MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

It what makes this hurt the most because this is like the 3rd game that’s come out or I’ve discovered that I wanted to put time in and all it was met with was ridicule. It makes me feel like a dinosaur.

who the fuck is john d?

If you don’t know then you got left behind. :sad:

As unfortunate as it may sound, I don’t think Capcom cares too much about what the community does with the game. The community will play the game regardless of what happens as we are seeing right now. It’s the other guys they need to captivate. If there isn’t a possibility to attract the general public to the game again with a profitable Season 2, I don’t think they will do it. Marvel Infinite can be a part of every major from here until EVO and I don’t think it would sway Capcom’s mindset UNLESS they were to some how do right by EVERYONE and convince them to give Infinite another chance.

The amount of work and polish that Capcom would have to do to make the FGC give Infinite another try is probably more work than Capcom is cut out for, which is why I think they won’t do it.

I have to agree with this.

I remember Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 only getting like 2-3 patches because of a simple deadline from Marvel but honestly, I think not only the dealine for Infinite has passed, but so has any real chance of Capcom bothering to fix the game has disappeared as well.

BUT, maybe Capcom could try and do something if people showed dedication to it regardless.
BUT, I also disagree with the fact that the vocal minority or whatever destroyed the game because it’s kinda hard to say vocal minority when almost everyone and their mothers shat on the game. It’s disparaging and can really make a company know they fucked up but it’s worse when Capcom has done nothing to sway people into buying the game, no delays, barely any touchups past Chun-Li(when again there is far worse face models that people was pointing out) or the presentation as a whole.

Not to mention Capcom is still a business and there needs to be a reason to waste money for all of these fixes which with AE it was the chance to right the wrong that they pulled with SFV(which I’m not even sure if it’s a success outside of people who already have SFV to be frank.) but there really is none with MvC:I and that’s the thing that makes it harder to see them bothering.

not sure if legit

People are likely just burned out. Sure, Marvel is getting shitted on and being kicked to the curb while DBFZ, NRS games, etc are making the stage but I think those games are “fireworks” displays.

Their lifespan will probably be short. What will likely happen is that people will end up craving for Marvel once all the hype for the other new games are done (i’ll give it a year until people want to return to Marvel) because their is very little that can be explored in some of these new FG’s that people are jacking off to.

DBFZ looks like a girls game to me and i just think that people will have everything figured out with this game by late summer, which means that it’s metagame will get boring pretty fast.

Marvel will come back once people realize the shallowness of the current evo features and how they just didn’t create the same kind of emotional hype Marvel events have for so many years.

You also have to remember. SRK almost died itself, until I returned and saved this site in less than 2 days.

Anyone complaining about “X-men” and “social issues” must not realize what the whole point of the X-men franchise is about.

I remember when the the first thing people thought on random post was probably fake. Which if you read the damn post it is if you know anything about Disney
despite being a big company being relatively liberal. (It was one of the first company to give partner benefits for gay people for instance.) No wonder people are
so damn confused nowadays when any joe shmoe post that illicits a feeling gets reposted.

Why would Disney want to kill off the xmen? A franchise that’s popular worldwide? Also who the fuck are the inhumans? Wtf?

Not legit at all.

Marvel ressurected Jean Grey after more than a decade being dead and X-Men Red has received lots of praise plus Iceman among others.

The X-Men are finally getting their good mojo back so it makes absolutely zero sense to shut them down seeing as they are a money machine for Marvel.

Fake rumor.

This is the kind of nonsense that has damaged this game.

All these fake and stupid rumors targeting it.

I never seen a game and a solid game at that, receive so much toxic stupidity and drama all around it.

Absolutely ridiculous!!!

lol nothing in that steam post makes any sense

Hence why I feel like the FGC has passed me by.

Do you guys remember last November when that NeoGAF guy spread a false rumor that Capcom was filing for bankruptcy, citing an article that you could have done a 1-second google search for to realize he didn’t exist, and didn’t even post his source? The day that went out, it started getting some buzz on twitter as Maximillian retweeted it, apparently thinking it was true. I caught up a couple of hours before I left work, and then went to the gym and came home to see that Capcom was now trending on twitter. I thought if it had gone that viral that perhaps there was some credence, but nope. Everyone just wanted to nut themselves dreaming about Capcom selling off their IPs to whoever and it wasn’t until like 8 PM that someone finally called the guy out, and the buzz eventually died off.

People wanna get so caught up in their hate trains that they can’t even check their sources. That’s basically what happened to MVCI. There was negative buzz about the game that it ultimately never recovered from, people were calling players who liked the game “shills” for a long time. My favorite insult it got was that MVCI “was inspired by SFxT’s engine” like that was a bad thing. They didn’t even explain why that was bad, it was just that statement, which by itself is pretty neutral, was used as a weakness. Considering a lot of players who cut their nails in SFxT are now doing very well in other games (Coolkid and Esuta in SFV, and Fergus in Tekken 7), I’m not sure how that’s a bad thing.

MVCI basically became the pariah for all things people hated about Capcom in the FGC.

It’s simple. “People always find what they’re looking for”. If you want something to be the case, you’ll take any opportunity, even a completely baseless rumor, to use it to fulfill what you want to be the case. It’s why The Usual Suspects worked as well as it did both in reality and in the movie. You try to believe in something so much you don’t bother to take what you’re given with any sort of contempt.

If you wanted to kill something, you wouldn’t buy it. Obviously.

In b4 Po’s witty remark “And they didn’t.”

This is so absurd. Not believable at all.

It’s the Russians.

Wha chu say?