MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

All I see is that they redirected the little money it was left from MvCI development to SFV. But maybe you might expect Ultimate MvCI with a proper launch for 2020.

SFV seems to have had a huge about face as far as fan reception. It might not be what some old heads dreamed of but I might actually try playing the game. Shit I bought it
but Mahvel keeps pulling me away.

Everyone has been calling for a “Super SFV” to relaunch the game without all the flaws that plagued it on launch and turned it into a meme among the FGC. True the gameplay will still be what it is, but at least they learned how much presentation is important (at least for SFV) and they are putting everything together in a new package with the kind of content casuals want.
It’s even more irritating when you see how good some of Marvel’s DLCs look that they launched the game by giving the impression they were just recycling everything from MvC3 and adding some questionable models on top of that. Not to mention the biggest failure for anyone outside US that is region locking and lack of crossplay.

The patch and dlc is what the game should have been like on fucking release. Of course people wanr new content because what we got should gave been in months ago.

The patch yes, the DLC? Not so much, but todays gamer has demands and despite what I think they should know that.
Now I know why my game developer friends love/hate their fans so much in the days of social media. If you don’t live up
to their fantasy you get dragged for a long, long time.

The game would’ve been much better received if those 6 DLCs were in the game on launch replacing 6 of the returning characters from MvC3.

The game would have been much better with 12 additional characters at launch. Fight me.

A major update with new characters JUST came out last week.

Give it time to breathe, jeez.

Thing is…without announcing who’s coming next i guess people just want to know IF there will be additional character and balance patches coming in 2018…because well whose things usually are tied to the game doing well and MVCi hasnt.

no need to replace them. they got cut out.
should have just released the full game as it is including the finished costume and start next year with the real dlc´s.

Not the case here. Capcom dropped the ball by greenlighting stuff that is barely passable. It’s not like they tried their hardest and people complained because of memes. Capcom created the memes.

Capcom sounded optimistic about it at the last quarterly report about it and it did get a “Fighting Game of the Year” nomination even if it was a shallow pool. They’re not going to pull the curtain so quick.

If there’s still nothing by next EVO then yeah, I will concede.

Only a matter of time until Zero/Nova pops up.

Arguably the two best characters in the game now and I haven’t seen anyone use this team EVER lol.

Gameplay is too good, just Keep spreading the word…

I have gotten some old sf4 freands in to the game and they Love it!

Btw One of those freands think counter switching should cost ONE bar insted of two and make combos in witch you catch both characters do more damage. I dont know lol

Before you guys call me a hater, I bought the game and I’m waiting for it in the mail. If I get as much fun and time as I got with UMVC3’s just doing combos in training mode, it will be hella worth it.

Yeah. Asura and God Hand would be too much. People would stroke out. They need players to get paid.

Damm, the runner up trophy is ass compared to the Thanos hand.

You have crazy friends and you should let them know that they are crazy.

Looks like they printed it on the fly on a shitty piece of cardboard just to give him something.

Good, win next time scrubs. I remember when shit was winner take all. I LOVED that shit. (Helped that I won lol)

Anyone else feel bad for RyanLV? Dude was wreckin Cloud and was forced to pick Hulk/BP and the whole thing went to shit.