MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I don’t understand combos in this game yet but I was just thinking yesterday that Ultron/Venom is probably the best team with Venom on it. Still don’t get whether it’s universally better to have an optimal solo bnb or a tag bnb in this game.

Solo, tag BnB’s are only better if they do more damage since it leaves the opponent with recoverable health.
Now if you know your inactive character is better at incoming mixups and know you can kill with the tag BnB go
for it.

Check your Solo bnbs then compare it with Tag Bnbs with
a. Damage output
b. Corner carry capabilities from midscreen and fullscreen
c. meter build
d. advantage positioning

Then pick which is best whether solo or tag with your team. Noticed a lot of my tag combos tend to bring them closer to corner and just a tad better with meter building.

All four of my main characters can go corner to corner by themselves.
Unfortunately Sigma is the only one I can consistently get over 5k damage.

Gotta remind you guys Marvel games devision has NO blockage from using XM and FF, never did, and chose to focus on the MCU. How do think Lego Marvel games got away with having damn near everybody in Marvel across two games?

I would not be surprised if they shoe horned mutants into the MCU or started hinting at them with movies in production. The Disney workflow is intense and they’ll have no problem pulling it off.

Sure they have no blockage but you’re INCREDIBLY naive to think they weren’t influenced heavily into avoiding using non-MCU properties.

While this is true, it’s clearly obvious that the heroes included in this game had an MCU focus, and mutants are completely missing.
So there was definitely some kind of recommendation/limitation involved.

You’re right. But that’s probably because they weren’t trying to push free Fox movie advertising by including them in this game. But this makes that into a more trivial issue that’s probably outweighed by the money in adding them to the game.

It’s also why I didn’t say we’d get movies or TV shows with all properties anytime soon. Technically this isn’t a done deal. The DOJ has to approve this in addition to all the due diligence work. I don’t know how Trump’s relationship with either company is, but if he isn’t a fan that could be a big problem.

LOL as people pretending to know the inner working of a multi billion dollar corporate buyout.

This statement after two pages of people going on about what Capcom should and should not do with their product.

Of course you can’t know their exact reasoning but that’s irrelevant to the fact that the acquisition is subject to DOJ antitrust review and general M&A law. As far as why they haven’t used their rights to Xmen and FF–who knows the exact reason. But like the Saxon guy said, it’s obvious they did have an embargo.

I did neither so carry on fam. Remember the days of MvC3 where a few months in we had a very active Tier discussion thread and general thread where we talked about the game.
Serious question, are people to seasoned nowadays that “the age of discovery” is much shorter than it once and frankly, there’s not as much to talk about besides corporate practice?
Is it the game format?

Someone mentioned their love for 3 vs 3. While I like the new shit there was some confidence I had in that system that I don’t have in this one.
Granted it’s three months out, so the meta is whatever at this point.

I frankly have no idea what I’m trying to see. Back to corporate cooler talk my bad.

WTF Disney have bought 20th Century Fox? Holy shit! Give me that licence back you fuckers!

Depends on whether the opponent has two bars to tag out or not. If they do it’s often better to just do a solo combo and let them use their bars to tag out and tag in your other character response to put them in blockstun. Or if they’re dumb enough to hit a button a combo. That’s the way I think about it, but my team (strider/strange) doesn’t have particularly good tag combos anyways.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite:Remember the Functions

should be new thread title.

On the Disney/FOX thing. If they planned season 2 to still be MCU focused, they will start working on X-men/FF on 2018 for a 2019 release. If X-men/FF comes out in season 2, it had nothing to do with Disney buying FOX, since they probably worked on season 2 during 2017 and have them almost finished by now.
But they should be more agressive with DLC than they are with SFV. In SFV they don’t have too much incentive on doing characters, since they’re free. With MVCI, they should shit out as many fan favorites as possible.


that means we get super skrull again in marvel instead of any actual fantastic four :sad:

I hate to be a downer but why does everyone assume this means capcom will suddenly jump right onto throwing xmen in mvci?? Surely theres more to the process than that