MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I got the game and S2 pass during a Steam sale, so I’ve loaded it up for each new character to see how much I like them.
S3 looks like it might be just as tempting, if not more.

Just give me XMEN already ffs!

I almost thought Steve was the trophy at first. Cloud got strong arms to pick him up that easily.

Who the fuck wants a second place trophy

Might as well get a sign that says I lost in neon


I hate to be a pessimist (Even though it’s my default setting) but it felt like they could’ve ended the tournament with Zoidberg’s run away noise and it would fit just as well.
Maybe it’s because I’m invested in this game but it a lot like "Alright, this shit’s over and now we never have to deal with it again. Be sure to go and watch the shit we want you to watch."
I didn’t expect a reveal or an announcement but the whole tournament felt like the red headed step child that had to be bought out to show the family that they still exist before putting them back in the cupboard as quick as possible.
A simple “I hope you’re all ready for more Marvel next year” would’ve sufficed but unless I went full retard and missed it, that was too much to ask for.

Trophies - It appears everyone in top 8 got one except ChrisG. Which is fucking hilarious.

Capcom tends to do stuff that would hurt less if they didn’t do anything.

Cloud-senpai has noticed me.

I hope Capcom fixes their way.

The Marvel mistreatment is really uncalled for.

Something I’ve just observed is that time stone can be used to negate Black Widow’s sticky grenade. As long as you teleport when the grenade goes off it will have no effect.

They just prepping time.

They can start by actually putting MVCI on Capcom Fighters and not some random stones channel.

It’s quite clear what’s happened, Capcom have been given an opportunity, a budget and a deadline, and they’ve done what they could in that time. But like SFV the real development is still ongoing post launch and is being released as DLC or future expansions. Obviously this game needed more time in the oven, like 1 or 2 years longer and perhaps that’s something Marvel couldn’t commit to, perhaps due to other licensing issues with other companies or something. They probably wanted the game to fall in line with with their movie releases, for example Venom 2018, which would have been no good had MvCi launched in 2019, neither had Capcom not been able to develop Venom in time.

The launch was about as disgusting as Sexy Vegan, but as we can see the artists and developers are getting better. This was probably the plan all along, as bull shit as it is.

Community is hilarious. Patch comes out, plus DLC then 2 days after "Whens the next Patch and DLC!?!?!?!"
Seriously, Capcom really needs to shaddup more and surprise the fans which is exactly what they are doing technically
but they dropped the ball on spacing out Battle for the Stones. They really should have made an event out of it (Not placed it on
a weekday while people worked) and figured out a way to get people there playing even if that meant setting up a team tournament
format/current version tournament.

Battle of the Stones was a hokey ass tourney any ways. People wouldn’t have taken it seriously even if it had more exposure because of the tourney rule bending stuff which is hard to take seriously with money involved. Marvel is already a chaotic game so there’s no way a tourney like this would ever be their huge tour event. Maybe like a side event at best again.

It’s out of the way, now time for whatever Capcom is really gonna do.

I hope Marvel Entertainment supports this game with big ass pots and payouts 'cause Capcom is going the way of Namco with treating Tekken with all the bells and whistles and treating Soulcalibur like the hated bastard child.

Is stupid since Marvel actually does get very good streaming numbers and is second to Street Fighter overall and they are both Capcom, so Capcom pulling a Namco with Marvel is just foul in every way.

In Thanos’ voice, DISGUSTING!!!

Bottom line, the idea was really more interesting than the implementation in practice.
Like I said previously people were more excited about the qualifying tournaments that be actual
finals. Why? They got to play, and the mystery of how they’d implement these rules was exciting.
Frankly even if they would have kept the craziness gimmick. Compacted it into a weekend and setup it
up in a more attractive fashion. Say, general tourney setting, promote it BIG with the Trophy in the promotions,
leave a stone somewhere along the bracket path, if you win the bracket path you pick up a stone explain what
the stone does generally speaking before the tournament so people get no surprised but you don’t know what path has what stone.
It gets explained during the tournament what it does and let the entire tournament play out like any other regional it would have
been a much better move.

But yeah, back to more serious Marvel. Btw, going to be streaming some Marvel likely this weekend not that I’m somebody, but we’ll
have some NY heads likely in attendance.

And yes, yesterday’s display by Capcom was simply unprofessional.

Even if BotS is a side tourney (which is still disrespectful since this was Marvel’s first big tourney) in the whole Capcom Cup event, the sheer disdain displayed yesterday was just horrendous.

KOF SNK cup had lots of problems and the inexperience handling a big event showed but the passion, the goodies and the love was there at all times. They did tried with a great effort even if the tourney wasn’t good and players and fans recognized and praised SNK for the effort.

It was all the contrary with Capcom and Marvel yesterday and I hope Marvel Entertainment takes full rein if Capcom continues with the poor handling and completely unprofessional effort.