MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Again, F.Champ said he’s still playing Marvel so he isn’t really doing anything he wasn’t already doing. He’s basically telling people stuff they already know. Yes you’re likely going to be playing SFV and dabbling in some DBZ. We know.

Unfortunately this glitch came out at a weird time where there’s no news on another league or pro tour for the game. Meaning further lack of exposure of said glitch. Only thing you can really hope for is that this is something people don’t run too hard in tournaments (which is possible as people do purposely or just involuntarily decide not to use cheap things) and something gets announced that assures they will eventually do something about the glitch.

Capcom has been really good about removing anything that is more cheap than a hard to blockable int his game, so there really isn’t much reason to worry. Marvel has always been the cheap game so you have to deal with whatever cheap comes or play something different until they patch.

Champ, championed the game super hard and now he’s like “Oh its a side game”

Something changed…

He shouldn’t have said anything especially about marvel since a lot of the hate the game got steams from him, from getting it early and showing off how busted OP some things seems weeks ahead of time, to entering tournaments, to potentially having a voice in deciding what ver of the game got played at bfts.

yeah just lay low, and play what you gonna play. If anything he’ll probably take Soul calibur 6 more serious than everything else lol.

Yeah you can only take someone so seriously when they were practically in tears over seeing Jedah revealed and then flaunted the early access stuff. Marvel is in their blood, they have to go back to it whenever it calls.

I just want to play man. I don’t want to make a political statement every time I touch the game. I just want to enjoy the game with others that enjoy the game. That’s it.

I dunno man. If Champ has insider contacts (considering he had the game weeks before release and had access to the december patch almost a month prior) - then who knows what the Capcops have told him. Maybe the game is indeed not going to receive the esports support it was supposed to (read: the reason why Champ put SFV to the side, why Justin moved in together with Marn and 7k, why Yipes has moved to the West Coast from NYC, etc.), which is why he made the tweet when there’s really no reason to (the discussion wasn’t even about if the game’s alive or not, he just kinda dropped that bit of info out of blue)

It’s also not a good sign that Marn moved back to Vietnam (he moved to the US for MVCI) or Yipes went back to NYC (he moved to West Coast for MVCI). Chris was also pretty disappointed and pretty much said he’s putting focus on other games next year. Justin’s been kinda silent though he keeps tweeting about team compositions in DBFZ and such. And champ himself has been suspiciously quiet after BFTS until the Geico online tourney last week

The worst that happens is they have a scaled down pro tour, but like I’ve said before even the most poverty ass games have leagues and tours, so it really isn’t much to start throwing some money at tournaments for the game again and people start coming around. They’re going to eat up whatever is announced, when it’s announced.

It may not be the Hollywood eSports people wanted, but it’s not very difficult to put something together even for a game that clearly casuals aren’t bothering to watch on stream outside of tourneys.

idgaf what fchamp thinks, pro nerds dont decide what videogames i play lmfao

They do if you’ve got no one to play against.

Game has pretty good online so there’ll always be someone to play against. Plus Chris G is on stream right now and Unknown was playing earlier. Chris already ran into RyanLV earlier.

Good thing their tweets has no relevance on the online population.

If Capcom announces that MVCI is apart of the CPT, dude will flip the script in an instant. What Champ said makes no difference either way.

You put way to much stock into pro players tweets.

bro, litrly wat?

if someone let a pro players tweet stop them from playing this game they are WEAK

also, mvc has always been a niche game. both previous installments had to be voted in their last appearances at evo main stage (fkn melty blood almost beat mvc2 in 2010 iirc), and how many people even entered umvc3 last evo? the last tournament for mvc2 only had 100ish people, a terrible showing by esports standards.

its nice to dream about a capcom tour with mvc with 500 entrants per tournament but the fact is people dont really want to deal with mvcs unfairness theyd rather spectate. fchamp sounding salty because hes getting beat up in a game he had before anyone else lmao

Has Champ even been that serious about the game since he talked all that shit then got bodied by SonicFox? Maybe I’m forgetting something where he came out big but if I went around saying “This is MY game” while getting an early copy and then getting beat I’d be inclined to make out it’s not me but the game that is the problem too.

Anyways, easy Jedah/Strider unblockable that took 15 minutes to work out + I’m close to getting the timing for Mind Surge too so I have 2-3 unblockables + the regular hard-to-blockable Jedah/Strider crap. Maybe I’m alone but I love all this cheap bullshit.

People are coming up with non Tag unblockables, this is going to get out of hand. It’s going to be funny watching this game get patched a lot. I wonder when Capcom will say enough, deal with it!

About 10 minutes after posting that first video I started thinking about potential Ouroboros solo unblockables but I can’t do more testing until later.
I’m still convinced this isn’t an easy fix due to the direction a character is facing is so entrenched in the tag mechanics that any fix will have a knock on effect and break other stuff.
Again, maybe it’s just me, but I love this. I’ll be happy to see it patched because if left it will destroy any semblance of fun but for now I’m enjoying it as a labmonster/theorycrafter.

I’ll address each issue in order:

  • Think about it, one persons opinion doesn’t change everything, but the opinion of top level players matters greatly. Generally serious competitive players almost always play the most popular game to win the money, that’s the drive, that’s what brings in the sponsors, causes the rivalries and what pushes the pot/gambling prizes higher and higher.

If Capcom decided that Infinite just wasn’t worth the investment, it would get less viewer time, less branding, and eventually less players to the point that you wouldn’t even be able to find anyone online to play, a bit like XT. So you can play Infinite all you want, but if you search in ranked and one day find no one to play, you know it’s because everyone is dedicating their precious time to a game that’s actually worth playing and worth spending their hard earned money on to cash in on the big pot prizes.

  • wat?! Marvel has always been a niche game? C’mon! Dude MvC2 ran solidly for seven years between 2000-2006 until SFIV came out in 2008 when it dropped off the radar. In Ultimate’s prime time it brought in nearly the same amount of players as SFIV did, four figures, until Chris G salt pretty much made everyone not want to play, again for the same reasons, because it wasn’t worth their time.

You need to brush up on your Marvel history a bit.

Wait, Chris G made people not want to play MVC3? Top players don’t necessarily play the most popular game, they play the game with money to win, which in turn can become the most popular.
I still remember the evade charade where VF had an actual prize pull and Justin Wong decided to play and get served. Comedy. I know a ton of people that flocked to NRS after that prize money
was announced.

The case you’re trying to make is a trickle down effect. Capcom needs to support a game with money, events, prizes, so that pro players will play in them and gets the game more exposure which
can lead to more competition. In the fighting game community which has been held up by local communities until recently (and really still is) this isn’t necessarily the case. Although your
personalities may have called Marvel a side game they are def showing up to regionals/majors that feature it.

Make no doubt about that. They want your money.


Saying Chris G made people not want to play MvC3 is like saying JWong stopped people playing MvC2 because everywhere he went turned into a fight for second place.

For sure, if you kept up with the games progress you’d have seen, but really you just have to look at the numbers. In 2013 and 2014 both SFIV and UMvC3 got 1000+ entrants, in 2015 SFIV got 2000+ and UMvC3 got 800. Over the course of the bullet hell SFIV numbers increased while Marvel numbers dropped, and it’s pretty much down to the fact that people knew playing and entering Ultimate was pointless because it detracted from time they could be spending preparing for Ultra.

Honestly though, I think it was other shit in the game itself, not pro gamer opinion. Marvel is, and always was a game that can be more fun to watch than to play because of the extreme nature of it. You can fuck up in SF and the combo movie will last half as long as a Marvel one.

Most people that enter those large tournaments knowing the likelyhood of them getting any prize money at all is slim to none so the “Money factor” is not a primary draw. It’s the spectacle and being able to actively be part of that spectacle. You can enter a Marvel tournament and feel like you just came to watch. The salt in Marvel that it’s fans love causes high blood pressure and kills off would be fans real talk. I know a die hard Marvel fan who also loves SF. Whenever I ask him to play Marvel he’s all fuck that crazy shit! I’ll watch YOU play but FUCK THAT.