MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

If you have a ps4 my advice would be to get the ps4 Version is where most people play.

Iā€™m on xbox. The question is do xbox players post here. Iā€™m on near daily and never run into somebody who recognized my name. Overall I rarely run into SRK guys online, with any fighting game.

My username here is my gamer tag. Send me a message on there. Weā€™ll play together a lot more if you have a headset.

I like to be sociable if Iā€™m gaming for a long time.

Are you sure this is exactly what happened to you? Thereā€™s videos that show that this would be basically impossible to have happen to you unless you were blocking for longer than the match can last probably.

I play Gamora so I donā€™t really have problems with Chris. He canā€™t shoot her without putting himself in a position to be shot by her and she can convert into full combos from almost any landed guns.

ALLLSOOOā€¦both of those gun shots he was using can be reflected with gold pushblock. So basically youā€™re bad at video games. Turn all block and advancing guard on in training mode and pick Chris and do the same string. The CPU will make sure the bullets hit you in the face every time.

To be fair, Iā€™ve never claimed otherwise.

Yeah thatā€™s why I like Gamora because even if theyā€™re good at video games, at least they canā€™t reflect my bullets.


Iā€™m gonna be trying to master him for a while


People should rip Morriganā€™s model to make some sfm. Those hips, manā€¦

Second match of my life and lost to a laggy Dante/Zero 15th rank auto combo guy. Nice.

Iā€™m guessing the Dante/Zero also use Reality Stone.

Fought an 8th rank. I instantly regreted getting the game. No way my old ass will have the dedication to sharp my execution.
Oh well. Guess Iā€™ll have to wait for a BOF character.

This legitimately should have been a thing, like looking at that it makes so much fucking sense. Opportunity missed. It would be cool if they did like an alt costume switch, like Marvel costumes for Capcom characters and Capcom costumes for Marvel characters.

Welcome to Marvel vs Aging.

You need Sigma and Thanos in your life. Iā€™m an old-ish guy and they are great for guys like us.

My soul has been destroyed, WinterSoldierā€™s grenades can be beat with, wait for itā€¦


poof into dust

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I hope for Doom and some X-Men (preferably Wolverine or Old Man Logan, Deadpool, and Cable) as a nice present for next year, but until then I will leave this gift for everyone. Enjoy!

Most marvel players are 30 plus. Unless your 50+ no excuses lol

How many of them started at 26?
Iā€™m not trying to make ā€œexcusesā€. I just donā€™t have the drive. Better just have casual fun, watch tourneys and talk shit here.

Just messing with ya. But it does take a good amount of playing to even start understanding what to look for. Keep playing to gain some muscle memory