MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

[quote=“BMsirhc1313, post:980, topic:184090”]

Angelics Dorm combo


Sick dude!

From what I gather in that short period the dummy is to be considered facing both backwards and forwards at the same time and thus has no blocking stance. Because both you and the dummy are facing the same direction, when it falls out of hitstun it might take 1f or so for the dummy to track you and orientate it’s self correctly, and during that point it can’t block until the correct orientation is established and left or right is determined.

Why do people keep saying this, marvel has a history of being broken and didn’t get patches or character updates.

That era of gaming is long gone, and people aren’t going to play a game that every other character has so 50/50 into unblockable especially 3 months into its life span.

I miss those days of getting a game and it was what it was, but that era is long gone.

Marvel should be crazy and over the top and cheap, but once unblockables and infinites and two characters start to dominate the game people start to care less and less…

Mvci has enough bad press as it is, last thing it needs tagged to its head lines is unblockables.

Man, I keep thinking of interesting setup/reset possibilities for Black Widow that I want to test.

Too bad my brain almost always forgets how to use them in real matches.

It’s hard to ban something like this because like someone said before, TO’s can’t monitor every match in pool play.

Doesn’t matter, if it’s stated and the TO catches it resulting in a disqualification it’s a fair way to deter it from happening again. May get people nagging or claiming it was used but that’s up to the TO to decide. Either way it’s fine by me, I have a Venom/Rocket team that can set it up pretty easily.

that angelic dorm combo felt like the end boss of a game styling on the main character lmao

If i would pay to enter a tournament and got dq’ed because someone was lying about me using something that was banned, i better get my entrance fee back and some gas money lol

NLBC went by with no one using the glitch on screen. Not surprising.

If anyone can handle an inescapable reset, it’s definitely Marvel players. If someone sees an unbloackable headline under SFV, that’s probably a bit scarier. Unblockable for Marvel? That’s like hearing a car got into an accident. That’s what happens.

If most teams can viably do it then unless people scream their heads off it’ll just be another thing people use until they patch. People tend to complain more about things that only a few characters can do. Something that most of the cast can do is more viable for everyone to use and doesn’t hold as many people back.

Standing only?

Sure, doing an optimal combo into unblockable is cool, but if I can hit 3.5k and unblockable from there then I can loop unblockables. Do 3.5K with one hit, unblockable leads into another 3.5K, then do it again but burn bar = dead character guaranteed. Doing it this way rather than via optimal combos will lower the time to kill by a lot because scaling won’t ever become a factor. Also it may be better vs Counter Switch since the hitboxes you’re throwing out will always be on the ground rather than at super jump height where most people try to Counter Switch.

Considering the drama regarding easy hyper combo forcing a match reset not long ago, I don’t see how this can be applied consistently and if a rule isn’t/can’t be applied consistently then having it is just going to result in nepotism and drama.
Also there’s the issue of intent - If I hit someone with some messed up nonblockable setplay and they cry that it was a banned unblockable, do I have to go to training mode, show my setup and prove that it was blockable or do I just have to hope the TO can see the difference between a legit unblockable and some disgusting impossible to see mixup?

To my current knowledge yes. The glitch works when the dummy is temporarily frozen in place, be it ice, crumples or other moves that have long hitstun and allow you to cross to the other side without the dummy turning around. When the dummy does turn around, when timed right, that’s when the unblockable occurs.

IMO the unblockable/uncombo is too ambiguous to just flat out deny people using it in tournament. From what I’ve tested there isn’t much that it seems you can do except counter switch, but there’s already things in the game that you can do where you can’t do anything but counter switch. If you count space storm you can’t do anything in the space storm any way.

I imagine it’ll be let rock until it proves that it is so ridiculous that it needs to be barred from use. In 2018 odds are Capcom is already on the case of patching it if it’s gotten viral enough at this point. Although the chances are low, there’s a chance that people may find some counter measure or way to slip out of it also. Again, not likely, but it’s possible.

So is there some cool way I can set this up with Hawkeye/Gamora with his ice arrows or something? To be honest I haven’t read all the details about it, I get the very very general concept but not sure how I would go about setting up the situation.

I would assume Hawkeye/gamora could do it pretty easily

Oh… I guess that settles it then

If you know anything you know this is bullshit. Can’t believe anyone would believe this lmao!

Btw I’m talking about the last part where he says he’s “leaving it as a side thing”.

They didn’t even test the worst of it where you really can’t even mash anything to escape. At least you’d be able to mash super or storm out of a regular unblockable.

It’s not like he said he’s stopped playing. F.Champ is only going to get so far in CPT and he said “some” DBZ which already indicates he’s trying to fairweather the hell out of that game. They’re just going to get there little NRS style stint and then get out when the comp gets too fierce.

F.Champ had similar verbiage about SFV in interviews before where he trashed SFV regularly and got really glistened eyes about Marvel. MVCI is a side game but then DBZ is also a side game (using the word some basically sides the game)…nah one of those games is going to be played more than the other and if he’s having it rough at CPT, Marvel is the obvious fall back.

I’ll see FChamp in a week when he finds something dumb in DBZ.

“Back to SFV”.

And this is why I say patch, the game is difficult enough as it is with its current shenanigans, there’s no point having something at this point that makes all the potential future creativity in the game completely irrelevant. As soon as a Dante loop is discovered then that’s near enough end game, pick best character, play neutral, get a hit and win. It’s like Sonic Fox’s trap team but actually guaranteed. Yes that’s always been the formula of Marvel, but we’re not even a year in lol smh. I think there’s a huge difference between accepting something that’s broken, and something that’s completely kusoge.

I would really like Combofiend to have left Capcom knowing he created something great, not be cursed by the spirit of the SFxT gem system which is what seems to be happening, and if it’s even turning away seasoned Marvel players like FChamp, they know what’s up.