MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I’ll start hopping on my PS4 again then when I have some more time. I was hoping to go full PC Master Race but being DBFZ isn’t clicking with me right now in the lab or in sets I’ll go back to that.

Yea, that’s him!

Arthur is underrated.

My friend, @Theory_Fighter @TheoryFighter
Plays Arthur X Morrigan. And it’s annoying as hell to fight against. With guaranteed invincibly on a lot of things, they both get the chance to fight. And Arthur with a free level three into tag can be so devastating.

Whose 1st and 2nd? Also what stone?

Thanks @“Evil Canadian” !

Morrigan X Arthur, I believe. Soul stone.

I’ve moved over to DBZ temporarily for various reasons. Firstly this is massively reminisce of HNK and SBX for me, where Arc got anime licences from other companies and made some pretty good kusoge, which I loved. I want to relive that and enjoy DBZ for what it is, which is a really fun fighter, not as much kusoge. Also it has thousands of players online, something I struggle getting on Infinite for some reason, so I’ve got more to do than just lab it out, even the RPG story mode is fun.

I just think Capcom need to take their head out of their ass. I mean I’ve supported Infinite in every possible way, I’ve been the #1 shill from day one, I’ve bought the game, I’ve bought the season pass, I’ve bought the costume pack, there’s literally nothing more I can do to support Marvel and Capcom without them now giving something back to me and the rest of us.

Having an unbalanced cast is just whack, it’s the shittiest and most dumbfounding thing to happen since the shittiest of all Marvel games MSHvSF and Noromaru. Having a Marvel character on the Capcom side just looks fucking dumb and the fact that it’s not even being followed up in the public eye just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know how badly criticised this game is and I take both sides, personally I don’t care about the graphics I like them and I love the gameplay, but I do agree that the cast is stale and more should have been and still should be done to polish the game off.

It doesn’t even have anything to do with the X-Men! I mean you’ve got Gamora, Rocket and Groot, but no Star Lord? I just find that incomprehensible. After all Peter Quill is the only human strong enough to hold the Power Stone, it’s not like he isn’t central to the GotG or anything, yet Nova Core still gets a bigger nod. People wonder when Nova (a side GotG character) will be in GotG, where as I wonder when Star Lord (the main GotG character) will be in MvCI. Still waiting.

Right now DBZ is a good distraction, and correct me if I’m wrong but Evo didn’t get the nod from Marvel to place Infinite in its main lineup, if what Joey Wizard says is true. Capcom did announce that they need to reevaluate the quality of production of their titles, and I think DBZ is a good kick up the arse for them, maybe enough to dislodge their heads a little bit.

Even in the development of fighting games it’s all about competition, and I’m thinking Melee and DBZ will be the two biggest games this Evo, dunno about you but that’s just me. Melee is huge, it always has been and always will be, and DBZ is likewise going to draw in a shit ton of casual viewers.

Times are changing, things need to grow and so does Capcom. I’ve been watching The Arrow and The Flash, and honestly I’m not a DC fan, and I’m looking at Injustice 2 and thinking how fucking amazing it looks and what a job NRS have done. I’m actually quite enjoying DC for a while, even though I’m more of a Marvel fan, and that’s saying something.

I think the harder Capcom fall the stronger they’ll get back up, and that’s the side I’m taking for the time being.


I definitely get where you’re coming from. I can’t deny any of the faults you’ve spoken of. It’s all true. :frowning:

And a lot of people think the gameplay is ass. Granted some things they just don’t want to deal with. IE screen freeze eating inputs
which really can turn a match to shit. Oh and as much as people thought tagging would be cool, a lot of people hate this long stupid
traps you can barely push block out of even if they’re easier to block than some of the old bullshit in other games. The thing is in other
games just rolling your stick to upback didn’t get you killed. Seriously MODOK could upback better than the whole cast of MVCI LOL!
It’s all just too easy to set up.

Now I still get a kick out of it, but I’m also a bit immune to getting mad at bullshit since I’m not a tournament player. Now people will
play it in tournaments but honestly there’s little incentive to practice or even play it other than tournaments.

It’s possible that Disney is the reason why this game isn’t at evo

Clockw0rk once said he thought it was the best Marvel system Capcom have ever made since MvC2 and I’m inclined to agree. We can talk all day about UMvC3, but at the end of the day you can’t complain about inescapable traps when we’ve had to deal with Morridoom since 2013. It’s all about the neutral and in this game at least we have that, if you lose in the neutral you get busted and that’s the way it is, with Morridoom there was no fair neutral and you got busted anyway, and it took Marvel history’s very best players to conquer that. At least in Infinite you have the opportunity to build meter and burst out of the situation, so even the inescapable is still escapable. It just needs to sit and cook for a bit.

Disney doesn’t want the game in the public eye because it’s a failure. And guess who’s fault that was…

I have no problems with this game other than pc optimization being wack and get more hype playing and watching it than I do DBFZ. That is all

Beginner: Likes to be able to feel like they can compete at a game with the least amount of effort possible simply by making the most basic decisions with their favorite character.

Midlevel player: Likes to feel rewarded of grinding out crazy combos to makeup for their terrible movement with their favorite character or at least a character they like, prone to fucking up
as they try to push their skill gap.

High Level player: Rightfully likes to be able to execute high level combos, be rewarded for advanced character control, and break the game if possible. They will typically settle for whatever character
they can do the most shit with that fits their playstyle.

Right now the execution of high level combos is only really useful if there’s one character left, so the midlevel player finds himself in the same playing
field as a smart beginner. The neutral while there naturally goes to the characters with the best tools, and mid level players are born try hards typically even
if they happen to play a top tier. So you lose the midlevel players which comprise most of the fighting game scene out of the gate because they’ll get crushed by
high level players without any fanfare and find themselves struggling against mid auto combo players that have found a good gimmick. I still say pre patch Dante

  • reality stone was probably the worst thing to happen to this game. Power stone shenanigans helped put the nail in the coffin.

Disney doesn’t approve of thuggery.

I got these cheeseburgers man…

Well I’m a mid level player, with high level aspirations but low level success, due to lack of commitment; that fits your criteria to a tee and I’m still here. I’d say for good while I was predominantly an HNK player, in my opinion it’s one of the best games ASW have made. It’s faithful to the anime, one touch and you’re dead, and I accept that mentality.

From 2003 to like 2007 I watched MvC2 religiously and the same rules apply at high level, and I accept that also. I am very comfortable with the idea that because I’ve made a mistake I’m going to pay heavy for it, I have no qualms with that, in fact I like it, that’s why I dislike modern day SF.

I like games that are difficult, I like games that have intricacies like “pushblock superjump guard cancelling”, I like games that actively force you to be a better player by learning better movement, spacing, screen control, reactions etc, instead of leaving you scratching your head. At least in this genre it’s blatantly obvious what mistakes you’ve made and what you need to do to fix them, where as with SF you could spend weeks analysing replays and learn absolutely nothing, remaining in that vortex of never progressing. I think the problem is that beginners and mid level players are often floaters, bouncing from game to game, and constantly having to shift that mentality, so it never sticks.

I guess that’s just the type of game I like, whether I’m a beginner, mid level or high level player. Hell yeah I’m waiting for the SF 30th collection so I can play some A3 and 3S.

Still here but currently playing DBZ which I heard has a lower skill ceiling, buy skill us subjective honeslty. You didn’t pay dearly for early games actually it was HARDER to break someone with good defense. I’d write out the differences in earlier SF and even Marvel, but Sanford Kelly actually spelled it out better. Normally I don’t quote any of these guys.

I suggest that if you know nothing about Marvel Comics lore, don’t talk about that.

Nova > Starlord. Nova besides being the leader of the Nova Corps, was also the GOTG leader even with Starlord there.

That was at the time of the Thanos Imperative. Plus, his huge role in Annihilation.

Infinite has some issues, small as they may be and if you don’t want to continue playing, fine, but those reasons are shallow and seems like grasping to take shots at Infinite honestly.