MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Man, there was this Arthur/ Strange timestone team that trolled me hard. I was using Hawkeye/ BP power and he would kill my BP and then run the time out. Leveled up my Hawkeye/ X mindstone team and proceeded to punish raw teleports, block covered teleport mix-ups, and win 2-1. I love this game!

Funny, I think I’ve run into that guy before.

Would he do raw level 3’s with Arthur followed by a tag-in with Strange and then constant Timestone/Teleport spam to cross you up while Arthurs level 3 was still going on? If so I think I played against him too. :lol:

I am guessing the guy your talking about is on the ps4 network and is between 10th to 8th rank. If that is the case then I fought him a while back.

So it’s about time we did an MvCI SRK Round Robin with my steam heads. We got who?

Who else?

We could round up SCMike, Emily Lux, and a couple other people from the other Discord I reckon.

Just not this week please. Apart from Lag Stone taking place this weekend I’m going to be at Xanadu.

Damn fighting games on PC be gasping for air lol! I wonder how these numbers would look on PS4. The culling of DBFZ’s casual population is insane. 10K players to 3K? Wow.

@“po pimpus” sends his love.

DBFZ lost almost 14x the playerbase on PC in 3 weeks that MVCI got in its entire lifetime.

Too bad they didnt balance the obviously broken Dante&Dorm at the start. People were theorizing “Dante god tier to pull in casuals” turns out casuals practicly never came over and Dante-SSStier-again bored the shit of veteran after a month. (then when he was nerfed to normaldom a glitch was discovered that put him back on the pedestal for another month and then some before it was finally resolved.). This combined with the lack of communication from capcom’s part and Disney’s whole “Dont e-sport our stuff peasants”. Never got the optimism going in the community.

I didn’t see too many people exploiting the glitch in the general space. Dante definitely pissed a lot of people off though because crazy cool style is only crazy cool and stylish when the characters new. Now seeing all that shit is really ho-hum especially with the lowered execution barrier.

Overall though? It’s the gameplay that drove off the FGC. In NyC a lot of the MvC3 vets tried to stick with it but too different, too much BS, like they doubled down on the stuff people complained about
in MvC3 mechanic wise, and really? Noone really likes the Stone surge mechanic. (It fucks with the match too much and hearing them call it out constantly is annoying. At least with realities nerf it ceased
being AS annoying, but Power is really close. Steam is filled with almost nothing but Power and Soul users. The power users entire gameplay surrounds the surge. Spamming space and others outside of a lockdown will get you killed after all)

It would be hard for me to coordinate with y’all what with the 3 hour time difference, but if we could work it out I’d totally be down.

I’m not surprised. There are hella casuals on Steam. As people get a lot better playing online, they are just going to drop it and move on to the new thing.

There will still be a strong playerbase on PC tho. I’d rather play the same people who don’t suck rather than a gaggle who are questionable at the game.

It dropped that much?

Nah it’s still around 6k peak everyday.

8,000 people dropped off in 3 weeks since it’s been out. Granted there’s still an average of 10K but still that’s crazy. Just shows you how niche fighters are despite high profile IP’s and proper presentation.

I mean, that’s still above 10% of the game’s all-time peak.
Sadly, Marvel is lucky if it’s hitting 1% of its max.

Tekken so far keeps impressive numbers though considering it’s been out for a while. Still shit for a PC game but good for a fighter LOL

Randoms only play fighters for the casual shit then peace out. 44000 people saw a new DBZ game and that’s probably about all they cared about. They do so much game hopping any way. Not like us where we stick to a set of games.

I still get matches on PS4. Playing and liking MVCI is better than playing and not liking DBFZ so I’ll stick to that along with AE. The tag system and stones let you do so much and changes teams based on which you have. I love that it lets you turn what you want into just about anything.

is that terry crews in the back?

lol at yipes