MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

dbfz will have a short life span because it is that one dimensional. People will enjoy it for 3 months or maybe even almost a year, but after that everyone will get bored. It will be fully explored and there will not be any new depths that can be discovered.

One of the most important elements of a FG is letting the players find out and invent their own shit that the devs never even knew about. And finding out these techs need to have a high feeling of achievement so having a mechanic that requires the player to practice till perfect is also important. That is what DBFZ doesn’t have.

I prefer MVCI to dbzf in almost all categories, even from streams when both games came out I think dbzf looks bland and kinda like everyone does the same damn thing, however isn’t it too early to say that it is one dimensional? Can’t more depth be found? Just curious.

Asking here cause character forums are dead- what’s the most damaging BnB that Venom can get that ends with a ground bounce (because I wanna reset with LPxxHP Venom Fang, tag). Oh, the starter must also include f+HP, because I wanna use it for confirm purposes.

Best I can get is around 4.7k with jump HK, LP,HP,f+HP,s.HP,s.HK,f+HP,launch,j.LK,j.HP,j.f+HP,Venom Rush,j.HK (while dropping)

This is true. In the end, all that matters is the competitive meta (viable dominant strategies that can be used at a competitive level). It may take a while for the scene to distill that. A simple game can still have an interesting meta, and complex games can end up having boring metas if specific overpowered tactics make all the other options meaningless (hi pre-patch Dante!)

Guys we gotta stop being salty about DBFZ. It’s out. It’s popular. It’s gonna last. So what.

We’d be less salty if people would stop using it as something to shit on this game. When it becomes “Us vs Them” it becomes harder to be impartial.

I’m gonna be on MVCI tonight around 9 PM EST on Steam. Hope to see you guys there, it’ll be in a lobby called “NonplayableTV” or something along those lines.

Actually no.

Black Panther is a super powered being. Better martial arts skills and the mystic enhancements of his culture makes him a demigod.

Ryu is on Wolverine skill level and even that is debatable.

BTW, too much doom and gloom since DBZF dropped.

Marvel > DBZF. Better gameplay.


Batman is a normal human with extremely high IQ, skills and martial arts savvy.

T’Challa is almost the same but he is super powered by his mystic enhancements of his heritage. He can lift more tons than Spiderman. Batman can’t do that.

And Ryu isn’t neither in Batman or Black Panther levels. He is more around Daredevil levels.

You showed me! Mystic shit is still tech to me if it can be acquired by someone else.
Granted that opens up a whole lot of “then this is tech” talk too but really that’s a rabbit hole
who really gives a shit about.

Daredevil can’t do that.

Ryu is absolutely on Batman’s level of being a martial artist AND his current affliction with the Satsui no Hado that seems to be inherent within him no matter what kind of substitute he comes up with to make it unnecessary, has allowed him some degree of superhuman strength/speed/stamina, as well as accelerated healing. In the Nakahira manga which is INCREASINGLY becoming more and more canon with each new game Dimps puts out, Ryu was shot in the chest multiple times and healed rapidly. Furthermore when he and Ken had a fight that resulted in multiple series injuries, Ryu healed rapidly while Ken spent several weeks in a cast despite taking the same amount of damage.

His ability to use ki is also much higher than most other characters in Street Fighter short of boss-level characters and a few outliers like Dhalsim and Oro.

The plot thickens…

“I have decided to leave Capcom to pursue other endeavors…which is to join MarvelGames instead!”

Oh stop with this ‘Issue X’ thing on Black Panther. He does not regularly lift more than fucking Spider-Man. Lol stop.

Interesting. Along with Marvel’s promise to make actually good games and Peter’s pedigree, I wonder what they’re planning.

They wouldn’t have brought him in with MVCI still fairly new and Combo’s name all over it if they were not pleased with his work on the game, and the game itself. As a reminder, Marvel Games was popping off about MVCI for some minor award a couple weeks ago, and if Combo is now in Marvel’s fold…you’d have to think this can’t be a coincidence.

I don’t know why any marvel fan would be salty, it’s dbzf the game where a couple of streamers have said looks like has very little depth at all. That’s why I told people in this thread that I don’t agree with that yet, it’s too early to tell ANYTHING. Looking at it it looks bland to me, but I don’t play it so I really shouldn’t judge the game. If anything it looks like marvel haters come HERE to bash this game, even before it came out lol. so, who are the salty ones?

Both games are good. Now everyone get back to finding tech instead of posting about dumb shit

In dbzf…WHAT TECH?? Lmaooo.

Ps-kidding kidding glad dbzf fans have their game. The more the better. And I don’t know man the few streams I’ve seen as scrub as I am look like dbzf can have a lot of depth if you ask me.

The more I play the more I realize that max damage is not even good unless they are going to die. You waste resources so they can change and get their health back, and put you in a fucked up situation where you can’t counter switch, EXCEPT if you have WS. This nigga can do max damage gunloops into a combo into oki. I am thinking about who to pair him with though. The best seems to be Ultron since he is a Marvel Ryu. But I love monsterhunter but Jedah has been my nigga since Vampire Savior.

Now to sit in training mode and master these niggas.

and yea Jump cancel gun loops are way easier than the dash cancel gun loops so I am using those from now on.

It’s funny, I really like WInter Soldier although I’d want to play him as a passive rushdown character which is probably not optimal. I’m back to play MH/Firebrand. Learned the hard way that firebrands standing light sucks and if you’re trying to hug somoene start of the round you’ll get his f+light which is slower. Frame data is your friend fam. Thank god his crouching light is salvageable or I was going to seriously either return to Coon or abort his ass for Strider who has really good synergy with MH anyway.

I have had this happen SO MANY TIMES

So instead of going for a combo into hyper level 3 you’re saying its best to just use 1 bar combos and go for resets and stuff?