MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Well, at least we’ll have season 2 (and maybe 3) of DLC and patches.
this combined with costumes being wayyy nicer than the base model should gloss over a bit of the gloom.
But this game sure doesnt get any love from capcom at this time. Battle for the stones was so underhyped, exept from the players playing like they would any other tourney, you didnt have any passion from the T.O.'s.

Seeing people saying gameplay is the only thing that matters in a fighting game and that that alone should be what makes one successful, and that anything other than that aspect is just superficial stuff is kinda sad tbh.

As much as I like to play MvCI, this game is not the standard that fighting game companies should follow. Presentation is hugely important on making a impression and getting a large amount of people interested in the game which is not what happened here.

Gameplay is definitely a key aspect, but all the “fluff” (graphics, presentation etc) is what makes you feel like they invested time and love in the game instead of just pushing out a title to scrub money off us.
Like just by seeing how much work they put in SFV:AE trailer you feel like you’re about to participate to an epic journey that will get better with the time. When you first watched MvCI though it was like “here, have a balance patch for MvC3 with new characters and mechanics”.
In short, people don’t like when companies just shove in their faces too much that they are doing it for the money, even if in the end it’s what every company does.

Story Mode was ok, the gameplay is awesome and the graphics truthfully aren’t that bad.

Then again, I come from a KOF and Soulcalibur background so gameplay to me is king. The rest are bonuses which are great to have but never substitue for great gameplay.

Even as it is, I’ll take Marvel Infinite over Injustice 2 with all it’s bells and whistles, anyday and twice on Sunday.

The graphics people laugh at were still in beta, that’s the whole point of showing these games off to the public before release, to gauge consumer feedback and make changes if necessary.

You guys remember Location Tests, right?

Honestly it’s as if Capcom has no idea how to handle marketing in the age of social media. There’s a bunch of missteps that would have been better if they’ve done nothing and just popped out with BOOYAH, MVCI! Play it bitches! Granted they’ve fixed a LOT of problems in SFV. It’s their bread and butter FG wise so if they didn’t that would be super sad.

For MvC:I they’ve created a vortex of people posting the same negative shit over and over and over again for entertainment instead of taking on MvC:I for what it is. Someone can post here say just about any theory on why things are the way they are and it will likely get reposted at least 10 times + meme. Lets see who can bitch the most on multiple websites and create the most memes possible. Unfortunately that’s the type of consumer the gaming community is. They will bury you while at the same time tell you they want more.

Clockworks tweet was gold to someone like me. Most of the current FGC isn’t hearing it. Playing to be the best isn’t what motivates todays FG gamer. The original FGC paid per play so winning was what he always strived for, were happy to see a new game at all, and did not have access to the wider community outside of our arcade. If you thought a game was kind of ass? You played it anyway if your gaming crew played. It’s just what we did. Cost of DLC? Please, unless you were the top player in your arcade you probably paid for the Deluxe addition and 3 years DLC through the lifetime of some arcade games.

Now with all the social media outlets and choice you HAVE to step up everything. They didn’t and frankly Capcom has been aloof for years. One complaint, turns into 10,000 complaints, even if it’s overblown people don’t give a fuck. The mob mentality is real and once it gets going you’re fucked. MvC:I is suffering from a cumulative effect more than what’s wrong with the game itself. Everything seems that much worse because of the lack of customer service and bad PR over the years.

That being said. I’m playing MvC:I regardless. I’m with team Clock.

The rest of your points have merit depending on what you value, but I refuse to let this sit.
Even before the DLC characters, Infinite had 6 new out of 30 total, which is exactly 20%.
MvC2 had a roster of 56, and only 8.5 of them were brand new (~16%). And only ONE of which was even relevant in tournament play.

However, I’m fine if people want to complain about the specific characters that return from the previous game, because some of those choices are extremely questionable.

I agree, if they were gonna reuse MvC3 characters that capcom side should have kept wesker, ammy and v. joe

MvCI’s failings mean it will only ever do well with an incredibly small portion of the FGC, let alone gaming. Cool, you and Clock have fun with the game: Unless you ONLY enjoy MvCI, you can look to any other modern fighter and find a better package. The game offers nothing to get more people invested in the series. Free tag? Infinity Stones? What do these things mean to people who aren’t already into Marvel? It’s okay to enjoy it, but acting like a bitch because someone called a duck a duck is your problem, not everyone else’s. Wiz doesn’t owe the MvC community shit; why bother hyping up a dead game when other options bring more to the table? The fact is, the MvC hardcore isn’t large enough to carry the game in 2017. The game being dead isn’t everyone else’s fault for DARING to expect a $60 game to be as good as other $60 games in the same genre; it’s on you people for giving Capcom the benefit of the doubt when they don’t deserve it.

Play what makes you happy and if you don’t like it why try to take it away from others? Move on or stay. This is easy enough and for 95% of us here it is not a money matter (tournaments). I think the game’s honeymoon phase has ended…but that doesn’t mean we divorce it. I personally don’t enjoy it as much as UMVC3 but I like crack lol. Marvel is crack, always has been and always will be. It’s just unfortunate the way Infinite was handled and I feel it’s likely due to bad blood between Capcom and Marvel.

Just like the 3rd crack, the newest crack was always shrouded in darkness after the first 3 years of the game (and was still talked shit about during that time for various reasons). Marvel 3 was supposed to be the last one and by some miracle it still somehow ended up at Evo last year beating an NRS game that you would have thought still would have been popular enough to get in. I guess NRS games just work where people forget about the last one when the new one hits.

Marvel isn’t new to having to go through the worst shit and still somehow surviving, so this is just another test.

If Marvel starts to continue getting into Evo over games that sold way more than it, then it’s just another day. Apparently people still want to watch this game more than the other fighters once it actually has an event going on. It will have to take DBZ for anyone to watch anything else more often.

I’m acting like a bitch by saying I’ll play the game I want to play.
I’d fuck your mom in the ass with a decapitated midget. That’s how dumb
your statement just looked. You don’t like the game, being a bitch is spending
your time bitching (the act of being a bitch) about a game you don’t like.

Personally I can’t wait until you guys get DBZ or whatever to distract you. Granted
you’ll still find the time to troll in Marvel forums because you need the salt in your

UMVC3 being called a Man’s Mahvel by certain people considering how it was received when it first came out by the old guard is absolutely hilarious.

It happens for literally every game. People shit on the new one either right away or eventually, proclaiming the older stuff no matter how it was received as the “real thing”.

It’s happened for every game this generation, whether Capcom or not.

The Virtua Fighter series had a stellar reputation with VF players with very few defecting until the latest version because it became too user friendly. (and in the process isolated the hardcore twitch/execution crowd) Actually I’d say that 3D fighters in general don’t have that big of missteps with their core. Tekken 4 and say Soul Calibur 4 being both exceptions to the gaffs.

Hence why I said it’s happening most in this generation, in which VF has not received a new game.

But no, both Tekken and SC have definitely had the naysayers talking about how the older games are better (though with SC, the tendency to just treat it as Tekken’s offseason doesn’t help).

I suppose but nowhere near the level of this, anyhow gamers are a fickle bunch.

The funniest part is you’re talking to/quoting someone that bought Infinite also.

Wait you can actually wear the hand?