MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Lol, I remember when I thought 30’s and 40’s we’re similar. It’s more about payoff vs effort. Like chasing snatch, games like snatch I like a lot, but I’m sure as hell not chasing it like I used to. I wish there were more old heads playing though, give me more people to BS with. Watching Viscant play makes me feel some shouldn’t be shown on stream tho lol

One of the biggests regrets of my life is not playing fighting games seriously as a kid/teen. I never even knew such thing existed. The closest I ever got was playing the PS2 Naruto Shippuuden Accel 2 with one friend.

I played fighters competitevly from like 13 until my late twenties. Almost came back during umvc3 but went tournament organizer instead. I knew it would be a wrong move in my life to dedicate myself to gaming and couldnt take casually losing lol! To be the best you need to put on quality time. I dont regret it though, Im doing some cool zhit right now. Shit even the tournies I ran inspired other organizers to get their shit together in Orlando. Keep trying to play but maybe you’ll find other game related shit you’d like to do.

Right now I kind of want to get serious but I have more important shit to do still. I think Im going to start a bi weekly tournament stream in nyc tho. It would have been dope to come up nowadays as a gamer as much as I loved the old school for it’s outcast exclusive kill or be killed vibe it’s because that’s all we had so that’s what we were.

I’m 31 and the first marvel I played was MvC2 on the dreamcast. There’s no way I could ever play this game at tourney level. But this game is still a lot of fun for me.

Besides playing the game casually keeps me from being salty when I lose. Plus, I’m almost at 8th rank, higher than I thought I’d get.

That’s healthy bro, I just can’t shake the if you’re not the best you’re wasting your time mentality. It’s a thing when you used to be a highly dominant player from back when. That’s why most old dominates fall off.

So, I don’t know if this is well-known or not, but I found some really funky shit with Ghost Rider. As you know, his bike hyper has a punch follow up that turns him around. What you might not know is that the game treats him as facing the way he’s moving, even if he’s going away from the opponent. This allows you to tag out and have your partner come in BEHIND the opponent. This works even if they are in the corner, and you can always forgo the default tag attack to throw in a low/mid/throw.

Short hop rifle is cool

Makes sense as once your body is turned in the other direction, your character is set to come out in the direction from where they are facing. Ghost Rider probably has one of the only supers that you can long term switch up where the tag partner will come up.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! May all your dreams come true and we get the XMEN fast!!

X-Men can wait, I want dat Star Lord.

Nerf Dante. …oh wait they did already

Unblockable or nonblockable? Looks like a kind of fuzzy guard to me.

Priming my Thor/Widow team and after a missed pick-up from Widow’s grab… things happen…

@WorstPlayer how come you aren’t rocking some Zero/Ultron/Dormammu/Dante team? If you want to win bad enough, there are some pretty potent teams to do it with. I’ve lurked enough to know you use MH/DR.

I’m working up to top tiers, but I’ve spent my time with Nemesis/Dante. If you’re not worried about winning at the highest level, well then it’s fine to just play cool characters. A competitive fellow such as you might be better suited to the dirtier comps.

When a character is turning they cannot block low so is a true unblockable.
Mind Surge actually leads to craziness now rather than 3K damage.

this could be a relationship breaker…but i will try. will post results later

Pretty sure my cap/morrigan team is team scrub. I feel like they have extra lives with how well they can survive with their invincibility. Tag on soul stone and it makes it a tough team to kill

Morrigan’s clone super with soul storm must be hilarious. Moreso if shadow supers like Gamora and Zero’s are in there. Need a vid of that.