MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Maybe because

Honestly I think thereā€™s several parts to it, ol boy grinded for months depending on that broken Dorm Tech and then poof shitz gone, did he even win anything when it was still in there? Who else did he play Ultron? Throw in what I think are some changes of plans and I see the whole MAHVEL baby train having slown up on the esports level. Which is fine by me. Iā€™m all for seeing new blood. Granted ChrisG still gonna take home that rare metal most of the time.

Weā€™ve already seen that tweet and F.Champ is someone who can change on a light switch. If things arenā€™t going well from him in DBZ, heā€™s going back to whatever is easier for him to get money in. Marvel with a smaller pro tour is much easier for him to do well in than DBZ where heā€™s going to have to compete with a bunch of hungry anime and non anime players to even touch real money in that game. Best case scenario he has a good first year in that game because Marvel fundamentals carry him. After that, he doesnā€™t have a lot of hope.

Weā€™ve seen in Marvel Infinite that east coast is already being dominated by people who didnā€™t even play Marvel 3 and Cloud805 was going to keep F.Champ out of major wins regardless. With that said he still generally has a better shot in Marvel than out in Neo Anime land.

I see Skullgirls and more MAHVEL players winning on DBFZ before Champ and ChrisG. For me, they were always about movement and control. DB doesnā€™t have that as far as I know.

Iā€™m still on the fence about playing DBZ, mainly because I watched the cell saga and thatā€™s it. I barely got through that. I hope it does well though
as I can easily see them picking up Naruto and making a proper versus game and Iā€™m a Naruto fan. DBZ characters just never interested me.

Yeah Iā€™ll mess with DBZ just so I know whatā€™s going on, but just not enough of a fan of the IP to invest heavily in it and too many of the cast is variations of punching and kicking ki blaster.

Iā€™ll probably play DBFZ as I am a huge fan of the series. However, as a Fighting game fan Iā€™m not too interested in the gameā€™s mechanics. The game definitely looks great , but the engine of MVCI is far better. I canā€™t wait until players become equally proficient with multiple stones.

Ah soz
I donā€™t think every character can then. Unless you count power stone. Most characters can otg and ground bounce

Yea, Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re right. Thanks man.

Shit, just realized that Firebrands powerstone surge animation takes to long for him to chain the surge into a jab. I had doubts but no wonder these other powerstone users are just hitting anything the hitting powerstone. Time for a new stone. Bah! Think Iā€™m sticking with Space or soul with Brand.

Where do PC players find opponents? Iā€™m a PS4 player who purchased the PC version to play with a buddy and literally cannot find a match, in any way shape or form. The one I did find played in literal slow motion the entire time; Iā€™m assuming my opponents PC/connection was shit because Iā€™ve never had that happen on PS4 and my PC is more than enough for this game.

Also, is it just me or is PCā€¦stricter with inputs? Iā€™ve found I have to be far more deliberate to get super jumps and any motion to come out, along with just button presses in general. Using my Hori, same pad I use on PS4.

Well your monitor could be an issue if itā€™s not 144mhz. I wasnā€™t able to do MH combos regularly until I switched monitors. On PC matches are found in training mode with match request set to casual/ranked.

I finally found a match after waiting 20 min. Training>ranked/casual/all or same region/4+ is my usual search on ps4.

Do you think because I havent done (or found) any beginners league matches that it has a harder time matching?

Real talk, take off all preferences lol! Also on PC there arenā€™t many beginners I donā€™t think so donā€™t bother with beginners league. I honestly think thereā€™s something buggy with the matchmaker too. Generally all my matches are playable but Iā€™m in nyc.

Even though I think Space is FBā€™s best stone by a large margin, I occasionally play him with Time during Casual matches. Giving him another movement option is just silly and the amount of shit he can throw out in Time Storm is hilarious.


Damn dantes air hammer move gives you enough time to land switch characters and activate any stone storm and itā€™s an otg, so soul storm seems awesome and lets you get creative with co-combos, well I know a lot of characters can do this after certain moves like Ryu and ultron but didnā€™t know dante had a special that allowed this. Heā€™s so good.

im bummed, Bucky/Venom will never be a team good enough to compete with top tiers. I dont really have any energy to learn someone new either, i hate zero

You can certainly beat people playing top tier characters with them.

You know what you can beat top tier players using?

Hulk/BP. With Mind.