MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

The online in Marvel is good enough where there should always be people to play online. At least on PS4. There was a surprising amount of streams going on for Marvel yesterday also. Usually at least 10 to 15 different people streaming with a few top players getting 100 to 300 viewers.

That’s what makes me wonder how DBZF will do with non anime game people. If it is trying to be a game that lets people do really cheap stuff like Marvel has no problem doing, I expect a lot of people to do their 6 to 12 months with the game or less and leave. Gonna be a lot of people who were thinking they could be hot stuff in DBZ, get blown up by crazy setups and hit boxes that they don’t know how to deal with and then they go back to Xenoverse or whatever casual game they were playing.

Capcom top players getting whooped on by anime boyz and whoever the new DBZ prodigies are, will have them stop playing with any seriousness pretty quick. Capcom pro/high level players are the quickest to leave something once they know they’re out of making money in it. Marvel players can always go back to Marvel where the money is easier to make. Practicing for AE if you’re not already CPT finals material won’t yield any actual profit.

Well I’m kind of in the same boat because I spent the 2000’s just watching MvC2 while I mained 3S. MvC2 is/was hella fun to watch, just as 3S is hella fun to play, even my friend the fps playing fighting game anti christ put his hands up and said 3S was one of the best games he’s ever played.

But back to the present, yeah I only play Marvel (until SF collection comes out and we finally got A3 and 3S together online!) and casually at that, and last night at 10pm I couldn’t even get a match in ranked with no bar, skill or region restrictions. So wtf is up with that?

People follow the crowd, or jump on the bandwagon, or whatever you want to call it, but the scene and especially the higher echelon of players sort of shape and dictate where the traffic goes. Big BIG BIG, that’s what people want, like you say they want that spectacle and if the support for Marvel isn’t providing that then the players aren’t going to be there.

Look at Cloud805, he was a completely unknown XBL warrior, now a few years later he’s a seasoned top player, it can happen to you, or anyone, no matter if you have to fight your way through 2000 people, and reach the top where that big cash is just at your finger tips.

The exceptions will always rise to the top and he attended plenty of OFFLINE tournaments as time went on.
Anyway, if you’re not getting matches on PS4 I don’t know what to tell you. I was getting so many matches on PC
I couldn’t train worth shit last night without turning the match finder off.

Honestly I’m starting to think there’s something janky with their coding.

I always get ranked matches pretty fast. Usually get a better variety if I search all regions, but even searching same region usually get a match in less than a minute. Casual matches tend to take a bit longer, but after a minute or 2 can usually get a casual match as well.

I’ve never had a lack of matches on ps4 longest I might have to wait is 2 mins or so for a match and that’s “bad”

Chris G didn’t make me quit Marvel 3, but Vergil and Doom MIssiles absolutely did. When 90% of teams had one, the other or both my viewership and playing was done.

In regards to the future of Marvel, the ball is entirely in Capcom’s court right now. The game will grow or shrink based on how much they invest in it. It’s really that simple. Even if every major pro player relegates Marvel to the side, if Capcom decides to put money into tournaments they will come back. Even if they decide to put the esports aspect of Marvel on hiatus for next year, as long as they release content/patches throughout 2018 the game would be fine until 2019. A season 2 is guaranteed for this game as a company wouldn’t invest money and time into a platform game project and then just abandon it while they still have assets ready to be released as DLC.

It is not as if people have rejected the game because there is no interest in a Marvel vs Capcom game. People rejected the game because there is immense interest in a MvC game, and people are disappointed in the current product. However, as a platform Marvel can have much more longevity than dbfz. This is because MvC is a multi-franchise game while dbfz contains only one. Furthermore, this one franchise has been heavily front loaded because a lot of people’s favorite characters have already been included in the game. There are so many hype inclusions Marvel and Capcom can make if they decide to.

How far this game will go is really up to Capcom and Marvel. It’s not clear to anyone what they want this game to be, and that’s causing a lot of anxiety and pessimistic speculation in the fgc. However, if they want it to be a big esports title it can easily be on that track by this time next year.

This is true, I’m actually glad this appeal to the masses approach didn’t exist when I was younger. I probably would have been glued to the screen more than I already am. (Granted, there could have been money in it.) I’m really in it for the extra modes say 2 vs 2 should they release it. I think that will bring a whole new level of fun to the game.

But as you said, balls in their court. The general gaming public can deal with a certain level of BS, but once it becomes the norm allah end life UMVC3 it will cause the scene to stagnate.

That’s such a shitty practice. They release an unpolished, barebones (compared to what they could easily do) game because it’s supposed to be a platform, but don’t invest on it because the lacking content from launch kept them from reaching their sales target.

On another subject, if unblockable setups go unpatched, good thing the controversial counter switch exists. Also, why counter switch didn’t work on the Spidey infinite?

Game Day Friday, an institution I started here when I joined this company, has created an office scene for MVCI. Once Venom came into the mix I got the Executive Director, the CEO, and the Director of Mental Health Skill Building hooked. Apparently the CEO marks out for Ghost Rider too.

You can’t counter switch during capture states or cinematics. Anything where the characters go into an animation that can’t be controlled by the players you have to hold shit until it’s done.

Well we don’t know the details, but I at least, assume Marvel said something to Capcom a bit like “you’ve got a 2 year licence to make a new product and put it on the market, this is what we want for our agenda in the MCU, we will give you access to create additional Marvel content at our discretion.”

That would at least explain the shity base cast, because it’s harder to create a new set of system mechanics than it is to recycle the old ones with newer characters. I imagine the switch mechanic had to get tested extensively, they would have had to be very conscious about the balance and application of the stones, with things like reality completely slipping the net.

I’m honestly not bothered about X-Men, I only care about one character (Juggernaut) and that’s someone who probably has little chance of making it into the game, even though technically he’s not even a mutant. I mean how many X-Men do people expect? Imagine Wolverine, Storm, Magneto and Sentinel were in the base roster, would they be excited, or would they be pissed because Capcom’s lazy ass recycled even more assets? I don’t think anything would have made people happy, X-Men or not people would have still complained. “Why Sentinel? Why not Psylocke?” Etc.

I want characters like Star-Lord, I would have liked Groot as a stand alone character, and when you consider realistically how much DLC they could actually give us, does anyone expect a roster bigger than MvC2? It’s just not gonna happen. Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Magneto, Jean Gray, X-23, Psylocke, Gambit, Rogue, Sentinel, Juggernaut, Cable, fucking every X-Men character in existence, we’re not going to get what we want when each season only consists of 3C and 3M. Next season should hopefully be 4C and 2M, one of which better be Star-Lord, because if you’re basing part of the game around the infinity stones why the fuck would you leave out the main character of GotG?

This game was never gonna have a smooth start, if it wasn’t graphics it was characters, but they did what they physically could do and that’s what we got. I remember SFV was probably even more controversial at launch than Infinite was.

I’m gonna sin and actually agree with Maxamillian here, because for the next six months this game needs to just lay low and let AE and DBFZ burn it’s self out, so it can come back with an impact with some actual content and real improvements. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna play the game, but Capcom I think just need to blow their steam with AE and let ASW deal with whatever issues they encounter with their game, because right now they’ve got nothing to offer in Infinite that can compete with the launch of either of these games. We’ve just got to hope that while Marvel are a-holes, that they’re not 100% a dick.

The one thing I love about this game is the fact that you can create so many scenarios in your mind and have them play out perfectly in game. This is something I did back in the MVC3 days. MVCI’s creativity is amazing.

I’m going to start playing Black Widow/Chun-Li with Space. That team is so damn fun.

@MVCI being barebones, the game has pretty much everything you can expect a fighting game today to have. It has a Story Mode, Trials, some bonus content like artwork and character profiles and even an encyclopedia detailing the new world, and it has Ranked/Player matches and lobbies. I hear “rushed” thrown around a lot but that game was announced/revealed in late 2016, and in comparison when DBFZ was revealed at “20% completion” it was June 2017, so around the same time between reveal and release. I think people just like to throw that around because the game is going for this “realism” aesthetic that is impossible to pull off when you’ve got dudes like Megaman and Zero existing in their own little anime world, and the fact that the most iconic looks of many of the Capcom characters happen to be heavily anime influenced.

So, you run into the same problems you had when Capcom USA would do artwork for the SF crew and Darkstalkers and it would typically look like crap. Only now instead of it just being a USA thing, it’s something for the entire world to mull over.

Yeah not to be confused with Dizzy’s like Mind Stone. Looks like people are going to need to hold them bars more often.

On the game, I gotta say while I didn’t complain about it I didn’t have much motivation to play until the DLC characters came out. People want new looking shit, me included.

Yeah dizzies still allow you to shake out which is technically an action so technically allows switching as well.

I’ve yet to run into anyone online using the glitch. Seen Cloud practicing it in training mode but then drops it online. Marvel is cheap, I’m looking forward to more cheapness until it’s patched.

Wait, sorry for the noob ass question but what happens when you counter switch (which uses 2 bars right?) when you’re getting combo’d? How about when you’re taking a hyper? Do you hit the attacker and both reset to neutral? Do you hit the attacker and could continue combo’ing him?

You can’t Counter Switch when you’re being hit with a hyper.

Edit- Wait, how do you not know what happens if someone uses a counter switch if you’ve been posting here?
In any case, your secondary character comes in. Primary is still being hit.

Well, bars won’t mean shit if you can easily kill without them. Bars will be used almost exclusively to counter switch. Maybe for a lv3 to guarantee a kill? At least mind stone will be way more useful.
Also, how many frames do you have to do the unblockable? 1?

They have to be good though, not just be there to fill a quota. One bad thing is enough for people to forget the game. I played arcade mode to unlock some colors for my mains, and never played it again, simply because there’s no endings for me to collect. I have fun in training mode, but if I was a casual, I would have dropped the game already.
The gameplay can be the second coming of Christ, but there’s nothing there to make casuals treat the game differently than another mash fest like any other fighting game.

You can totally Counter Switch during a hyper as long as it’s not a cinematic.

EDIT: Apparently I thought you could when I was actually CS’ing at the end of of a hyper. My bad