MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Goddamn you people are drunk off the Capcom-flavored Kool-aid (tastes like shit, I imagine)…

The only good thing you can say about this game is that it’s combat engine is solid… Which would have worked in 1997, but it’s 2018… We’ve seen better, we HAVE better.

EVERYTHING else about this game is trash. Crap visuals. Lifeless UI and menus. Dull, forgettable music. A roster that NO ONE can get hype for outside of like 4-5 characters. Voice direction straight out of a Harmony Gold anime dub from 1987. The worst PR campaign since DmC. The audacity of the first trailer since the teaser shoving DLC and Season Pass bullshit in our faces with absolutely no shame or forethought on the implications of selling additional content before we ever decided if the base game was worth buying. The shill, yes shill ass “pros” and their yes men fans hyping this shit up like their paychecks depended on it (because they did) despite having “functioning” eyes and ears.

The absolutely disgusting, disingenuous, soulless feeling this game gives off, as it was made by committee and not desire that permeates every fiber of this product… A feeling that is magnified X1000 when held up to the absolutely stunning love letter to fans that is DBFZ…

This shit was doomed from jump, and has earned every bit of criticism and backlash it received. Don’t you DARE try to argue otherwise and expect to be taken seriously.

The “haters” didn’t kill Marvel, YOU did by not manning up, facing facts about it’s flaws and doing something other than digging your heads into this sandbox of a forum and hoping we’d all get “left behind”.

For every 10 Pos that flamed the fuck out of this crap, 5 @“DevilJin 01” s sat silent when they could have been using their shill connections to get something done and save this sinking ship.

Shillville got blown up, but I ain’t the one that dropped the nuke-- Your boys at Capcom and their self-appointed PR agents like DevilShill01 did that.

Still salty about being banned eh? Even when you’ve “won”, you act in pathetically small ways. Really sad.

@“po pimpus” Everyone knows you dislike MvCi and that’s fine, you are entitled to your opinion.
I am sick and tired however of you calling out everyone and their dog being shills etc.

You don’t add any productive to the MvCi subforum so please refrain from posting here, other mods have told you this before.
Unless you want a “permanent vacation” courtesy of yours truly.

You have had the only warning I intend to give.

You want it. ok. Still not going to happen. I posted right after the last DLC batch that it was weird they didnt announce anything after BoF. And the “leak list” were looking a lot more like “wishlist”. I’d love nothing more to be wrong on this. But Capcom wont pay to make DLC when their projection with it is “it wont even recup the cost of the 50k server fee sony and microsoft are asking.”.

MVCi is a game with fun gameplay. Horrendous mobile grade quality graphics for half the cast. And was plagued with shitty balancing from the get go.
It’s the “why you should either do it right or never do it at all” of fighting game.

I still think there will be some more DLC because it’s already been made but if there’s not. Who cares.

Apart from like 4 characters this game is actually pretty balanced right now once you understand the object of the game, and those 4 characters just need slight numbers moves around to help them out.

EDIT: I missed this completely, but Deviljin, if you have any shill connections see what needs to be done to get a PS4/XB1/Steamworks port of SFxT v2013 up and running!

I gotta say GG’s for UnSaxon for an ol’ bastard who downplays himself it was gg’s.
Even better you stuck around for all 10 even though you didn’t win 1. That’s what’s
up. Connection actually seemed decent too.

Helped me decompress for sure, was stressing out. Now I remember why I came back
to fighters. Win/lose it gets that frustration out off of real life BS with fake BS. Any other
SRK heads want to play me on steam holla:

Is it bad that the only thing I have a hard time believing about that post is MvCI getting 3 more characters?

@WorstPlayer I don’t mind getting hit with the cheap stuff as long as I know that I deserved to be hit. :wink:

And even though I didn’t win any, I felt like I was at least holding my own (except in that one almost Perfect game haha).

Don’t listen to that Po pimpus guy. Mvci is a great game. The best thing about it imo is Chris redfields’ face because he looks like a retarded person does IRL. I print that shit out and put it on the wall. Makes me happy everytime i see it.


I don’t remember that one. Games were all pretty close. I think once you switched out Sigma
we had more of a game going. Your Sigma team was really more about me fucking up than
anything else. (which really is what Sigma and characters like him do best, gatekeepers against sloppy play.)

Both of us don’t Luminous Body for shit I noticed.

Well said and agreed. :tup:

Po can’t refrain from posting here because he plays a Sigma/X team and is garbage with them. :coffee:

Po was the only reason this thread was fun.

I’m not sure if this is a joke post or not so I’ll just pretend it’s only slightly serious.
Dragonball fans are known to practically stay on anything Dragonball for a good couple of years if not moreso. I’ve seen people still play Xenoverse on the PS3 and I know there’s still plenty who play Xenoverse 2 even now.

Thinking DBFZ is going to die out quickly isn’t happening even in a fake scenario.

Hell no, KOFXIV literally died for less! Marvel Infinite has so many issues that it wouldn’t have mattered if no one talked about the game, it still would have sold dog shit simply because of Capcom’s continuous blunders finally hitting critical mass.

MvCi is kinda ass tho. He could’ve summed his synopsis up in a few words.

I want to believe something amazing would still happen.

The best thing I can say in MvCI’s defense is that we definitely aren’t seeing another fast-paced Capcom fighter in the next few years, so it’s always going to have a handful of hangers-on that will run 6-man tournaments at majors.

In honor of Po.