MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

So anyways, based on ChrisG’s stream there’s a good chance this game will be supported for a couple more seasons which leaves alot of room for improvement based on SFV’s outlook.

Besides balance patches and new chracters, what new things could they add/fix that would improve the game? Alot of people seem to be turned off by the fact that tag are “free”. Would making tag cost meter actually improve the gameplay? I actually like it being the way it is, being non-meter dependent and having the outgoing character stay on screen for a good amount of time.

For all of the issues with Marvel I like that

  • The DLC characters were released in an extremely timely manner compared to SFV. It’s nice that SFV revealed everyone up front, but if people have to wait till October for Sagat oh boy that’s going to go great.

  • The game launched with pretty solid netcode in comparison to V and has had very few menu based bugs. SFV launched in a near unplayable state. For 60 bucks it at least worked at launch.

  • The game balance even at launch was pretty solid for a Marvel game. Nothing felt too too cheap and even stuff like HSD glitch was sooooo fucking fair and doable compared to the cheapest stuff of Marvel 3 or 2. Things like counter switches and the max damage scaling are great for helping the game get too out of hand.

  • Although some characters look kinda rough, some characters like Jedah were visually done really well and all of the DLC characters are on a much better trend visually. SFV overall looks great, but still lots of clipping (MVCI has nowhere near the amount of clipping) and Ken still looks like Ken.

  • For a game that’s as chaotic as Marvel is, people generally complain less about the comeback factor in this game than they do in Marvel 3 or SFV. For a game that lets you come back to life, people seem to be pretty content with who ends up winning at the end of matches. Whereas SFV people are still disgusted by how Rog and Laura often find a way to come back from near zero pixel.

Maybe that won’t matter when DBZF comes out and nobody talks about this game again, but those are definite signs of some competent people working on the game in some places and something to build off of in the future like SFV had to build off of. It’s amazing that a game that literally did not function on launch and was doomed and gloomed to bloody hell is still the top eSports fighter now (beating games that were supposed to kill it) and has an arcade version rerelease with an arcade cabinet.

if V could do it, Crack can do it.

No, leave the tag free. That’s one of the things that make the gameplay so fun. The answer is simple my dude, 90% of people hating this game grabbed on to the fact that there were no xmen. So you pretty much answered your own question, just bring in balance patches and THE X-MEN and we’re good. Haters gonna get bodied in the near future if this game does get the XMEN!

Tags being free are like the combo breakers in KI. There’s all kinds of ways you could come up with a system to manage the amount of combo breakers, but limiting it will ultimately just make the game unnecessarily different.

The only game that had a limit on anything like that was MVC1’s limited/ammo based assists, but the game that people revere is Marvel 2 that let you shoot assists will nilly. The game already has a system where the assist characters stays on screen for at least 3 seconds after a tag, so I think it’ll be more about people adapting to the meta then worrying about a system that will just limit a game that already worked around spamming shit safely before.

The tag system basically lets you turn everything into an assist and gives it an identity that no other fighting game has now. Toning that down is just more trying to make Marvel unnecessarily fair. You could easily just do something like make the cooldown longer instead of adding MVC1 style ammo to the tags.

The dlc characters should have been apart of the core game. I think that capcom was being too stingy this time around. Game is fun but to have over 60 dollars of dlc and have it look that busted us buts. People are loving dbz because it looks fun and has nice visuals.

That being said if they just released a bundle with everything out now for 40 or 60 bones hella people would pick it up.

Also I want dp motion back as an option don’t like dd attack

Yeah that’s Capcom. They always want to spend as little as possible making the game and hope they can sell other parts as dlc early. They want to add some AAA things, but don’t want to add the quality or content of those other games. Capcom would have been much better launching V and Marvel as budget or freemium games, but they don’t wanna do it. They want to take concepts of those games, but then force 60 dollars any way

There are people that are not happy about DBZs day one DLC, but it makes sense that the quality and amount of characters and features that is already there would work for 60 bucks for the average consumer base.

You can always play Ryu if you want old dp motion

Played Marvel at 9:00 AM today, got matches every minute on PC until I stopped procrastinating and went to work. I like the game and my friends like the game.
You’re being the bitch needing all this extra shit. (This argument is way to Pee Wee Herman but I’m having it because you sluts like spraying your dissatisfaction everywhere.)
Would it be nice to see people playing on some big E-sports shit? Sure. Me? It’s not a deal breaker and people
that like the game will play regardless of whether they get game famous for doing it. Just a thing. Am I wrong for assuming your in the DBZ line of thinking?
Maybe but seriously if you’re so disappointed KAMEHAMEHA isn’t far away broski. You called me a bitch, I called you a bitch but at least I’m consistent in my reason
for saying you’ve got a dog’gina. Now go cry more like all the other babies, excuse me. BITCHES.

I would like an option for dp motions because it’s what I’m used to. I think changing it won’t help casuals learn either. Having both dd or the motion would be better I think.

Sadly big companies have made day one dlc and season passes the norm now. If they put time and effort into the game I don’t mind buying dlc but if it’s a shell to sell dlc I’ll wait or won’t buy

I dont get the complaints behind free tag. How is teleport tag or lockdown tag too different than beserker tastsu assist or jam session assist into high/lows???

Although I like the idea of having more options, the change from dp to dd is really miniscule and having the option to do either motion for one move would be redundant.

Chip damage being a threat and safe chicken blocking needs to return, as such small changes would change alot of the dynamic to the game the way it is now.

i wanna know why im getting ranked with 7th rank players when im hopping into ranked for the first time lol is mvci just that dead?

I think this game will end up only getting better, know what’s gonna “save” this game? The GAMEPLAY. Pure and simple. Bots tourney was horrible, specially when Canada cup was streaming at the same time, would have happened to any other fighter. But that was only one event. As much as its criticized I already explained what this game needs and hopefully we get it. I believe in MAHVEL and time will tell if I’m right or wrong.

I doubt it. Sometimes I get paired with a variety of people, though nothing as low as 14.

I can barely return to training for 10-20 seconds without immediately finding another match. And they’re usually different people. Online is pretty active.

4k plus viewers on twitch right now. Hmmm…

down down for DP is completely better competitively. Don’t have to worry about a motion to do DP vs cross ups. Other than it being cumbersome for those not used to it, it’s basically better.

In Marvel having to do a whole DP motion to DP actually hurts you vs stuff that moves around you too fast to do it the right way on reaction. Another reason why Captain America is better than Ryu.

I never had problems doing the motion in other marvel games the reason I said both would be cool is because it would let new players learn the motion. I know they didn’t add dd dp for competitive play, it was because new players don’t like it. But if they play other fighting games they will run into the same problem. But it’s not a big thing just something I would like

Black Widow is a character that I’d like to use more. Playing around with her and Chun at the moment. I feel like I can learn a lot with this team.

So word on the street is that Dante is still top 3. I guess I was right unless that’s not true.

While I find the down-down motion counter-intuitive due to years of Capcom fighting game conditioning, I’m definitely starting to see the benefit of it.

Ironically, Firebrand still uses DP motion, but I’m finding it very difficult to get them to come out consistently.
Getting a Spitfire when you want a Demon Missile is not fun times.

Popped in Marvel after taking some time with SFV and man, it seems like games are queuing quicker, at least in casual match.

I now realize that I don’t know how to function without a character that has an air dash, even a shit one like Sigma’s, so my widow and Bucky are traaaaash! How do I open people up with them?!?