MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Isn’t true at all.

Disagree on that one.

I really don’t know why today while i was driving i started reminiscing about all of the fun times i had with this game. It is such a shame for it to be in this state.
I really want to play but i can’t find anyone.

Anyone in the EU/middle east region that want to play on PS4 ?
Id is : moraelgamed

Add me and hopefully we can get any fun games going because this game is way too much fun to not be played.

Everyone here should check Black Panther.

Awesome movie!!!

Hopefully Marvel rides momentum and announces Season 2 news or something for Infinite soon as well.

Lack of developer support definitely hurt this game. All the silence and missed opportunities to speak has certainly left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths. When the game was announced I was the happiest person you’d ever meet, but over time my passion towards the game has decreased significantly. My peers, who i played UMVC3 with, rejected this game at the first chance. Online was increasingly becoming scarce. Much similar to Street Fighter X Tekken, the one Capcom game I truly dedicated my time to. The presentation was lackluster, I certainly can’t deny that. My casual friend’s enjoyed playing it, but lamented how the menu’s and UI looked. DBZF came and really blew this game away. It making it into EVO has certainly proved that. Capcom must do an AE with and it will become a great success, but right now it’s fading into mediocrity.

Any Marvel heads watching this?

Still think this is way more fun than DBFZ. Pick up some invincible reversal characters or lock people in the box if you don’t like getting hit.

If I can train up my Jedah BW teak fast enough I’d like to enter the next online warriors. Looks fun

I wasn’t quoting Marvel Comics lore, it was the MCU, so don’t worry about it. Nova has yet to play a lead role in a GotG movie so as of now he’s still sidelined much like the rest of the Nova Corps. Until Nova makes an appearance in GotG we can not say, and as of now Peter Quill is still the main protagonist. And it’s obvious why Nova is in MvCI, because the assets were there, but there’s no excuse to exclude Star Lord when he’s basically the central focus of the MCU episodes, which is what MvCI is taking its direction from.

And don’t accuse me of taking shots, look at my profile and I guarantee you every single dislike is from defending the shit out of this game.

Since Capcom has been accused of rushing the game, I think biding their time until they have a massive upswing ready for display might not be the worst idea.

Let DBFZ play out for a bit and resurrection (COME ON GILL!) after the heat has died down and hopefully a new momentum can be established.

The fact that Star-Lord and Loki aren’t in a MCU focused game is a joke. Real talk, having those two would have made up for no X-Men. And, I’m being brutally honest as someone who plays Arthur, Arthur/Spencer/Firebrand should not have been in the game over Wesker/Amaterasu/Viewtiful Joe/Vergil/Phoenix Wright.

PW should not have been in but VJ would have definitely been better than Arthur.

Honestly I like this game than SFxT and also I think that this is better than SFxT, It’s even better than SFV in terms of initial release of package content but right now it’s doing worst than those two games in just a few months.

There’s more people playing UMVC3 on steam than MvCI. Honestly never thought I’d see that, but the games are different enough and it’s not like MvCI makes UMVC3 look dated. On an LOL fighting games note, Unreal Tournament 1999 has more players than both those games combined LOL

stream reached 911 viewers in it;s first 15 min. This game is dead? Looks like it’s corporate greed thats “killing” this game, not the lack of meta.


The meta is awesome. Hawkeye and Coon taking over.

Hawkeye is so good that a mirror match is a bad matchup. :lol:

In a game where air movement is nowhere close to UMVC3 and there’s no chicken blocking? Yeah, guy that can confirm into mad damage from full screen with traps and safe tags will be damn good.

Let’s be real though, UMvC3 does make MvCI look dated lol

I think the thing with these games is how deep they are and how much time it takes for people to fully realise the potential of every aspect of its nature. MvC2 for example ran for around 8 years before it really started to drop off the radar, and with Ultimate only having a life span of 5 years I can fully understand why people are still playing and exploring every nuance of its mechanics and meta.

With MvC2, besides the likes of JWong, Duc Do, Yipes and Sanford, you have to remember names like ROM, Mike_Z, Shady K, Ghengis, Magnetro, Joo, Yuta, etc, they all made huge contributions to the understanding of system mechanics, physics, strategies, counter strategies, team dynamics and all the little nooks and crannies the game has.

Ultimate is no different, it is equally great in depth and has still yet to be completely understood. I waited for years to see Morridoom get the treatment, and I don’t know the current progress of the game’s meta, but I remember constantly screaming at the monitor “ACTIVATE DEVIL TRIGGER! VORTEX!” every single time Dante players in the world sat there on 5 bars doing absolutely nothing. I still want to see people push them selves to their peak.

It’s still a great game and characters have still yet to be pushed to their limits, and with the botched job of Infinite I can understand why it’s still so popular. I have still yet to see big revelations from Ultimate so until Infinite fixes its self I’ve got respect for the players still rocking their game. But I would like things to move on, because Infinite has so much more potential, we just need Capcom to be on our side. Let’s not hope that the word “Infinite” is a curse for the future of the series.

I wouldn’t say it’s “so popular” what are tournament numbers for UMVC3 right now? I know steam got like an average of 40 players but that’s a HORRIBLE metric to base popularity off of.