MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

He didn’t get it right, he just edited his “leak” post after flowtton made a comment about it on eventhubs

Yeah, sorry for that. My mistake. But he did, however, got Jump Force, DMCV, RE2 Remake, and DBFZ Switch right though. So, it depends what sources he gets his info from. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Because the screen scrolling with 4 players isn’t made to work well with a game that heavily used only vertical scrolling.

Those feature work better in the likes of Zoom screen that EX3 is using and those that gameplay that doesnt require those kind of jumping in the screen like Alpha and SF2 series.

I watched that set. Really good set. CJA is ridiculous. Bringing day one top tier team back.

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What? It’s still literally the same combat. Do you think we’re talking about all 4 guys at once? We just want players attached to each character as the game plays now. This is done in plenty fighting games with wilder camera movement that MvC.

Shoutouts to Angelic and Knives for recording these hype matches from EVO. They really deserve it. :clap:

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Some people claim he just rode along other leaks and claimed it as his… but yeah, lets see this sunday.

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My bad, Yup I thought your talking about something similar to dramatic mode to be in MVCi that is 4 players simultaneously on screen that fights, because that would be a bad idea.

If were talking something like a dramatic battle this is why it is a bad idea, unless they change the vertical scroll to zoom feature which needs to radical rework in the ground up everything that needs to compromised with background and camera effects on supers.

That would work with Tekken, SFEX and other games that include even some generic SF games but not something similar to MVC games that made sole vertical scrolling as a distinct genre feature or even a mechanic that’s why it stayed that way and it was kept that way.

If your talking 4 players with works as a tag function or switching that would work.

Where is the stream?

I repeat: Nobody is talking some silly dramatic battle. Same game, but with a player per character.

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Okay I was trying to point out “if” because you reasoned out with the wider camera angle.

lol I didn’t bring up the camera, I was only responding that it’s not some unprecedented thing.

Hell no would I play MvCi with all four characters on screen. It was dumb in MvC, it was dumb in SFxT, I don’t even like Soul Storm. It’s way too messy.

Mvci Evo grand finals about to start but, who the hell is cja??

CJA was so damn good. Holy shit.

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He looked unbeatable by anyone, but never heard of him, did he attend other tourneys?

I love that CJA has the OG Daigo stoic thing about him. He’ll just do shit you never seen before and he’s just sitting there like a statue.

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This is probably the last of MAHVEL though…

unless there is an update

The people want to know

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Dat meditation break tho.

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