MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Who exactly is the problem on this team? From what I’ve heard they’re both pretty good.

Pretty good doesn’t cut it.

Ya tempt put my Venom team on bench. Venom is too fair. I’ll still mess around him in case Capcom decide to give him a lil ol buff in future.

The main thing I didn’t like initially about Venom is that he didn’t seem to have a real quick way to high/low without using web zip and Spiderman’s web zip mix up seems better any ways. At best he seems like a more support heavy version of Spiderman, but you might as well just play Spiderman with Monster Hunter or something like that.

Most of the time I get hit by Venom it’s just because I get frame trapped by some delayed s.HP or something that I don’t realize has a small enough gap to catch my chicken block. I never like traditionally get opened up by any of the Venoms I find online.

Black Widow seems to have much better ways to open you up including invincible grab supers while still adding decent support to a team. If I find some time I’ll most likely mess with her and Jedah for a new side team. I’ve already seen Sonicfox do some work with Jedah/BW and supposedly Sonicfox says he would bust BW in a tournament, but he’s still labbing her.

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Venom does have side-switch shenanigans with Venom Web xx Switch, but aside from that he doesn’t really have much of a mixup.
It’s mostly frame traps and truckloads of damage if you try to chicken block at the wrong time.

Big issue I’m having learning new teams - Can learn the individual characters but putting them together hurts my head.
I’m thinking I just got lucky with my team of Jedah/Strider just fitting together that trying to get other characters to work together feels awkward and unwieldy. When trying to run MonsterHunter/BlackWidow a friend said to me “But you’ve got combos that use both characters” and I had to answer “But that’s all I have”. Stylish looking combos mean nothing when the neutral boils down to MH-Super Armour + tag and flipping around with BW and that’s all I can do.

Isn’t MonHun’s neutral nothing but abusing armor into combo/tag anyway?

Those side switch gimmicks are not legit.

MonHuns neutral is doing random shit demon mode active switch, twirly air thing into active switch ghetto lock down, baiting fools with her roll active switch (it’s actually not half bad to do under SJ opponents she has no hurtbox during the roll), and did you press something? Cinematic Super Active switch. Her jumping arrows into active switch are pretty sexy too.

Yeah Armor into active switch is dope but people are actually respecting it WAY more than they have to. It’s literally a ground hitting move only. If you’re in any kind of jump frames it will pass right through you I believe.
One thing I hate about this game is some characters have a TINY hurtbox in jump frames. I suppose they wanted people to get clipped for jumping more than getting clipped for not watching their legs, thus the no chicken guarding shit which literally rewrites the way we pressure in 2D fighting.

I think the greatest travesty on MH is that they didn’t let her hitbox be active longer. For instance on her armored swing it has NO hitbox until it hits the ground. A lot of her big swings deceptively take up very little space in comparison to characters like Dante and Zero whose hitboxes are HUGE, stay out forever and take up lots of space.

That being said, I’m starting to like playing her more than my “mains.”

I know. I still get hit by it because I’m bad.
The point was that it’s the only real “mixup” he has.

Don’t tiers only matter at the highest level of play anyways? Or does anyone not believe in this?

Tiers probably matter more at the lowest levels of play. At the highest levels of play most people have their teams/combos tricked out to handle the top tiers workflow. It’s the nature of the beast, the character specialists use the familiarity with the top tiers and the their own teams uniqueness to their advantage.

In general play? Mid level players get hit with web zip powerstone for free, eat wakeup supers regularly, and get opened up
by relatively easy and predictable Ultron rushdown. What makes a top level player great is hit confirming and defense. Top tiers
make all of these easier, making it easier for mid level players to seem godlike.

IE: You can probably mindlessly mash with Dante and mash with say Spencer. Dante will likely win 7 out of 10 games. With easy
combo on that would be free.

Now there’s certain top tiers that are execution heavy where this falls apart. Its also why a lot of people forget about Firebrand when
making their tier lists.

Very good perspective. I’ve always wondered how much of tiers influence in wins and losses.

Seriously they gotta fix this input eating during freezes BS

Opponent does random Beam super and I have a lvl3 or an invincible lvl1 that isnt an easy hyper combo, but cant do these moves because the damn inputs don’t read.

Cant counter switch to my character during the enemy’s combo because he switches to his secondary character instead, so now I gotta let go and hold the command again but oops, cant again because he did a super so I gotta do it again

God it’s so annoying

So what you’re saying is her entire gameplan is Active Switch

Unless Demon Mode lol, her mixup are ass.

Switch is free for a reason. Being a series where we were asked to accept a character being garbage because ‘muh assist is gdlk bro’ I have to imagine a character being dangerous only because of switch or certain stone gimmicks is well and good.

Oh. I was just thinking “Gee, if I would stop trying to use Nemesis all the time, I might finally break into 8th rank.”

I guess I just suck. Zero players body me constantly.

not in marvel lmao

imma pick nova back up

I’ve actually thought about this a bit, some say tiers don’t really matter at any level, some say only at the highest level etc. I mean has there been any player ever who won something big using a low tier character?