MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Hey @“DevilJin 01” ,do you use any of morrigans grounded command normals? I never really use them but plan on testing some things soon

Does anyone know of any Zero/Nova or Nova/Zero team mains?

I want to make this team work but I’m having trouble figuring out how to put them into a good mixup situation

Maybe some javelin>tag, crossup shenanigans.

Working on some reset concepts. I think grounded resets would be useful for cap as a frame trap throw mix up

So it’s the setup to the tick throw you’re showcasing here, right?

Yea it’s showing that there’s enough HSD on the grounded opponent that I can almost instantly go for a throw even though the opponent is in hitstun

There is actually so much HSD that a light punch doesn’t combo into a light kick. So the mix up should be unreactable if I do It right

Not really. None of them seem to have a use that’s worth bothering with and Chris G and Ryan LV both play her without really using either of them so that’s a good sign they’re not worth bothering with.

The only one I use is her f+LK and I only use it in time storm since it’s the only normal she has that repeatedly chains on the ground.

I barely even use shell kick even though it probably should be used more just because j.HP is so retarded so you really don’t need to use much else. I saw Ryan LV do some double shell kick into tag stuff to cover the ground and lock down a bit though.

I do use shell kick a good bit but never really used any other. Only thing useful I found is that they can help extend grounded strings. That’s about it

So I finally decided on my two characters, Dante and racoon, now I just need to pick a stone, any suggestions on which stone would be good with my characters? Oh and happy new year everyone!

I would go with space. Coon’s best stone is space pretty free and Dante can do some good stuff with space also. Plus space box stuff with Dante and Coon is hard AF to block.

I’m having a character crisis right now.

Too many choices.

Lol, I was there up until recently. Never even labbed dante until after the nerfs, which tiers don’t matter to me since I suck at this game anyways so I just have fun and choose who I think is fun, even though I think Dante is number 1 still. I like racoons mobility and just like his character design, also both have lockdown supers so that’s always good. Just choose whoever you feel you like, unless you want to compete or want to be master at ranked then tiers don’t matter I guess.

So it’s pretty much inevitable that the game turns into total touch of death now right? Everybody can use this bug so optimal combos will be unblockable setup loops. Could see time stone becoming top just for ease of setting it up.

Won’t be as bad as UMvC3. Saving that first meter for counter-tag will end up being a big thing. If anything I think it would strengthen the use of soul so that you don’t end up in the 1v2 situation and get unblockabled. From my experience I’ve only ran into maybe 1 person actually trying to hit me with it online. I feel like people are more interested in seeing how they can set it up rather than actual practical application in a match. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up like HSD where it doesn’t really get used because it’s expected to be patched out.

Yeah most of the tourney/eSports goers won’t bother with it because you’re gonna look like the bad guy if you use it and it’s unnecessary muscle memory to add for something that will likely get taken out by the time it would hit the meta.

I haven’t ran into one person online yet that’s using it and even watched a FT50 with Clockwork and some other dude and neither bothered with it. I think people are figuring that it’s more of an oversight than glitch worth bothering with. Like the Dante overhead stuff or Gamora 100 frames of throw invulnerability where it’s like right = left or stop = go type shit that shouldn’t be happening.

On PC I’ve seen it used a few times, but that’s such a low sampling of players. (literally) Could have been the same dude too. While I get matches often there’s probably only 20 players or so I regularly play.

I am in the EXACT same boat as you. Currently using Zero/Nova.

If anyone has anything for us. Thanks.

I don’t even know what combo I should be doing with zero into nova lol.

What’s the Dante overhead stuff?

Dante had a glitch where if you did a before you did his stinger, it would cause it to hit overhead. So you basically got instant overheads off of a grounded normal that normally can be blocked high or low

It wasn’t a glitch related solely to Dante, EVERYONE had that glitch. If you hit someone on the first frame out of blockstun, it would register as an overhead. It just so happened that c.LK xx Stinger had the perfect amount of frames to execute this consistently.

You’ll notice on the patch notes after fixing this glitch, that it was under universal fixes rather than just under Dante.