MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Winter Soldier and Black Widow actually work really well as a team, especially with Time Stone. Both of them have bouncing projectiles and combined with teleports and her overhead hop, it makes seeing them things hard let alone reflecting them. She also has Shuma Gorath’s eye balls so any hit seems like it leads to ridiculous shit. Both of them seem reset heavy, Bucky seems a bit of a Cable function and Black Widow seems a bit of a Jill function, screen control and mobility. I like them both.

Venom is just easy mode character, kind of similar to Sigma in the last DLC pack, with Black Panther and Monster Hunter being a lot more technical to use.

So what you’re saying is popular characters = face roll status? I’m gonna be playing Venom like:

Alright my quick thoughts on Winter Soldier.

QCF LK. This move is really good it going to his main zoning tool and pressure tool. Short hop qcf. Lk is going to be a must to take full advantage of this move. It can be reflected but you can block or sometimes the bullets collide with each other. Shouldn’t really be a problem if it’s advancing guard. Something else you can do is his shield upon landing. So even if the bullets are reflected back nothing happens to you.

D,d, p. This move makes him a ground god. His shield will protect him from a lot of moves. Somethings beat it but a lot of stuff wont. Lows launchers some specials and super will beat this. This should allow you to control the ground pretty strong. You still have access to guns so you can shield projectiles and win zoning wars. HP is an overhead should be able to set up hard to blockables easily.

QCF.p haven’t really seen anything that impresses me about this move. It does have some super armor. Not really sure how much. I’m not really sure about the purpose of the H version of this move.

QCB.k the nades seem pretty interesting going to have to play around with these a bit more to see how mucb potential they have.

Okay anybody find any dirty trap or web zip setups with Venom? Currently trying to optimize a tag from Hawkeye after landing freeze > freeze > poison > gimlet (tag), where Venom can then come in and do his qcbL web command grab thing. Normally he kinda rushes forward and tries to hit but I can’t get this consistent for a pickup with Power Stone or anything else. Is there a way to control this followup at all? The few times I’ve gotten it to work with the power stone wallbounce, I don’t know kinda setup you can get but I think with the qcf LK claw thing since it still barely hits and knocks opponents into the air where they recover, I wonder if there’s some kind of crossup or trap setup here.

Also his grounded super seems like it does bad damage and leaves no followup but I thought I remember seeing in a video where you can do something after it. How do you use this thing effectively?

Man did the patch buff the arcade mode ai? going through it to get some colours real quick and the AI actually did an honest to god combo against me. I have never seen that before.

Maximilian accidentally found that you can combo after his qcf kk super so should be ways to do it

Im just happy venoms back…but man do i miss rushdown pressure venom. His is sorely missed. His new air special is aight. The traps are whatever, maybe im playing venom wrong but im tryna be up in ppls faces w him not running away. Hes sposeta be a mobile super grappler

Venom looks sexy af in red tho. Red nova/venom gang

Man black widow gonna put some hurting on people lol.

I can’t believe how fun they all are.

Bucky especially. I’m putting time into that character.

Not exactly saying they’re baby tier, it’s just Venom has a lot of easy combo extenders like Sigma does compared to the others. For example, launch qcb+p, launch qcf+p, launch abcd, is a combo I came up with in like 30 seconds, Winter Soldier and Black Widow takes a little bit more thought to play as them. It doesn’t speak anything about Venom’s neutral though, he’s just a good character for beginners who’s both visually impressive and functional even at a low level.

On one hand, I’m super excited at the prospect of X-Men/FF being fully under the Marvel house.
The childish slapfight between Marvel and Fox was old before it started.

On the other hand, though, that’s one more notch in the belt of the Great Mouse Empire…

I think I found my Winter Soldier bnb hopefully someone has something a bit better. I’m probably going to run soul storm with Bucky. His shield seens pretty silly with another character in the fray.

I only played Arcade Mode for the first time last night (which was after the patch), but the AI did a combo that took about 65-75% of my character’s life away. It included at least two level 1 supers with the characters being tagged out during/before supers to continue the combo. I’m not sure if that was typical pre-patch but that surprised the hell out of me.

I expect many a video from you @“Evil Canadian” I don’t wanna think, I wanna steal! Get to work!

cracks whip

Yep saw the same thing. The ai on very easy did a 75% on me earlier.
Afterwards it let me walk up and kill it though, so you know, whatever

Finally getting the hang of Venom, even managed a few 6k combos too.

Winter Soldier and Black Widow are pretty fun, but something about them seems a bit… off for me. I can’t exactly put my finger on it.

Really enjoying the new characters. Did anyone already mention that you can tiger knee Venom Barrel? Seems like it opens up interesting possibilities. You can also tiger knee Widow’s LK command grab. You don’t get as much range as her grounded HK grab, but you get much better follow ups.


just gotta steal from some other people first :skull:

I’m loving Bucky. Short hop j.qcf LK will definitely piss people off. I wish the dummy setting for this game weren’t shit so I test how much shit metal shield could stop.