MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Is SFV finished? Aren’t we “supposed” to get new characters there?

SFV isn’t gonna start for like 5 hours.

CJA won Marvel like expected.

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good. because that will have a lot to do with the confirmation of the leaks.


After looking at the character list from the MvCI Season 2 leak, I was wondering. Since Lady was listed on there, does this mean that she’ll be replacing Trish from 3? =\

they’ve just announced new characters for Tekken (Negan from TWD), lets hope we actually get for MVCI.

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Only thing you can do is hope.

Capcom literally only revealed Abi last year, so can only go up from that.

I bet F.Champ knows. Should tweet him.


Nothing guys, we got nothing.

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The dream is dead…


We only got nothing if we believe we got nothing. Still have to true believe.

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What does this even mean?

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Yo, how long you gonna keep this gimmick up, bro? Lmao.


capcom should atleast say something. Give an explanation as to what the hell is going on?

If, big ‘if’, Capcom is doing an update to this game - I can only guess they let E3, ComicCon, and EVO go by without a word because they want the launch heat to die down. And maybe the update is more substantial that dropping S2 characters so they need more time.

But the dead silence isn’t a good look.

That is dumb of them.
A lot of players are leaving the game 1 by 1 and people have been demanding for at least info on what the hell is going on. There is no way this game should be supported if they can’t even have the decency to say something.

I’m sorry for bitching but this really pisses me off.

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I’ve resigned myself that the game is no longer supported but I’m still going to play it. If Capcom surprises me I’ll be ecstatic but I stopped getting my hopes up months ago.
It is what it is.

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Here’s an idea. Why don’t we make a petition and let it go viral. The petition should be an update for the game or at the least for Capcom to address this whole silence. We deserve that respect for following and buying their product for many years.

I’m not good at writing stuff like that but i will try to spread to reedit, gfaqs, fb, whereever to gain that many votes. Maybe Diek or someone can help out in giving this petition to Ono or whoever.

Zatalcon1, you just don’t get it, do you? You’re holding onto a dream that’s not there. What other signs do you need? Battle for the Stones post announcement? Nothing. Leaks from credible leakers? Nope. The biggest tournament of the year with no news? Think again. Comic Con? No. Just face the reality and it will make accepting the fact that Infinite is dead a lot easier. I’m not sure what else needs to be said or thrown out there to drive it into the heads of people.

Just enjoy what you have now for what it is.


Don’t trust the leakers that have been around and do continuously leaking stuff online until now that also were leaking multiple stuff other than MVCi. That could save you from false hope and disappointment. It’s better that you just make your request for S2 like character wislist and balance changes without the fancy stuff.

In my observation videogame petitions do next to nothing.

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Long as it takes. As I’ve said realistically I understand these are crazy rumors and I very well understand that this could all be nothing, but again Marvel is a game that consistently comes around when it’s denied to come around. This is the nearly the only game where it COULD come back from nothing. That’s what Marvel does. I’ve seen 2 marvel games (3 and MVCI) that came when people said there would be near no way of it happening. At this point it’s just about if the story will be written again. The chances are low, but it’s dumb to make the chances 0 as per history.

Although certain things about what was said to happen to SFV seem to have a little bit more of a chance of falling into place. Especially with the character season being done unusually fast. All characters being available with 4 + months to go before a S4 is very strange. In S2 Zeku didn’t release till near the end of October which only gave people a month to even try to prepare him for CPT finals or any other tourney.

S3 we just gonna wait 4 + months with no new characters? I dunno. I mean it is Capcom, but Capcom is doing shit they dont usually do like releasing 2 characters the day after they announce them. Effectively ending the season character wise way before PSX. That is very very fishy and anybody who doesn’t think it’s fishy is denying what they usually know/feel about Capcom.