Shot

charge down for two seconds and press light punch

34 Goo Shaver
charge down for two seconds and press medium punch

35 Tri-Thunder

charge down for two seconds and press light kick

36 Firefly Laser

charge down for two seconds and press medium Kick

37 Dark Hold

hold light punch for two seconds and release

38 Ground Fire

hold medium punch for two seconds and release

39 Spike Ball

hold light kick for two seconds and release

40 Yammar Option

hold light punch and light kick for two seconds and release

41 Ground Dash

hold medium punch and medium kick for two seconds and release

42 Magma Blade

hold light punch and medium punch for two seconds and release

43 Ice Burst

hold light kick and medium for two seconds and release

44 Meteor Rain

hold light punch and medium kick for two seconds and release

45 Metal Anchor

hold medium punch and light kick for two seconds and release

46 Guard Shell

hold light punch , medium punch, light kick and medium kick for two seconds and release

47 Ray Arrow

press light punch rapidly

48 Volt Tornado

press medium punch rapidly

49 Splash Laser

press light kick rapidly

50 Circle Blaze

press medium kick rapidly

51 Moving Wheel

press both light punch and medium punch rapidly

52 Wind Cutter

press both light kick and medium kick rapidly

53 Explosion

press both light punch and light kick rapidly

54 Gaea Shield

press both medium punch and medium kick rapidly.

55 Green Spinner

press light punch and medium kick rapidly

56 Shining Ray

press medium punch and light kick rapidly

57 Shadow Runner

press all 4 buttons rapidly

58 Squeeze Bomb

forward back forward and back plus light punch

59 Crystal Wall
forward back forward , and back plus medium punch

60 Thunder Dancer
forward back forward back and light kick.

61 Drift Diamond
forward back forward back and medium kick

62 Melt Creeper

pretzel motion plus light punch

63 hadoken

quarter circle forward and half circle back plus light punch ( only when in light armor mode)

65 Shoryuken

quarter circle forward and half circle back plus medium punch ( only when in light armor mode)


1 power up mode ( light armor, Ultimate Armor, Gaea Armor , Shadow Armor , and X-Fire

two half circle motions forward plus light punch and light kick for light armor ( turns changes properties of special moves)

2 charge shot / flaming charge shot when using X-fire armor mode

Two half cricle motions foward plus medium punch and medium kick for Ultimate armor

two half circle motions forward plus light punch and medium punch for Gaea Armor

two half cricle motions forward plus light kick and medium kick for Shadow Armor

two half circle motions forward plus medium punch and light kick for X-Fire Armor ( increase damage on all flame relate special moves )

level 3 hypers

3 Giga attack ( only in Shadow armor and Gaea Armor modes. )
two quarter circle motions forward plus light punch and medium punch

4 Beam saber ( only in light armor mode)

two quarter circle motions forward plus light punch and medium punch

5 Nova Strike ( only in ultimate armor mode)

two quarter circle motions forward plus light punch and medium punch

a total of over 60 moves. I say thatā€™s more than enough for a large arsenal move set. wait does X even need this many moves , does he really need his entire arsenal? Well yes if you want practically the most unplayable character ever.

Seriously who in their right mind would want such a large move set in a 2d fighting game itā€™s madness !

For people who want more moves for Black Panther I made this fake moves list.

No, no I didnā€™t.


Hopefully Dante goes down the tier list if MegaMan gets a list that large in True Believers Edition.

I think BP is being slept on. FilthieRichā€™s BP is sweet.

BP still sucks.

Na BP is a sleeper for sure, BP/Soul specifically imo, he just needs the right partner. The idea is that having BP on point allows you to quickly change direction back and forth and thus blocking stance. So BP basically acts as a ghost for your partner who gets to take advantage of the the fact that the point character makes it impossible to know which side heā€™s on. So if facing two characters at a time when character two has no directional preference, some times he canā€™t even be hit without getting through or being crossed up by his partner first. All hypothetical of course.

Just level 1 super with Nova or Zero, problem solved plus TAG. BP still terrible. By that logic Ghost rider is near unbeatable since he can do the same type of which way did he go with chain super plus teleport character without wasting a storm.

I like the idea, but the theory play sounds like a two edged blade because your character that is revived is already at low health and if BP is jumping off walls or doing something that changes sides you may block incorrectly while an opponent does random hyper.
It would be nice to post ideas like this in the sub-forums / characters forums so we can have people try to make new tech. In general I think we need to participate in the sub forums just look at the sorry state that the Spencer forum is in.

Fuck Spencer

I know he is an ugly bastard, but the sub forums do need some love from us. Just using his sub forum to make my point, that we havenā€™t even covered all the basics in those sub-forums.

Is funny that even if they are both nerfed from their superior Marvel 3 forms, Morrigan is still better than Spencer.

I didnā€™t expect that honestly.

Could be nothing, but this is peculiar timing given recent events.

What could that mean? Any ideas?

It would be really strange for the Vs demo to come out NOW of all times, so maybe thereā€™s something more on the horizon?

Another vs demo is interesting. I canā€™t imagine theyā€™d still want to be pushing demos of the game unless they have something planned down the road.

I think we should be hearing something pretty soon.

Iā€™ve learned my lesson not to get my hopes up.

(but Iā€™m still getting my hopes up at least a little)

Thereā€™s something down the pipe but yeah donā€™t get to excited.

Maybe its an attempt to remind people the game still exists? An attempt to reel people back? Strange.