MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Randomly found a match of mine on YouTube lol. Forgot I was learning Spencer right before i stopped playing when dbfz came out. Loved the ground movement of that team.

Match starts at 8:12

Last post on SRK. I’ll be joining the Reddit group, so I hope to hear from many of you there.

why do you leave this place?

Cause it’s an ugly, glitchy shell of its former self whose theory of ‘no problem, we only need the most dedicated guys anyway’ blew up in its face?

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You talking about srk or mvci? :grinning:


I can play MvCi, my engagement isn’t based on it being at EVO. Meanwhile this forum can’t be played offline.

Just messing around lol.

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so… any updates on the rumors?

It seems to die down… I still hope there is something to be revealed in evo but I dont believe that it would be entirely as expected by the many.

Shit. I just double-checked the rules of the MVCI side event at EVO. They’re running it completely on PS4.
Unfortunately, I only have a XB1 USB controller or a 360 stick (I play on PC). Am I screwed on this? I’m not going to buy a converter exclusively for EVO. Anyone have any suggestions?

Last I heard is people are starting to figure shit is bogus again, but there’s always true believing.

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Just believe, I always believe… Mahvel will always can strive to return… It’s Mahvel anyways

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Someone might lend you a converter to use but I’d just invest in one, maybe buy one at EVO.

If any of you still wish to put your friends on this there’s a big sale on Xbox Live featuring a ton of games. MvCi is slashed significantly, as well as all the DLC bundles.

Not crooked and/or low quality enough.


Isn’t that mvc1 logo?

the typography is so bad!!

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I’d argue that the poor quality and ugly aesthetic make that image completely unbelievable, but considering how most of Inifinite turned out visually… well, it speaks for itself.

(For the record I still think it’s a load of bullshit)