MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

yeah i think you were playing thor/MH last we played and i remember thinking the connection was kinda bad, which was the same for most of my matches last night unfortunately. almost all connections on friday and saturday seemed pretty good though and in general quite playable. i do have one friend on my steam list for mvci that has a great connection with me and it’s almost as good as offline, lobbying with good connections is THAT CRACK i’m lookin for

Sounds about right, my luck to get hit with the lag stick playing my day 1 Thor haha!

Unsure if you guys know, but posting regardless.

Make your plans for future communication.

Sounds about right, and it comes at a pretty good time for me as well. With no SRK I’m not likely
going to keep up with all the other social media buzz. I’m down to close this chapter. Honestly closing this shit will help me get my work done…granted…I’ll probably end up back on IRC ha!

Or on Discord, which is basically today’s IRC for gamers.

I don’t see people saying shit on discord most of the time. Doesn’t serve as a proper distraction.

This is all y’all and this shitty games fault.

You killed SRK.

Miss you too po

It’s been real. Sucks that it had to happen so soon cause I just came back to checking everyday since MvCi came out. Godspeed yall.

That suuuuuuuucks

Did MvCi kill the forums? Lol.

Seriously tho, this sucks.

I think cap/nova could be decent. Maybe I’ll try to find some stuff before the forums disappear :’(

There’s very likely gonna be a new FGC forum. One to combine them all…

Well fuck me sideways and call me Sally. I can’t believe this is legit, this is SRK submitting defeat to EventHubs. How can Shoryuken, the people who bring us the Evo series, need to close the forums down? What about subscriptions? Some of these forums literally have tens of thousands of posts, they’re hardly close to dead. It doesn’t cost that much to keep a forum open, I’m genuinely confused as to why they need to do this. Please someone archive this shit because this site has some serious gold on it.

Because Wiz didn’t want to deal with it anymore. Chances are he’s wanted to close it for years but just waited for other media options to become available to be “nice”.

Yeah might as well make all the puns now. 2018 RIPn everybody and everything.

Guys, @“Darc Requiem” has started a free zetaboard to try and connect everybody if/when SRK bites the dust.

There’s more work to be done (such as character specific sub-forums), but it’s a start:

The options aren’t as good at SRK is, and I truly hope SRK can stay alive, but this seems to be a better option than Discord and Reddit to me.

In on asylum forums.

Just yesterday, i got a call about the 4th installment of MVC known as MVCI has done so poor that almost the entire populace of the metagame is decreasing. So i asked, well… why are you talking to me about this? And that person said that MVC3 was facing the same thing until you went in the Theory Tier thread and started talking about tactics and strats that caused the metagame to evolve.

Sure, the bloggers there rejected and mocked your prophecies about Morrigan having a strong flight mode, sure they said you didn’t know anything about the game to rank her over Viper - who they blogged as top 5. Sure many claimed you were wrong about Vergil and Strider being stronger anchors than Wesker; sure they rejected your prophecies of the shells such as Sentinel/Haggar, Vergil/strider, Morrigan/Doom, and many more… and sure they never admitted that it was your tier list that remained the most accurate in the metagame until it’s end… but nevertheless those strats eventually caused lurkers such as Chris G, KaneBlueRiver to actually be somebody.

MVCI needs another prophet. A poster who will separate the creative writers from what is truth. That is why, you must be released so that SRK can be Great Again.

I’ve not played this game enough to make any prophecies and i think i will make my return known to the GD first… but anyway

I’m back.

That Asylum forum doesnt even have a Sub Forum for Marvel.

SRK started off as forum for competitive players finding, sharing, discussing strategies. It bloomed opening to more people and more casual people which in turn helped slightly the growth of FGC. Helping the casuals turn into more serious players. It might tap the brakes just a bit on the FGC growth but community will bounce back in a different form whether its another FGC forum or twitter/discord/FB page whatever.

Anyways, I’m assuming Wizard does not want to keep hosting paying ect for the forums. He could have easily switched to a free-based no thrills forum to continue the SRK legacy.

Guess its been fun. Quick rant. Guess I’ll see you guys when I see you guys.