MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Man did they stealth nerf the hit stun decay or something with spiderman after zip line into ABC combo?! It literally drops after the THIRD hit. I don’t recall that happening before the patch

Nvm looks like they nerfed something with his jab, either hit stun, or decay. I can still do it from the air with kicks but no longer with his jab, it just doesn’t combo anymore.

That’s so random and annoying

On another spider man, the standing B has a tendency to whiff during zip line C, ABC. Hurtbox stuff.

I just do A,dB,dD, launch

Its not even whiffing, it just doesn’t combo anymore. Like I do air zipline, Heavy, Light, then it completely drops if I use Heavy Punch again. And I’m pretty sure it never did that before. Works find from everything else but a zipline.

So strange.

Well I look it up and AMC isn’t own by Fox. It’s own by AMC Networks. as for the Walking DEAD Fox has or had the international rights.

Well there we go. They still got The Simpsons though.

Yeah I believe I had this problem before the patch too. I just thought it was caused by low hit stun from LP and high hit stun deterioration from web zip.

Believe it’s also solved by doing LP, d.LK cause LK has more hit stun than LP

Played my buddies venom after being away for about 2 weeks. Damn he leveled up something fierce. I went like 4-28… back to the lab I go.

My Haggar/thanos couldn’t do shit against his venom

Venom jobs to reality stone. Fuck Venom, eat this.

I would assume venom would have to play carefully with traps otherwise haggar could blow up most of venoms tools with lariat?

Button layout and Nemesis specials with different motions is confusing me big time.

Pools at NEC

I know I’m being bold as fuck, and I’m sorry, but would anyone trade a Venom code (is that even possible?) for a Captain Marvel major Danvers costume code?
Blew up my credit card buying the PS4.
EDIT: What’s up with the input lag on the character select screen?

Havent had my PC for over a week (HD died), but I feel like Frank’s combos seem stricter for some reason

That feel when you wanna look shit up on youtube but don’t wanna miss the fun of finding shit out. 6300 with Nemesis in the corner. It’s so satisfying to land a shit ton of rockets after struggling to do so on UMVC3.

Evil Canadian probably has the best series to get you some tips, ideas to chew on, and basic gameplans to characters without veering into that obnoxious “do this combo or drop the character” territory.

I’m doing mostly combos now to get used to the control scheme.

You’ll stop pressing an S button in two weeks.

Fuck, just bought Venom, and I don’t even have credit on my cc.

It’s hilarious. I really want to play MH but I think I push buttons to fast for her habitually and eat shit for it.
The more I try to make a B team the more I like my A team. Coon/Brand for life I guess.