MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

"People will always pick the best Surge."
Not sure how that’s so different from people picking the best Assists, really.

MODOK/MORRI/DOOM Assist was my final team in UMVC3.

Oh and PC heads? Lobby: p9hmgj733m473

Don’t let space storm have a free level 3 and getting rid of power stones auto correct would make me happy with the balance of the stones.

Only thing I really don’t like about the game though is their decision to make tags and supers eat inputs

Dammit @WorstPlayer you keep making lobbies while I’m at work and can’t be a part of them :sad:

I find everything really great about MVCI gameplay wise and the mechanics are nice. I would keep surges instead of assists any day. Buff the weakest storms but that’s it. Add the xmen, and some past favorites and pretty sure this game will pick up.

Shit I’m the type of madman who’d expand Surges and Storms beyond the Infinity Stones. I’d add 3 or 4 Capcom franchise artifacts like Dante’s mother’s amulet, T-Virus, Satsui no Hado, etc. Each with a new Surge and Storm. And that’s on top of my previous idea of adding a secondary Surge to all stones, like fullscreen low hit launcher for Power Stone with 2+Surge.

Expand on MvCi’s gameplay thesis, not regress to be a game it didn’t set out to be.

The tag/infinity stone mechanics are fine as is. The mechanical problems with the game are:

  • Damage scaling system makes health balancing even more of a joke than in older games, and on top of that the gap between characters like Nemesis and Rocket Raccoon is historically small
  • New armor makes sense for some characters, but others are fucked (HULK)
  • Maximum Hyper Combo storage is 4 bars instead of 5
  • A bunch of stuff related to Mind Stone

Outside of that, really this game is just held back by its budget presentation and hollow roster.

Eh, honestly if “I” was going to do anything with the stones it would be make them drop onto the stage during the fight fully powered up and make it so you can collect them/lose them during the match. Kind of like MSH.

Shared resources are seldom a good idea, especially today.

I’ve been using Ultron/Dorm/Power almost exclusively since week one, but I’ve finally started to put in a bit of time to learn Doctor Strange and it’s paying off. Strange/Dorm is fun as hell and there are a lot of situations where I feel like I can actually do something with Strange compared to Ultron in the neutral. Sure, Strange can’t airdash --> buttons all day, but he can put a shitload of projectiles on screen and force a lot of 50/50 crossup situations.

I played against this Dante/Strange player who would almost always take sets from me when I was playing Ultron/Dorm, but with Strange/Dorm I ended up taking him out 2-0 pretty free. I miss Ultrons movement/pressure/beam super but other than that, I feel like this team is overall better in a lot more situations. I caused some serious salt with that team today. :cool:

^ Idom seems to be the only one rocking the team, though. If anyone knows someone else playing the team or has any tech let me know. I already got some of my own shenanigans going on combined with some of the stuff I see Idom doing. :tup:

The lineup for Evo is going to be announced in a few days. If Mahvel isn’t there, then I’d be worried. If there’s no Mahvel next week at NLBC too then that would suck. There don’t seem to be many streams for the game out of NLBC, Bums stream and the levelup one.

Honestly every time I think about capcom it physically depresses me. I don’t understand how out of all the decisions you could make, this company always, ALWAYS picks the absolute dumbest option, Its a sight to behold.

That being said the game will get an update because I have a hypothesis.

  1. The game looks sort of like a mobile game because it was supposed to be a mobile game. Someone internally must have probably pushed them in a new direction.
  2. Given that it was supposed to be a mobile game, the budget was very small.
  3. Capcom and marvel alike probably think moboge is where the money is at. Since the game had the budget of a moboge with a full release, the shipments to retailers alone means that capcom profited from the en devour.
  4. given that they’ve profited, and how they see how much more successful they could have been had they used DBFZ’s model of pretty looking game and nice game to listen to.
  5. Therefore, unless the company is actually retarded (i truly do think they are) they will release an apology edition with money actually invested in the project to pick up on the constituency they lost to DBFZ and Tekken and at least try to make the game presentable.

Keep in mind step 5 is only if the company is not retarded.

This game was not supposed to be a mobile game. Embrace the horror that this is the effort Capcom felt appropriate.

There’s probably never going to be a visual update. Bayonetta has a higher shot at guest appearing than this game getting a visual overhaul.

Visual update will never save this, because it is the mechanics that seems to be the problem.

Not exact a mobile 3d game but the choose art direction is the messed up a major overhaul is not a wise solution. They could update it with *shaders *but the background were visually made to worked with it’s current aesthetics so it would need more time. So a major overhaul would take too much time but will never fix it’s issue regarding endless surge issue here and there for every nerf and buff that require to change a lot of invested strategy and synergy.

What the game needs to fix is the current experience it is offering.

People wants assist… and people will continuously dislike a particular surge strategy.

Narrowing and downplaying the idea will not justify the perspective… it creates mostly a logical fallacy.

Unless your talking Original MVC with “special partner” mechanic that is more independent version of assist with a counter that have no other consequences and attachment rather than the traditional and familiar UMVC3 assist.

Hidden Missiles, Captain Corridor and Psi-Blade have been something in the past but they aren’t something that come free without anything to be considered like synergy from consequences and attachment.

Like I said they both Assist and Surge are frequently used but there were different things to consider like attachment, synergy, consequences and loss advantage on other gameplay areas.

Nerfing Doom’s hidden missiles doesn’t make it easy to make the whole team building invested time irrelevant.

Nerfing an Assist doesn’t kill all the strategy and advantage revolve on a particular CHOICE there will always be something to look into from previous invested time, while nerfing a surge affect a huge area of invested strategy involve on a particular CHOICE.

So what you are implying doesn’t easily make justify your cause.

The thing that people need to change invested strategy every patch update is messed up loop for the sake of the other people that didn’t like the other particular surge effect being redundant choice online.

There would be always a obvious and visible problem regarding Surge mechanics as a whole, whatever updates and fix it would be.

Storms were the best thing the Stone mechanics have.

It is undeniable that people would be more excited to learn new stuff if assist would return than learning new stuff about surge updates and changes like buff and nerf.

Risking for surge need updates will end into loops that cannot be satisfied while risking for a new assist mechanic is more rewarding for players because their thoughts were more accustomed and familiar into assist mechanics that is more into characters and pairing.

KBR vs Nemo @ Versus 2018 in Columbus

The recovery on Space Surge should be increased. It’s one of the best Stones already, it shouldn’t be the easiest to build meter for on top.

I mean…if this is going to be the state of the game going forward, I’d take Bayonetta over a visual overhaul. Hell, I’d take Bayonetta over of a visual overhaul even if the game were doing better.


Please play the Bayonetta games.

Watching that stream tonight just made me wanna play Gamora. Nemo just made her look so cool.

It’s a problem, but if they made the box bigger in the next patch then we may see a drop in its usage. If the surge recovery is extended though it may become a better tool in neutral due to the armor that is given to the surge. I would hate if I tried to punish a player after a surge just for the armor to save them and them to go into a invincible hyper that can lead to a full combo.

Yeah, Strange is dope in terms of projectiles and filling the screen up with true 50/50s. I think regarding his movement EOA into teleport is a really good bet. Just gotta get used to his lack of air dashes. Plus his level one super, in my opinion, is great for stopping HAM, and his projectile reflect super is dirty on hit/block with time stone.

Stranges teleports and EOA are retarded, if he had a good flight the dude with be pretty OP with all that shit he has into easy confirms.

The problem with the space storm box isn’t the box itself imo, it’s the characters that can really take advantage of it + the innate storm
lock out feature in the game + the free level 3. It’s all a symptom of the ease of access shit they did.

Real talk though, the game has very little incentive to do anything that’s not of face value outside of setups. Is that a bad thing? Kind of is when your competitive crowd, yknow the one that’s most
vocal about the game was reared on hard, cool, rewarding shit. Yeah you had your basic setup characters that were more setplay oriented but seriously? I play a guy online regularly who does the
most layman combos and frankly gets a lot of mileage with it because it’s paired with Zero and Morrigan. Gets into trouble? Invincible or might as well be invincible super out or uppercut. If they really
get into trouble? Tag and try it again.

I find the game fun still but honestly fam. This game is a bad game and not necessarily the good kind of bad game. I’m still
playing it because I found a character that I like and want to beast with it. I’ve got that old character loyalist pathology that I’m
not going to let all the dumb shit OP stuff stop me from serving you your ass. (It’s a bad look really, cut that shit out IRL nobodies
got time for that. I’ll dream on a fighting game though. Fight the good fight!)

Now let me go back to doing intricate setups, fancy combos and shit only to get blown up by a few moves into super that
does the same damage. Oh and too further illustrate how far they deviated from how the game was played, and yes I know
the vs series ALWAYS deviates. Do you remember the shitstorm over how hard tags effective the game? Now tags literally
give you a combo with no effort if the person fucks up their spacing.
