MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

He’s been posting regular videos of dragon bahlz so I mean, yeah. Nothing about that game makes me wanna play it either. Slow ass cooldowns for weak assists with only one per character (certain characters having basically the exact same assist even). Plus the movement options for each character are mostly the same and nobody really has any air movement. It’s basically a grounded fighter where you can press button combinations to temporarily go up in the air in predetermined manners. Not feeling it other than to press buttons in for a little bit and every character has access to those exact same things. Guilty Gear probably has more unique movement options per character and that’s saying something.

Hope the best for that game, but it’s too samey for me and it won’t ever feed me. I’m sure the characters and combos will develop more, but just very basic aspects of the game are going to be the same no matter what and just don’t like the IP enough to play regardless.

Top 8 looking fun so far. Teemo is looking back to prime form. Apparently there’s another tournament going on at Genysis or whatever it’s called also. Fun to see Kinderparty using Power Thanos Venom, although Yipes is probably right in that Venom generally isn’t too hot of a character. Plus the new patch killed the double trap set up.

Chris G bout to 3 0 Dekillsage and Chris already just 3 0’d Punisher. Crazy to watch Chris body people that were bodying other people. With Morri/Mon Hun.

Perhaps it’s my age, (30 now) but I don’t feel the same drive as before to practice. There was something about MVC3/U that made me want to play it endlessly. Figuring out unblockables with Viper, practicing TK Seismos, learning her staircase combos etc. Not to say there isn’t technically difficult characters, it’s just…it all seems quite the same. There’s no uniqueness in my eyes. Every combo, regardless of looks is the same. No stylish flight loops like ROM, and Doom swag. No more “follow my lead!” because everyone can do it. Man, even watching Wolverine decimate a team from start to finish was fun. The most stylish character I can think of Jedah and that’s about it. Seeing so many Dantes offline/online is just yawn. Not that I want to advocate difficulty for the sake of it, but that character was never user friendly. Now everyone does the same thing with him. BNB, super, set play. Perhaps I’m just blind to it all…

That was sick set. SonicFox is legit.

Believe it or not, sometimes you’re just not into it as much anymore. Ironically, as soon as your recognize that and accept it, the sooner you can start enjoying it again
in a different capacity.

Sonicfox did work for sure. He set the plays. Luckily Nova has that attack invincible super otherwise he’d be more fucked by this shit. You have to place space in this game to get any space if you’re not rocking invincible shit.

Oh and this shit was hilarious. Yipes sounded like someone robbed his purse.

The funny thing is I feel the salt build within me when I lose lol. Then I head to training, think about more important things and turn the PS4 off.

I think the next time I have time to play, I’m going to try out firebrand. Trying to have teams for different matchups since I can’t really find a true secondary character that covers all of caps faults.

I think these 4 teams will be able to help me the way I want.

Cap/mega man

The thing about combos is that you almost can’t optimize them with how the system works, so there’s no “OHH this guy knows his shit!” when you see an optimized combo. I liked damage as a balance factor. You wanna play Dante for his support? You gotta deal with less damage, or work hard to optimize it. Too bad, since the tag system would be really fun with Shit damage/Great damage teams.
Gotta look for those hard on moments on resets now, like what Jin posted.

Yup, I’ve been there man. Playing myself I’ve turned into more of a end to a means in my mind. It’s how I decompress. Honestly just get your combos down, steal setplay shit from videos,
and realize the shits not your number one. After that everything is gravy. Sure some cats can play amazing and have 1000 responsibilities, but yeah unless you are deadset on becoming
"someone" gaming wise based on your skill…

don’t let it get to you bihhhhhhhh

The way I see it optimized combos are for resource management and that’s it. If that optimization is going to kill? Go for it if it kills a character. Even then, if they have soul storm you might just
want to optimize your positioning for that reset and storm building.

So my main team is now Firebrand/MonHun. It’s not perfect by any means as it’s kind of bootleg Chris G with better lock down in exchange for less air control. There’s a spacing issue after demon missile I’m trying to resolve where I can get tag to up arrows into hard knockdown which will make it a lot stronger. At advantage this team is a nightmare for most teams without DP’s or invincible supers. That’s the thing about MH, if they have counter switch ready it’s pretty easy to switch inside her long assed heavy sword combos and blow her up with a launcher so I have to get around that shit. In demon mode if I hold my “Here we go” during flash they done though.

But yo, space storm eating projectiles is unexplored still. My Coon/Venom team had issues with hawkeyes and other keepawaycharacters until I started eating shit with Space stone and calling Venoms full screen active switch. It changes EVERYTHING and built MAD space stone meter. I’m really curious on who else has an awesome range on their run in. Granted space stone drags in so it’s probably not that big of a deal. Hawkeyes started having a fit when I started doing it.

Do we have any idea on when new characters might be coming? I like some aspects of the game, but I’m not too enthusiastic about the roster, so I’m waiting a bit before investing time into it.

I know there will be characters from Marvel or Capcom.

Might dap into some Dante…anyone know an optimum post patch bnb ?

I can’t shake off the feeling that Space and Soul are the only two stones that will be relevant in the end game meta. How do you guys feel about this?

Space and stones ultimately are the most rewarding stones for solid gameplay as their surges are serviceable (fantastic for some teams) and
you will HAVE to deal with the storms effects once it’s popped. Reality does too to an extent but not as much as those two. If you are good at the
mechanics of blocking in this game some of the reality storm elements can actually help you from getting mixed up.

I finally understand why players use sometimes a second hyper even though the opponent has like almost no life left, damage scales a lot when you’re low on health so in order to kill that character a bar is used, makes sense.

@“DevilJin 01” or anyone else on ps4 wanna play a set? Looking to play one more decent set before other games come out

Yeah this game is all about securing the kill. In fact, on first touch, you generally shouldn’t be doing a bnb into hyper since it won’t kill. Better to save the bar and go for a reset, then getting the kill on your next hit.

Firebrand isnt working out. So who do you guys think do decent against zero, Dante and dorm. Think Hawkeye or raccoon do half decent against them?

I might be late to the party but what was in the new (ish) patch I just downloaded?

And fucking hell, people complained about the graphics in Marvel? I just got Xrd REV 2 in the mail today and this game looks like it was drawn in fucking crayon. It’s 60fps but still looks like it only has half the frames of animation, still GGXX style but uses finger paints instead of shaders. I can’t believe people even compared the two.

Not a good idea to slam a game that bleeds style vs MvCi which fun as it is, is very lazy visually. Don’t do it.