MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

6465 dmg with one bar with Venom and full carry from one corner to the other one. Let’s gooo
edit: 6.6k now

Yeah, Rocket/Venom/Space is a scary theory team.

Do Venom’s traps persist after tag?

So, is there any inescapable command grab reset with tag? Like making it so the guy will get hit in his prejump frames if he jumps, or get grabbed if he don’t?
I guess that would require a standing reset, and this kind of thing is rare, isn’t it?
Maybe there will be some shit with Nemesis AA grab+Venom trap that pierce the sky, but feel free to crush my dreams.


disney really gonna buy fox…damn son…

I know a lot of people have complained about the artwork but holy shit Capcom really made venom look impressive. His animations are amazing. Good shit.

So traps all day and an easy ass lazy man combo character in Venom? Shiiiiiet.
Where’s my Coon Symbiote Alt? I hear you like traps in your traps! So here we go.
Coon space costume and anti venom. I’m going to leave WS alone until I have more

Here I go being a not so special snowflake and joining the legions of Venoms that will
blot out the sun!

Man I’m liking what I see with Winter soldier so far. It seems like his guns not piercing doesn’t even matter. Man air qcf lk is huge he makes me not even care about any nerfs before his release.

Hmm, probably chun li imo.

Ehh, Black Panther. Hella manual for the simplest shite.

What does this mean for MVCI?

I think Winter Soldier is going to cause more salt than Gamora.

Ok so my max is 5k meterless (6.2k with 1 bar) with Widow, anyone got better damage?
Also what stone you guys rockin? I’m sticking with time atm, tried power but no dice.

I’m digging her so far but i feel she is not real, all her shit seems like gimmicks.
No crossups aside from the zip down, no air coverage moves unless you just yolo “predictabo” air throw, no lockdown specials (got a lockdown super tho).

The shocker mechanic is cool as a concept but I’m not seeing the point, you can combo into the shock and use it in the same combo and most her specials and all her supers aside from the Ranbu cause the shock so it’s basically always there.
There’s prob some real grimmy setups but they won’t be a thing for a while. Maybe I just suck tho so we’ll see.

Also I hate how her batons look like the anal probes from South park, they just look dumb.

all the characters people want they may get

via wolverine, storm, deapool, etc.

For the first time I wish this was 3v,3

Playing bw and ws makes it clear MH was not for me

ehhhh just feeling that im shilling if i do. I put the character ones in the appropriate char thread thats about it.

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention!

Just in time for season 2 of crack

I wouldn’t be surprised if they have them mofos already designed in the back.

Damn that would be awesome!