MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Is just the Season Pass on sale too? I was hoping to hold off buying it until it is, but the urge to play Venom is too strong and I may crack if it doesn’t go on sale soon.

Edit: just checked. No, it is still $40 CAD on the PS Store… Being poor sucks.

Who do you guys feel is the hardest character to play in this game? Spider-Man?

Character crisis imminent. Fuck.

His combos are fun.

Sounds like a righteous patch. Long as it don’t F’ with my coon traps I’m solid. Brand got hit but it’s not like I get hit during Tornadoes…like ever. Sure I’ll eat my words at some point. Think I’m going to give in and give WS a try just to try something new.

Granted every character except MH, RR, FB and sadly BP are new to me at this point ha!

Enjoying all three DLC characters…too bad I work today. I’ll be hitting lab hard this weekend.

@“Evil Canadian” Thx for the patch video! made the patch super easy to understand in 15min. awesome!

@“Evil Canadian” Gotta share the vids here man.

Black Widow seems overall like she’ll be the first real technical execution character. Both in neutral and possibly combos. There are some characters that have hard combos, but with the way the game’s scaling works you can usually settle for easier shit and do alright.

Yup. Her F.HK covers a lot of distance and can be kara. She can get around advance guard really easy if you guess or bait them right. Its really deceptive.

Team Femme Fatal is a goooooooo. Black Widow/Gamora

That theme hits me right in the nostalgia feels, THAT shoulda been venoms theme

DLC is now available on Steam too.

Good to see MameSpider going back to crack. Rocking the Webslingers too

Damn if Spidey and Venom actually have good team chemistry that’s gonna be a really popular and fun team to watch.

Do you know how he’s getting 2 HK Venom Traps out consistently? It seems like it only randomly works for me in training mode.

Yo them traps…okay. Maybe I will like Venom. Shit.

Thanks for the heads up. I was resigned to the fact that it was going to be tomorrow so gave up checking. :slight_smile:

Haven’t had time to play the update but biggest nerf to reality surge is it goes away if they hit you right? Also if it travels faster now is this a nerf?

Spidey’s up there, but I would have said Black Panther.
Sounds like a lot of people think Widow is the new Viper, though, so that probably means she’s the most difficult.

You have to start the 2nd trap as the 1st trap is appearing. So it only works from far enough away that you can recover from the first trap as the trap is appearing.