MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Gotta give it to the guy that made it though, since he even put “Moto Kikaku” there

Also, just googled it. Picture came from a 4chan thread dated from last wednesday, with a post saying some characters would be revealed at SDCC. We know that’s not the case, so…

This is just sad to see. It’s even sadder when I go to the MvC:I discord and see the same group of people grasping for literally anything that could be a sign of life for this game. That Uncanny X-Men rumor even being entertained is hilarious considering all the prior “rumors” that came before it. What’s so special about this now? The fact that it coincides with Disney’s acquisition of X-Men and the Fantastic Four? Give me a break.

I don’t normally agree with anything Max says, but he said something that I agree with. This game needed to fail as a wake up call to Capcom. If you aren’t going to bring your A game, don’t bring it at all. Does that mean I’m not a fan of MvC because I wanted this game to bomb? No. I watched Knives put on a great show with Sigma/Dormammu recently and had a blast. But allowing Capcom to get away with this piss poor game for the sake of it’s future? Yeah, fuck that.

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Welp. I’m in a pool with Noel Brown, Hi I’m Nasty, and Dr Snaketits. And Noel is my first match.
Dear God just don’t let me get double perfected.

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Just mash random super and you wont get double perfected.

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I will be recording MVCI pools this weekend at EVO. Angelic originally said nothing will be streamed until Top 4 due to time and space concerns, but I have 2 LGPs that I will hook up and just let run, and then when I go take one for TMNT, I’ll leave the other one up for Top 32.

This will be the big unveiling of my online and offline tournament series centered around all things 2v2, be it MVCI, SFxT, NBA Playgrounds 2K, TvC, BBxTAG, and anything else that is slid my way that can gain enough interest for a stream.

Mark the X!


If/when you lose, can you throw a really bad tantrum? Do something to increase views/ratings and have everyone talk about.

Dig the concept. I’m a big fan of doubles gameplay. Shooters, fighters, it always works. Bloody shame MvCi never added pair play.

Man I really wish they announce something for this game at Evo. Though it’s highly unlikely.

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I’ll be both surprised and excited if they do.
But I’m not getting my hopes up.

The dream may still live on…take with a grain of salt…

From Vergeben in response to Markman tweet

I know what might be two of them. I don’t have a confirmation that both are happening at EVO, only that they are happening in general.

For the first… those rumors floating around about a League of Legends fighting game by Radiant Entertainment is true. I don’t know anything specific gameplay-wise or which characters are in yet, outside of it existing though. But I’d be really surprised if it doesn’t get revealed at EVO for reasons I can’t say.

For the second… it’s for that certain game that I went from hearing it was abandoned as of the last thing anyone had heard back around February, to multiple people that are trusted sources and have their contacts that would know, come to me telling me that they heard that MvCI is actually getting some kind of update after all.
Even they have a hard time believing it due to hearing it was abandoned around the beginning of the year. But it looks more like they took a break to evaluate it, then decided to resume development.
Information is scarce. Nobody knows anything other than it’s apparently happening and may be offered as an upgrade like how Capcom did for Street Fighter V with Arcade Edition. I only had one source mention it might be an “Ultra” styled update instead, which means it could be offered like how Ultra Street Fighter IV was a purchased update, standalone, or retail release.
No one knows what’s being added, changed, or characters added other than the obvious suspicion that they in the very least finished up the characters that were being worked on for Season 2 which included Star-Lord, Ms. Marvel, Asura, Lady, Gill, and Rashid.
Though I heard back in January that there was push for including Vergil, specifically in place of Rashid possibly. So there is that all to consider from back then.
Whatever is happening with it this time around seems to be more secretive than ever.
As I said before, I don’t know if this will be revealed at EVO or not. Only that it seems to be happening since so many people have heard and are hearing about it. I’ve sat on this information since after SDCC. What’s funny is how I and others took the game’s future as being dead by nothing being said there. Then within a few days after, all this talk of an update actually happening came pouring out my way.
We’ll see what happens. Especially at EVO. But it’s become impossible for me to ignore.

True or not. Evo gonna be lit!

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I still do think Markman being involved in making an MVCI stick with RZR long after the game “died” brings suspicion on its own. Arcade sticks are niche as they are and promoting them with art for a dead game seems counter productive. Even if no update gets announced this Evo, it would be weird. Weirder really.

Things are gonna go down this weekend. Maybe for Marvel, maybe not yet. In general we’re at the point where people are opening their mouths too much for nothing to be going on and there’s just too many “things” going on in general. Probably safe to say though that if something doesn’t get announced this weekend, it probably will before the year is over.


I’m confused. What you posted after the tweet, is that Vergeben or you talking? Where can i find the source/link of Vergeben replying to this?

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At this point I’d be fine with releasing the planned season 2 characters and costumes, with pair play (offline and maybe online). Anything more would be a miracle of risky budgeting and I hope Capcom sees how low our expectations are. People talking about X-Men and a visual overhaul are begging for rain on the moon.

But hey, I’d accept either. I’d accept anything.

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I don’t know why people are so into pair play… there are more casual decent modes than those.

As of now, I’m okay with the Xmen thing.

Visual overhaul is so complicated(unless it’s just UI) because it needs a huge overhaul from color combination and blending of the environment even the character models from shading and lighting needs a approach to be applied.

I know someone might post the MVCi mod alteration, yet those kinds of editing examples may look something that does the job done for first impression but it does not provide the correct visual coherence… it may even have conflicts for some background and effects not glitch but what I mean is the contrast and visual information that its need to convey from character movement, because it’s not detailed design from the ground up.

You don’t know why four players splinting into two teams in one of best examples of 2v2 fighting would be fun?


I need moar crack.

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Didn’t realize this took place. Tracking teleports shouldn’t be in this game lol

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Good luck! I’m rooting for you! :+1:

Although I would take that leak with a grain of salt, at least Vergeben got some things right (Injustice 2’s final DLC pack, SFV Season 3, Soul Calibur VI debuting at PSX 2017, and Smash Ultimate). So, we’ll see. :thinking:

After Markman posted this tweet Verge responded on 8wayrun. You can find it on reddit though.