MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

@“po pimpus”

Your anger makes me happy when I feel sad. I love that you spend time here, despite the fact you have DBZF. You must really love MVCi. :slight_smile:

Didn’t realise Po got banned. Oh well.

You’re not alone.

TONIGHT, the lights come back on.

PC players, join us tonight at 9 PM EST at

The TO has recovered from the superflu, the Ranbats are back on.

Cool if I got time I’ll come through with my Dragon Scales!

He said he got Wolverine vs Ryu. I stopped watching it after he said that. Also, nothing new here kids just some non-marvel player fishing for easy likes.

Are those guys the devs?

Eventhough we’ve been talking a while about this, i still can’t understand why MVCI isn’t at evo. I don’t get why JWONG or anybody won’t say anything about it or against it; why won’t they play it? The gameplay is not as bad and would probably be more exciting to watch than what we have at evo now.

What gives?

The gameplay have a respect. But the roster inclusions however… like certain X-Men such as Wolverine & Sentinel mostly, even Akuma & Wesker, something the EP1 Storyline lack of.

Why would anyone care about ep1 storyline?

Gameplay is amazing, not not as bad. Much better than most that are going to evo, which is shitty.

Also what’s riduculous is the devs not saying anything. I mean from the start it looked like they WANTED this game to fail, wtf man?

been taking a few days to avoid all the “no marvel at evo” or “marvels dead” business. I was wondering besides Jako Man is there any other YouTube or twitch streamers that I should be following?

Well, if anything, Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution didn’t make it to Evolution 2005 either.

Yeah, I’m going to start some drama and keep a regular Marvel Stream popping soon. I’ll post up and become one of the brave in the next week.
Just getting the branding taken care of. I genuinely like this game even though it sucks. I know sounds ridiculous but it’s the only fighter with my
dragon scales.

The lobby was great!

MVCI started at around the 1 hour mark.

Well… Good thing this is good news

-DELETED- move to above. please skip this

Couldn’t find your lobby ha, post the code next time.

I’m not the TO, you’ll need to actually go into the twitch chat next time and request that you want in.