MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Labbed a bit more last night, still got a lot of work to do to be where I want to be, but man this game is fun. I think for me it’s not a matter of execution and more a matter of realizing I’m not playing Street Fighter and that i’m playing Marvel, which means a lot more movement and committing to my blockstrings, because unless someone has a special cancel to make some space practically every button in the game is super unsafe.

Game is loaded with BS that I really hate but I concur. It’s still fun. At the highest levels with the top tier characters though I think is where some people have stopped having fun as
the BS outweights the strategy when a lot of the BS is so “accessible” and easy to enforce. At least that’s what some of the better players have been saying. I’m not playing at a high
level yet so it’s cool with me LOL!

I have to really learn how to play Firebrand I’m noticing. I’m abusing shit that I shouldn’t get away with. This Jedah just blew up everything I did the other day. Granted it was laggy-ish but it was so sad. Going to go study some apology man and shop for some anti-zero tech.

I finally gave in. I will no longer use Mind stone it too hard to climb with it. Only going to use space and time right now.

Mind stone has faded into obscurity that only a patch or some exploit can help. I saw that coming as soon as people started taking advantage of auto correct & jab power stone. Time is still situational but serviceable.

I can see people using time to help counter pick vs Hawkeye. The space it covers is great for invading his neutral game because right now, most of the other stones dont really have anything that phases him and if he’s using power surge makes him even more difficult to challenge (although he’s still better off on a space team overall).

Mind I still think makes particular characters (like Megaman) really strong, but yeah it will likely never make up any of the best teams in the game. The surges are essentially like static V Skills for your characters and the mind stone is like Bison’s V Skill where it’s only useful in very specific situations. When most of the other surges in comparison can be spammed while calling in tagged special moves from characters that also work as assists. In a game where you need to crowd up the screen or shoot yourself across the screen as much as possible, mind surge doesn’t help too much.

Still the main thing with the stones is that the best stones are the ones where when you are in a bind, you can press 2 buttons and pop the storm and change the game. This is why Soul and Space are the best because if shit is getting wild you can pop storm and change the game. If you lost one of your characters with space, the opponent has to use their storm immediately during your incoming. If they don’t have one you or choose not to you can just come in, pop your storm and turn their 2 character team into a one character team. If you are playing time stone and lost a character, you have to deal with an incoming setup even if you have a storm and against the best characters you likely won’t survive without taking damage. Those 2 storms basically turn every character into MVC3 Sentinel on incoming. You have to let them start for the most part unless you like super meaty down a soul storm team where both characters are in the same space and avoid the level 3 mash.

Also, the people want crack at Evo.

We’ll find out tonight

I wish Capcom announces something new for Marvel already.

All this drama is unnecessary IMO. They have the power to shut everyone up but they won’t do it.

Is really annoying.

Tonight will definitely be an interesting one.

Yeah this is some Bungie shit. Say something, “stay tuned” “see ya in march” anything.

Instead, this is the type of shit they post:

If Wiz won’t provide the crack I guarantee you’ll be able to find some crack dealers in the BYOC.

Them removing the Marvel hat during a trailer, made it all so worth to watch.

lmao no way they did

and one trailer later:

Dead Game

And still two Smash Games.


I don’t understand Wizard’s thinking on this.

Marvel right now has great entry numbers over almost everything right now except SF5, Smash and Dragonball on WB and it gets penalized because???

But put two Smash games and Blazblue which hasn’t proven jack shit.

Fuck that noise. The fuck was up with that?

He said he wants games in that people actually play.
Seems like Melee is more popular than Marvel.

This ain’t crack.
Crack gets people, in droves, to keep coming back.
It’s addicting.
It’s hold on you is strong.
No matter what other drug comes out on the market, you’ll never drop crack because it’s captivated you.
You’ve had good crack before. This isn’t it.
This is low grade bush weed.
The kind you smoke and instead of getting high, you have a headache.
Not a super strong headache but the annoying one that you can sleep off before doing whatever it was you were doing.

Stay strong and just play the game you love and support your local events. We all knew from the beginning that this game would be forced into the niche category. Yipes said he has something in store for versus game fans anyway.

Just please don’t get baited by all the memes and happy celebrations that are likely to occur soon.