MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Uhm, MvCI is going to be at every major sans Evo so far, but honestly while I will continue to play it for now and buy any DLC that comes out I’m fine with it disappearing. I had a pretty solid 5 months of gaming.

And honestly I’m not getting any better myself. So meh.


I actually think so. The lack of X-men shows that Disney was the problem and it gives me the impression that they dictated more of the politics concerning the game. It was even stated during it’s prelaunch that Marvel is actually more involved with MVCI than with the past games and you can see it from the music and how MCU themed this is.

Back on the lack of X-men. For long FG series that have a long time following, it is important for a fighting game to have it’s foundation/pantheon characters the reason why is because this (whether you realize it or not) builds a bridge of relevance of the series to long time players. You can have the same title with a few different mechanics but if a huge chunk of the games most legendary characters are taken off it just removes the whole sentimental feel of the franchise that players have followed for many years.

An example of this was Vanilla MVC3 where Strider was absent. IMO: Wolverine, Magneto, Sentinel, Storm, Doom, and Strider are the main legends of MVC’s metagame… now when Strider was cut there was a big backlash against MVC3, even legends from the MVC2 era such as Soo expressed his discontent with the game and eventually moved on with life. That was just one character, here you have 5 gone.

Will the return of the x-men bring life to the game, chances are yes but… how many just gave up on the game?

Disney/Marvel seem to be doing everything in their power to kill this game and the franchise as a whole. What the hell is going on at those companies? A modicum of research is all that is required to see that it’s a dumb decision.

Go back a page and check out those quotes from the head of Marvel Games. They clearly have no idea how the FGC works which makes me skeptical about the other games they have planned. The DC games are largely enjoyable because WB actually owns DC and NRS and thus there is no friction necessary during crossovers for the most part. Disney on the other hand is clearly meddling even though Capcom has worked with them since the 80s on and off, AND has worked with Marvel a few times too. Like I said earlier, what makes fighting games magic are that there will be people who paly the game long after the game is released, but if you want them roped in you have to nurture them while the soil is still fresh.

I’m just sad that the other side of the coin has to take the blunt of the blame even when Markman has already gone public saying the lack of support isn’t on Capcom, because Capcom seemed to be doing a lot of things right overall in 2017 with RE7 finally going back to the horror roots even though RE6 sold well, Monster Hunter World living up to the hype, Megaman 11 being revealed and so far looking far better than the Mighty No 9, revealing a new Ace Attorney game on consoles, the SF Anniversary collection (though to be fair people could have gone onto Fightcade to scratch that itch but people seem pleased) and SFVAE shaping up to be strong and revealing the S3 characters up front, and said S3 characters are almost all fan favorites.

…or maybe I’m just sad that we may never get a tournament legal Gill in Marvel. Shame shame…

Oh I totally agree with either putting the titles on the compatibility list or a release (full collection this time, CotA to MvC2). For collections and convenience purposes if anything.

I just disagree with the idea that such releases will light a fire up the fans and Capcom’s asses to make some mythical ‘true’ sequel. Capcom has to want to do it. It’s very clear when they have a passion to create something (MonHun, RE7) versus something they’re not 100% about (Dead Rising 4).

If Capcom don’t care about MvCi anymore, fine whatever. Just release the S2 characters and whatever costumes you got done. Shelve S3 and don’t do anything MvC related until you have some deep soul searching.

That’s ONLY a roster problem. That is only one piece of the puzzle, where there are other problems MvCI is suffering from. That was the message I was going at (for the most part, some comments online are considering just the roster when only pointing out Marvel. Now, as for the music and theme choices, that is a controversial portion that might be a problem with BOTH parties rather than just one). The big things Marvel/Disney gave problems were as mentioned here:

Highly provable concerns:
• Roster (Takes a toll against their legacy. We have seen this happen with other games, such as Street Fighter III, and most of us are well aware of the backlash that game had during that time period)
• PR (They took the absolute silent route. Even though there is no “negative” things to criticize about, it’s still bad. It definitely has a synergistic effect with the roster issue as a result.)

Also likely (but needs proof/still a choice decision):
• Potentially the semi-realistic art style request, maybe brainstormed the concept of movie looks and NRS games in meetings? (ideally, it’s on them if the communication came from Capcom’s side stating that they felt uncomfortable with the art style decision, but forced them anyways. The argument made on Capcom’s defense could be the inability to pull a realistic art style for a fast-paced fighter.)

…but there are other problems to consider from Capcom:
• UI (It can be argued that Marvel does not want the comic-style, but I don’t see how a company that is very experienced in making layout for fighters in the past would have trouble in this area, regardless if it cannot be comic style.)
• Art style + Graphics (it’s tagged with Marvel above, but if a game like Injustice 2 is able to fly by with good quality, what is stopping Capcom in making the style work in their favor, given the price on release among other reasons? Dante, Chun, and Spencer were literally meme’d around here and there, and they were “Capcom” characters… Chun’s face was fixed upon release, but how the E3 trailer got passed through the company as considered “fine to present” for their E3 presentation is baffling. It’s their job to polish up the game as needed based on the feedback given.)
• PR (one can argue that Marvel’s lack of care about communication with the userbase is also concerning… but I feel that all the negative points that the Capcom PR [direct/indirect] suffered far worse results than what Marvel did. For the most part, the complaints given for the game itself should be forwarded primarily to Capcom, whilst the complaints for roster stuff deserves to go to Marvel as it should."
• Animation troubles/controversy (see Haggar’s cmd grab and Ghost Rider’s Level 3)

There are some things out there that is hard to call though:
• Music style (for the most part, not all. Hard to verify who gave the “okay” for the user to compose the music. While it is a style choice, it is done in an unmemorable fashion. Personally, I’m not a fan of orchestra-style music in gaming at all outside of boss/special events, but you can’t say the same tastes will relate to other users, some people might legit like that style of music… similar to how Tekken music went from underground synth/sampled music now to dubstep/electro music.)

One thing that could be said is that, some of the choices on the Capcom section could be dictated by Marvel (outside PR)… and well, someone can just say the same to the reasoning why Marvel’s actions couldn’t be fully acted upon Capcom (outside the roster). Leads to an area of discussion that might not give the proper truth without hearing it directly from either Marvel/Disney or Capcom.

The point is, everything should be discussed and ironed out… both from Marvel/Disney and Capcom. Saying it’s “all primarily Marvel’s fault” or “all primarily Capcom’s fault” is not really a valid message to give out.

I’ve taken the simple route and said this is on both companies as well. Capcom for giving this game no budget and thinking it’d sell on merit alone. Marvel giving it an ok despite being all about “quality” going forward in their licensed games. Funny enough, every Marvel licensed game in general had a bad 2017.

The OST was changed on the Marvel side because “the characters need to have themes that go along with their personality” according to a Marvel Games rep. Nearly most of the themes sound the same. Ghost Rider is one of the exceptions along with Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and Captain Marvel. The Marvel guys actually brought their own guys in to work on the Marvel side, so they really insisted on this change. One of the main things about the MVC series that stood out was the OST. This game is lacking that feeling.

Pre-release, Capcom said they wanted to make it so both sides matched up since story was a huge emphasis on the roster choices. That’s probably why there’s no Viewtiful Joe, Phoenix Wright, or any wacky characters in general. Those guys could’ve easily been copy pasted, so there had to be something else keeping them from making the roster. Either that, or Capcom thought they’d include characters like Nemesis and Firebrand for release, and withhold characters like Wesker, Vergil, Phoenix Wright, or Ammy for future DLC.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a combination of both. Niitsuma made it clear as far back as 2011 that Marvel was rather…difficult to work with when it came to the roster. Marvel has only gotten bigger since then, so them dictating the look of a roster is not surprising. They needed Seth Killian just to get the most of the X-Men in the game.

The artstyle. This is what gets me. The game looks like Marvel Contest of Champions console edition. The similarity to that mobile game leads me to believe that there was really no way around this terrible look. Even with Chun-Li’s facelift, the game still looked awful. A lot of characters clashed with the system, while there were characters (Thanos, Nova, Iron Man) with the metallic attire that didn’t look bad at all.

Then you had others like Jedah, Venom, Monster Hunter, Sigma, and a few others that looked pretty good. The whole thing was a huge inconsistency and nothing like it was in MVC3. With the talk of the shoestring budget, the way the game came out looking isn’t much of a surprise. Once the PC modders began to mess with the game, you could see how much better characters looked with the right shaders and stuff. The MVC is all about being colorful. This game had none of that.

The silence. Even before this game began to fall apart in the eyes of the public, you could tell Capcom didn’t seem that confident in the game. gcyoshi said Combofiend told him at an event that they were “really trying to get things right” after the SFV debacle, so they weren’t sharing as much about the game until they were confident in revealing things to the public. In retrospect, we can see why they had nothing to share. The game barely had any new characters, and the main antagonist was immediately announced as DLC right after the 2nd trailer was released in April. They were likely hoping the gameplay would be **all **people cared about. Just bad decisions all around.

Capcom did everything possible to turn people off with their terrible PR of the game. “Functions” is only one example. Telling the fans that they’re more likely to remember the Guardians of the Galaxy than the X-Men was dumb. Look, we know Capcom couldn’t come out and say Marvel withheld the X-Men/Doom, but they could’ve went about getting the point across better than how they did. That showing at E3 was laughably bad, and the crowd didn’t even know how to react to that trailer. Someone really thought that was ok.

MVCI’s PSX trailer got a lot of people excited, was followed by months of silence, then a trailer showing us Sigma is DLC, to the entire roster getting leaked, to the terrible E3 showing and demo, becoming a living meme, and the remaining characters being revealed on comic covers on Twitter. The game was basically sent out to die because it had everything going against it sans gameplay. The project doesn’t even seem like it was anything more than a side one.

A lot of mishaps did this game in. Capcom thought they were the head honcho in team-based games and then DBFZ happened.

Although I think gameplay wise DBZ lacks big time compared to MVCI I agree with everything else.

For me it seems like Marvel gave Capcom a shitty budget, roadmap and whatever else, but they didn’t complain because they also trusted the game would thrive on the Marvel name alone.

I hope MvCi eventually gets the SF5 AE treatment but I’m not going to hold my breath.

As mentioned many times before, they gave MvCi a poor budget and expected it to make mucho money just on the Marvel name.
Expecting casuals to chime in with one button combo’s and 2 button supers, but let’s face it, mainstream MCU fans just play a f2p marvel game like contest of champions on there smartphones.

Add to that, the fact that current day Marvel is a way more complicated company to deal with (Disney, MCU, etc)
And who knows how long the current license deal holds up anyway…

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, now is the right time for the next vs style game to be just Capcom only (just reuse the name Capcom Fighting Jam or something XD ).
Now I know that characters like the X-men, Avengers, etc. are bigger names but fighting games are more niché to begin with.
With that said, a Capcom only game would have no character right issues, no timed license issue at all.

I think by now, most people would be fine if Capcom would re use (like they did with MvCi) the entire UMvC3 Capcom roster, add Infinite’s newcomers, X, Jedah, Monster Hunter and Sigma to that.
That would probably make a nice beginning for around 60% of the roster (and costing less new assets to create)

A good 40% of the rest of that roster should be filled with characters that people have been asking for a very long time;
Asura, Captain Commando, Leon S. Kennedy, Jin Saotome, Regina, etc.

Spice that up with some lesser known characters for flavour;
Gene, Vile, Nina (BOF), Star Gladiator reps, a Rival Schools and Power Stone rep, some more Darkstalkers (Pyron, Talbain, Anakaris, Demitri), Fiona Belli, Sheva Alomar, etc.

Capcom could add dlc over time (because they love that lol), give it the cell shaded look of MvC3 for graphics that age better.

This direction is just for the better imho.
Who knows, in time we will say, “It’s Capcom baybeeee!”

Pretty much all the big problems can be attributed to it being rushed. If you look at the time frame from Disney closing their own studio and announcing they are going back to licensing, MvCi being announced to MvCi being released it’s not alot of time.

The reason I blame Disney is it makes no sense for Capcom to half bake a game they know they might not be able to touch up later ala AE (due to the license). Disney must have given them some ultimatum; ie “have it done before xyz date so it can optimally promote MCU movies.”

For whatever faults you may have with SFVs gameplay or content, the game looks and sounds good for the most part… I just can’t comprehend Capcom shitting the presentation that bad for mvci on their own for no reason.

It’s funny cause mvci has really good netcode, it’s really fast getting in and out if matches and has fun technical gameplay. Pretty much what competitive players want. Unfortunately people don’t care as much about gameplay anymore lol.

it seems to be more stable then the one from sfv without one sided rollbacks but that issue seems to be heavily caused due to crossplay, based on feedback from ps4 vs pc people.
lobby system is much better in mvci since it has a multi table system.
only thing which sucks ass is that you have no kind of information about your opponent before you accept the match.

btw, does anyone know if combofound a new job?

"Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Won’t Be On The Capcom Pro Tour"

“While announcing the first two stops of its 2018 circuit, the Capcom Pro Tour made no mention of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
A Capcom rep confirmed to Compete that this wasn’t an oversight, explaining that the tour would focus entirely on
Street Fighter V’s recent Arcade Edition update and its upcoming third round of playable characters.”

“When asked if it was possible Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite would receive a separate competition
like Battle for the Stones, the Capcom rep said the company had nothing else to share.”

MvCi getting cucked by SFV

which in itself is kinda sad when you consider that they actually wanted it to be the main title even over sfv.
at least they said that in the promo video i posted above. would they at least add the improvements from mvci into
sf5 but nope…

“No comment” is better than "nothing else is planned at this time’ like SFxT got hit with after Capcom Cup 2013.

@“Evil Canadian” Late but thank you for all of teh vids you’ve posted so far of this game and DBFZ. I’m copypasting everything into a google document right now so I don’t have to go on youtube every time I want to not aimlessly wander in training mode, and will be sharing it with my charity group as well as all of the video links for your channel. I didn’t realize you were rooflemonger all this time.

I’d argue that they didn’t expect to make mucho money on MvCI and that’s why they cut corners. MvC3 was not a huge commercial success despite the games hype
it held for a few years.

Combo now works for Marvel. He’s moving on up!

what kind of position?