MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I’ve seen Ryu, Haggar, and Nemesis all in top 8s. That’s fairly impressive.

To racoon players, I haven’t been able follow up a midscreen Magic series in the air with anything else, all other characters can follow up but since racoons is a grenade it launches them too far, is there something I can follow up with?

All midscreen stuff with Rocket Raccoon should begin with the Groot combo.

winter soldier arm stuff is nice

Commentators already calling top 5 for Coon. Supposedly Coon is so small when he’s crouching that Dante’s nerf to instant shotgun makes it so he can’t get hit by it anymore.

FT10 main event between Sonicfox and Cloud805 happening in a few hours on Panda stream

I still have Coon in top 10, but yo it’s hard to listen to Scamby and that other dude try and be creative.
I normally don’t comment on commentators but meh.

Cloud got out set played. We will see how that fares in top 8

I used to hate playing against reality stone spam, and now that it’s fair, I hate playin against power stone spam. I think honestly I just don’t like the stone mechanic. I miss assists, X factor was dumb but hype, I miss longer complicated combos doing more damage than a basic magic series/air magic/hyper. Hell, I miss the DP motion alot…

I hate to complain but damn man, I don’t know if this game can be saved, even with an “uncanny” edition a year or whatever from now. Alot of its flaws are fundamental. It’s not that much fun to play an no where near as fun to watch, even when the show is being put on you.

I really hope they pull some magic out on this one and push to make it great instead of just giving up. I want to like it way more than I do and that sucks, umvc3 is easily my favorite game of all time, and I bought a damn ps4 just for marvel :neutral:

Honestly, all they have to do is give it mode options. I know easier said than done but damn it would be dope to see that 2 vs 2 player mode that was teased,
a 3 vs 3 character mode (Buddy put together a mod for this already, pretty easy, not sure if it’s all bugged out though, no assists, just three characters, he changed
some other shit too. He said doing assists would take a lot more cracking but his plan was to make it so you can’t active switch during assist calls or cool down.) or
even a MvC2 style mode.

Shit I’d even like to see a pick up the stone mode allah MSH. It’s more random yes, but while I do like to stone mechanic it can be a pain in the ass and early in the game it feels
like bullshit until you get used to it. There’s a time stone auto combo guy that’s OWNING people on PC that are high rank it’s hilarious. People like to autopilot and when you
have to change your shit up for 5 different factors people get frustrated. I mean man up, but it’s true.

Mind you I still like the game but it’s definitely not as fun to me at this stage of it’s life as previous games. Real talk though, if it wasn’t for MODOK I probably wouldn’t have
played MVC3 very much LOL

Venom is a “tank” character, he’s one of the only characters who’s switch dash travels actual full screen. I use him with Bucky because Bucky can clip people and catch people from full screen on hit confirm and there’s enough time for Venom to travel all the way across and deal 60% free damage regardless of scaling, leading back into Bucky for the setup or more zoning. It’s one of his best assets, people think they’re safe full screen but you switch and boom he’s swiftly in your face. I agree his mixup potential isn’t fantastic, Spider-Man takes the cake for that, but his screen presence is dominant, that’s what he makes up for in lack of that department. I still rock him, besides what I’ve already said he has good mobility, huge hit boxes, good zoning tools, easy damage, he’s solid, he just needs a good partner or a good Stone to compliment his strengths. That’s why I like Champs Venom/Power, I think that’s a good combination, it makes him scary to approach.

Many of this generation are familiarity and usability is into less technicalities and the best basis is UMVC3, Skull Girls and GGX then a lot of anime games.

The problem is lot of things have been too restrictive and technical. It was not a innovative move.

**What should have been and should not have been IMHO : **

Return of DHC - It add mind games and it was a fun mechanic for strategies of faking.

**No more Bullets technicality **- No more restrictions and limitations in functionality of the bullets.

No projectile deflect - Messed up low tier characters and a mechanic that never been a Marvel or SF.

Even the Neo Geo Games that was the pioneer of that mechanic never bring it again in their future games. It change the fundamentals establish of characters that never meant to compromised to the deflect mechanic.

Removal of Proximity guard - Since many of this generation of players isn’t accustomed to that aspect of technicality

Return of Astral Vision - but nerf probably reduce time?

Replace Infinity Surge - with a whole new mechanic that is consistent to everyone else in game?

If Infinity Surge is replace by assist? I don’t know if it would be bad or good… but it feels like redundant to the new tag switch/free style tag…

The new tag switching/free style tag isn’t even bad either. It was great IMHO

M-vs-SF Assist? or MVC2 Assist? both have there give different depths and consequence in application.

So a M-VS-SF Assist would be fine? instead of the MVC2 assist?

… Variable counter or Snapbacks?

or what if characters can choose to carry “2” Infinity Storms…

**As for Infinity Surge : **

I think the Infinity Stones(Infinity STORMS) are fine and it was a great idea like the** free style tag mode** in the game…

But the problem was the Infinity Surge, it was too fancy and shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Surge really wreck the fundamentals. I dislike the Surge because it made to play characters meh and feels out of place.

It removes the individuality of a character.

I always like to see as STORMS base on

<— Power Stone user since week 1. :cool:

If someone pops their Infinity Surge you shouldn’t get locked out of using yours. The background should also get a double effect - so if someone pops Power Stone and someone pops Soul Stone 1/2 the background should be dat purple stuff with the other half being orange.

I want to see matches with four characters on-screen with double Soul Infinity Surges. I also wish more people were playing, because everytime I pop the game in I feel like there’s barely anyone online. Compared to UMvC3 I was able to get matches all throughout its life on PS3, then when it got re-released on PS4 it was the same thing. I got matches non-stop. Infinite? It takes so long to get into a match that I feel like I’m wasting my time. I was playing a few weeks ago and I got matched up with @“DevilJin 01” FOUR times in a row. I rekt him 2-0 free, then I got washed 6-0. Afterwards I couldn’t get into a match. No one was playing and there were like two lobbies up with 2-3 people in them each on PS4. I hope Fighting EX Layer doesn’t turn out this way.

When people in here say things like “ah man, it takes forever to get into a match” or “the matchmaking is buggy” that’s because there’s barely anyone playing the game.

top 8?

Punisher in winners grand finals. Put SonicFox in losers.

I always thought power stone spam was cheaper than reality stone spam. Only good players knew how to convert off reality stone so it usually didn’t do much to actually kill you. Power stone is so dumb easy to convert off of and has foot dive like properties where the opponent can be behind you and you hit them with your ass and still get a full combo.

@Sonicabid It was fun playing my Team Sunny D vs you. Haven’t got a chance to play much in a while, but I’ll remember to add you to my FL to get some more in. I’ll probably play more Figthing Layer EX once I see more characters and more of the mechanics. Not a big fan of the game yet, but netcode doesn’t seem terrible so that’s cool. I usually find games pretty quick in ranked for Marvel, but takes a while to get a casual match. Hopefully some extra characters and hype from some tournaments gets more people back in.

I’m going to be playing a good amount of AE once it hits so that’ll give me some time to see what happens any way.

God damn fox looked free against Hawkeye

Real talk, not that I’m that good of a player but when I was about raise my hands in victory when I played Punisher that Hawkeye is a problem. People don’t get it until they play a good Hawkeye.

I already said Hawkeye was going to be good way back because shoot projectile tag lets you create whatever you want to assist another character. These new age Captain Commando type characters that support another point character are going to start becoming the wave in the game. Neither character has invincible super, but Coon has enough preemptive defensive options to keep from getting steamrolled all day. Plus space storm is the best reversal in the game.

If you don’t have teleporting characters or switch to time stone you’re not fucking with Hawkeye’s neutral and he will eventually tag off arrows into rushdown character pressure.

That solo Coon comeback vs 2 near full health characters was nutty.

What’s crazy is he dropped the freeze arrow loopy combo so many times and it didn’t even matter.

Def the cleanest Hawkeye so far, even with the drops. He completely invalidated space stone storm too.

Both Coon and Hawkeye can fight in the storm well. If you don’t immediately meaty trap Hawkeye or Coon into space storm you’re not going to hit them for a while again. They have too much stuff they can swing and shoot at you with and if any of hits you’re losing a lot of storm time and probably knocked back full screen.

Not surprising that space is still used so much. It does too much to make up for the lack of invincible moves in this game and if you play it with the right characters you always have a way to regain momentum and pull people into the stuff you shoot out on screen. Still the best stone with soul right behind for now.

Time and Power will go up as the next strongest stones and time will be getting more necessary to deal with characters like Coon and Hawkeye that can put shit all over the screen. Power gives everyone really derpy conversions and is probably the new best overall surge. Mind still has potential with certain install teams. Reality is basically not worth using anymore after the nerfs. Likely the worst stone now other than being easier to build a team around than mind. The best you can do with reality now is build a zoning team with it with characters that can teleport and you can build better zone/trap teams in other stones any way.