MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I still enjoy playing Infinite. I’m sticking with Infinite and will be getting Fighting EX Layer(really, REALLY hyped for this game) when that comes out, and for sure I’ll be getting the Street Fighter Collection. :tup:

Season 2 will be announced in February, right?

Capcom has a tendency of supporting their games even when they don’t sell well and/or are horribly received by the FGC. They stuck with SFxT with two years and SFV seriously underperformed on release yet they’ve been turning that ship around pretty steadily. MVCI didn’t do very well but it was already expected to sell less than SFV to begin with and Capcom knows better than to fuck with Disney from personal experience.

Plus, wasn’t there some kind of murmur that Disney wanted to open an eSports venue at Disney World? Imagine if it get snubbed at EVO and Disney just decides to bring MVCI there…

Honestly, developers could very well be padding their costs so don’t think it’s that surprising that they’re continuing with a
franchise that sold 1 Million.

For years now, games have been seen as platforms by publishers and devs. Considering the development cost of games these days, it makes sense to continually drip out content and keep slowly building a playerbase post release while you cut corners pre-release.

Problem is Capcom did a terrible job upon release, and public opinion can be damning regardless of how much support is given post launch. That being said, I’m positive we’ll see more content for MVCI…I’m just nervous that it might not be enough to bring people back, or it just might not be “good” content. Time will tell.

Yeah this isn’t just a “slow growth” situation, MvCI as a platform is dead until Capcom pulls some real moves to save it. Clean up the art style and add the fucking X-Men+Doom; the game will grow from there.

Yo, mod family is going in on the low. I know the competitive scene and DevilJin doesn’t care but if the game does die and people want to breathe life in it
I’ll drop a few hints as to what Wonditen of the central park 5 is up to:

Assist Calls/Active Switch: allows for an assist call or an active switch. It’s a little funky currently as the assist comes in as an active switch and you input
the assist move during switch flash, but can still move your point character. Cool down is slightly longer than active switch. As soon as the move is finished they go into their dumby switch out state. Makes for
weird finger gymnastics.

3 vs 3: This is working fine. Assist damage has been increased.

Improved chicken guard.

Improved throws. (Can now tag during throw animation)

Eating inputs during active switch is gone (but it’s there during assist calls for now):

Simultaneous Storms which will make you think you’re tripping on acid. (still kind of buggy)

Some of you might have saw the Haggar Model Mod well apparently he’s got some stuff figured out on that side but it’s a lot of
work and wants to wait to see if they do anymore updates before really going in.

On the other side of Marvel Mods EMC is working on a new and improved UMVC3EX.**

It’s simple… BRING IN THE F****N X-MEN FFS!

Infinity Storm and the new tag seems the best and unique that can MVCi could offer, there is nothing wrong from those two new mechanics, As for Infinity Surge I think people would just choose the most useful and trendy even whatever nerf it’s hard and troublesome to make it diverse. When something is fix(nerf) another thing would be exploited it’s and endless patching like a sinking boat with holes.

I prefer people build strategy in choosing Storms rather than exploiting Surge. I know this could destroy the meta since people have already build strategies using Surge but it won’t give a fresh breath on MVCi since people will always choose the most exploitable.

So I believe it’s time to replace Surge with Assist so people would play more likely to their character with consequences.

As for multiple and simultaneous Infinity Storm, It sounds good in the imagination perception but in terms of functionality and usability I don’t agree it would end up to something really broken and abusive that would make storms mechanics end useless because of the thought on more countering or preventing an usage rather than building and discovering strategy to synergy of teams against each other.

Assist > Surge

Storms > Surge

Another thing they cannot make it 3v3 in just a couple of months because that would be a new game instead that needed to be coded from the ground up and it needs a major overhaul in structure nit just game play button layout.

If 3v3 with Assist that would be UMVC3 with Infinity Stones without Xfactor.

Even the character picks and specials isn’t designed with the thought of being 3v3.

and doing 3v3 is like to rival and contest DBZF directly is kinda wrong design thinking. MVCi should stick to it’s best and unique category but with assist in return and remove the complicated stuff added and returned, while bring back the fundamentals and less technical areas of UMVC3.

…damn it, I forgot the Collection…money…need money…

Actually making it 3 vs 3 was done by another Modder first without having to rebuild it from the ground up.
Anyway just sharing, it was fun but like he said “just for fun because these gamers aren’t happy with fucking
anything really new anymore or tied to nostalgia. Once I’m happy with it I’ll share it, since fuck them. Shits free.”

I’ll admit this though, as is it was pretty silly putting someone in the box while they threw elements at me with reality Storm
with access to a free level 3. I was like yeah, needs tweeking LOL

Thanks not aware by that, seems interesting any link?

All I can say is Surge is bad decision it’s an endless changing/fixing/nerfing of loopholes and exploit just to make it seems and feel diverse and have an equal edge.

Team building strategy with Storms > Team building strategy with Surge

Building a team to exploit a particular strong Storm > Building a team to exploit a particular strong Surge

Choosing a Surge to fit or help a particular team > Building a team to exploit a particular strong Surge

The return of the usual projectile block damage is also a must.

Oh you’re bagging on surges purpose to complete a character or make them stronger. Yeah, it’s a thing. Rocket Raccoon while good is no where near
as threatening without Space surge. I actually love playing the game when both me and the other player forget to use surges ha! When falling surge abuse
(except for mind of course) comes into play it becomes kind of silly. There’s a web zip powerstone spiderman who does manage to beat me more often than
I care to admit purely because of powerstone hits. Never, ever lands a clean hit ever. Now I know it’s my fault for not adapting but seriously, I don’t want to
adapt. I’d sooner just not rematch him.

Its when you get a whole lot of situations where people are just like “I don’t want to deal with this.” that a game falters big time.

I wonder, if you runaway and whiff air Mind Surge … do you turn into MvC2 Storm?

That and certain Stones can completely alter matchups. I use Sigma to barrel through stuff with shoulder charge and set up Hawkeye things, but if the opponent has Soul Surge it completely stops Sigma’s Tackle in its tracks, turning what was once a good matchup for him into a complete disaster. It’s the closest thing we’ve had to Grooves in a long while. The standardized v2013 Gems didn’t affect the characters attached to them nearly as much as this game, or CVS2.

The thing is it’s not about Rocket. It’s how people will choose the better surge since it can be used sooner than storm.

It’s inevitable that the exploitable surge of the latest patch will always be more likely to used, then people will feel bad for the current nerf Surge because they already build a team pairing and strategy so they need to discover a more relevant or exploitable pair to compliment with the current trendy surge. It’s like an endless loop.

Everytime Capcom try to make the Infinity Stone more diverse online that is also the moment that destroys every strategy learned for it because the whole team revolves and depend on it. It’s like CVS2 and CVS2EO that needs to change a whole lot of strategy not just a particular mechanic.

Replacing Surge with Assist makes a particular player more invested in developing team strategy in pairings then latter the storm rather then surge then whatever would help exploitable with it.

And…how is this bad?

CVS2EO was an update to CVS2 but didn’t work well to CVS2 followers because a some strategies were thrown away for the sake of a particular thought of balance and fairness.

The thing is people doesn’t think that way in terms of change and adoption they may be encourage and motivate but frequent change is not something should be done especially when the change requires to reset a lot of stuff that it was revolving into.

I remember french commander EDH(one on one) in MTG when you banned a commander the rest of a deck that builds and depends strategy on it falls apart that makes the whole build deck and synergy towards the commander became useless. You may just choose another commander or build another deck from the start without that commander in mind.

As of now we have seen no problems with Storms and the current Tag system but the Surge Strategy and the need of Assist Strategy has been so spoken by user feed backs.

Surge was something meant to replace Assist but didn’t work well.

We can safely say and assume that Surge didn’t did it’s job perfectly to be a replacement to Assist or even be a standard to be better to Assist. I don’t think people would even demand Surge to return in future MVC games if assist would have some of it’s moves.

Honestly I do like Surge be in there exploitable ways but the thing is Capcom would always try to find a way to diverse it online usage which is impossible to attain while messing up strategy build on it because of nerfing.

In the end the realization is Capcom will never satisfy it’s MVCi player base with Surge Strategies even those that already build strategy on it because it’s like to be everchanging to compromised to a particular part of the player base/target audience.

While replacing Surge with Assist will make both player base that dislike the current trendy and exploitable Surge strategies and those that attach to a current dominant Surge strategy will likely be eager to learn a new Assist mechanic that lessen the problem of choosing synergy.

Both Assist and Surge are the same to be most frequent used in game from there respective series yet they differ from the need adjustment when changes would happen, because Assist has different sort of attachment, dependencies and consequences in building strategy and pairing compare to Surge that is only attach into a particular Storm.

Assist would make thing more of a team building in terms of consequences and attachment than a particular character to Surge interaction pairing game.

I think countering character should be more into character or a particular special move or another character rather than the surge. this part is a IMHO

Do not agree at all.

I like the current meta with the Surges much better than the Assist bullshit of 2 and 3.

Just give the facelift and bring the new characters like yesterday and it will all be better.

Bringing Xmen would make it news and hype for awhile but in the end it doesn’t change the fact that the online will always go for the better surge that will Capcom would try hard to make it diverse which is impossible and would only make players feel bad of frequent Surge nerfs.

About the new characters and face lift that works with SFV but not with MVCI

New Vtriggers are attach and dependent on characters like Assist unlike how is Surge and facelift are just visuals they impress only for moment

Were still in the perfect time to replace the whole Surge thing with Assist. People as of now would be still be interested in discovering strategies in returning Assist than discovering strategies to deal with future Surge updates like nerfs and buffs.

Both Assist and Surge is not also advice to be both available options as a mechanic in a single fighter.