MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Your MVCI criticisms are literally found in MvC3.

And frankly I’ve had enough of people pretending UMvC3 was some cornucopia of composition option (especially compared to MvCi).

I could face any team combination in MvCi and think, “Oh shit, what’s he got planned here?” I’d go as far as to say there are NO combinations off the table competitively. This is far from the case in UMvC3.

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What? What are you talking about? from where are you answering? are you aware of what I am saying? What complaint are you talking about?

I was referring into improving the defensive option because someone said MVCI is too offensive in the earlier, my suggestion was removing proximity guard.

It’s not a complain its a suggestion to the other prior comment

By the way majority of those tech you have given does not exist or a problem in MVCi and it does not connect into your recent comment.

Not really many of mine was not implemented in UMVC3 like proximity guard, projectile defect and infinity surge. While some were the usual mechanic that was absent like assist and dhc.

assist > inifinity surge

Surges are not replacements of assists, they’re closer to selectable V-Skills/Triggers. I don’t know why people keep directly comparing that. And as been said a million times in this thread; the tag mechanics allow you to manually set up your assists with ANY attack. If XMvSF had active switch, and then MSHvSF used canned assists, we would absolutely consider that a step back for Marvel Vs.

Technically and functionally they are replacements and even in the past articles when it was introduced as a substitute feature as a cover and to compensate. Even how hard people tries to defend surge it’s going to be a problem of endless balancing and update like the early months of the game. The way surge is exploit and played is more closer to the assist mechanic in usability standpoint but have different attachment and consequences in team building and character core at the same time.

Don’t act as if surge was a decent thing when it’s not because the data of it’s release proves it’s not

It’s not closer to Vskill mechanic because it’s not bound to the base of the character.

Even in future MVC expansion surge is gonna be abandon it’s a mistake that is hard to control and optimize because assist is a better functionality which is also rooted to the character choices which is good.

Having both assist and active switch in the same game can work in harmony and will never conflict because of the requirement of one character in the screen…

While having both assist and infinity surge in the same time is so messed up and chaotic like mugen. Assist with surge in one game is a crappy decision unlike active switch with assist in the same game.

misquote. i was replying to willseless

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No it is not “technically and functionally” anywhere near assists, the only one that comes close is Reality. And quotes from PR reps don’t change how they work in practice, I’ll tell them to their face how erroneous that was.

Nor is my points predicated on whether or not you think they’re good or working.

No offense but did you play MvCi?

Yes I did play, but not as invested and hook the same thing I did from other prior title like MVC3 and so fort. The active switch and storm was fun and innovative but the rest isn’t something…

Your saying not technically and functionally near assist? and active switch is more of that by referring to your previous comment?

It was time stone’s surge effect that is more V-skill than anything else it’s just mobility option and evasive tool.

Another problem was when building team what comes into the mind as a priority is the surge to be either exploited or utilize for both characters because the core is more into the surge that is accessible and available at the same time for both chosen characters. It’s like MVC(1) special partner in terms of decision making without the counter. It wasn’t a good idea. It change the whole aspect of the changing teams that characters needs to deal with situation of availability of specific assist function.

Sacrificing surge for sake of returning Assist is a the best choice for re-branding the franchise that is more rooted to the usual main experience it is accustomed and essential in the past. Sacrificing assist for the surge isn’t a good idea to begin with.

Assist would work well harmoniously together with Infinity Storm and Active Switch being present at the same time rather than…

Situation (a) assist returning with surge which would cause more complication,

Situation (b) ever changing surge in balance updated as usual

Things to consider and to be thought for is that spamming assist in storm activation opens more depth and strategy in a more controllable and manageable for those that balance the game because of time limit rather than spamming assist and surge all together throughout the whole game.

Don’t confused me hating the surge as a mechanic like someone having a hard time dealing with a particular surge exploit or someone that is greatly pissed because the surge update I used gets nerf badly. I’m not bias on this for the sake of convenience and advantage.

I’m not looking into a specific a character, pairing or surge as a justification because the problem stems in three factor (1)the strategy in team building, (2)how capcom handle and would need to reconfigure it every season and lastly (3) the impression of brand to the casual followers of the franchise. Returning the assist in the formula answers all.

Characters(X men) isn’t something that will change thing usually as expected and 3v3 will complicate things more. Visuals aesthetic isn’t the hook either like many claims to be and its far from reality with Capcom’s technology (not resources) to compromised with the DBFZ that raises the bar and standards from cinematic interaction directly in-game. Even Namco would need to workaround with Arcsys with that technology.

People saying as simple like this in that in graphics and ui has no real idea what the issue is on the visual and isn’t looking into more broad perspective like for the limitation and technicality other than just saying the usual conventional knowledge like resources, manpower and budget when the issue is technology. Those guys in Arscys did unconventional stuff and innovate stuff. It’s barely impossible for the moment. Yet Capcom can workaround with what they are accustomed into like SNK did.

I’m looking into it as a whole not just a particular surge from purpose and design, that it can get in the way of bringing back the Assist that is more grounded to the franchise experience. Even TVC did perform well and did get a western follow up than MVCi even it is exclusive to a more niche platform because the experience and core idea of team building and planning is still more intact.

I think ditching surge that casual audience used to whine and returning assist as an attract factor of a re-branded MVCi would be more interesting and inviting not as fresh but more grounded to the core of the franchise. I’m a usability designer, that like to study trends and also someone that creates brand, I’m not as hardcore like you guys, but I am not a seasonal/occasional fan/gamer of the franchise and capcom fighting games is always something I’m into than any kinds of games genre.

Yeah after a few lines I just scrolled past all that. I’m not gonna digest an elaboration on what is an opinion. And hey, we all have opinions, but let’s talk facts:

  • MvCi, no matter me or your feelings, is functional as is. Nothing is ‘broken’. If you don’t like it’s combat system, cool. But it demonstrably works.
  • MvCi uses 2v2, Active Switch, and Surge/Storms. If you just can’t vibe with that insert another disc.

I know you will just scroll on to that. :wink:

Again it’s not about me or something that is about a personal preference or just specific audience. The idea there is broad in scope and the goal is to captivate the usual audience without the risk and danger of introducing bigger complication hat will probably contradict the other designed mechanics.

If there would be even a future expansion people would have the ability to vote they would route more for the Assist than Surge and I don’t think they are meant to work together.

Assist can save the franchise because it opens new strategy and bring back the successful formula next to consider is characters(xmen). Assist explores more variation and creativity than surge because it’s more rooted in team building and attach to the characters core, that makes it more manageable and easy to optimize for Capcom. Surge is a very niche favorable mechanic because it’s exclusive only to the hardcore MVCi fans rather then the overall followers of the franchise.

A niche that will have a brief struggle for the loss of surge will probably hate it for a moment but would easily love Assist more because it opens new gateway to options, strategy and depth that is more inviting to the usual audience. because it is engrave to the core mechanics of the franchise more.

sigh Okay, I’ll speak your language:

Surges are totally better than assists, bro. It either covers character weaknesses or enhances their strengths. Along with Storms that can help you comeback or assert your lead, many new strategies are available with any team. I have faith how totally awesome it is.

Assists are doo-doo and I’m right about that and whoever disagrees wants the franchise to fail.

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I never said if someone would disagree with me will make the franchise fail. What I’m saying is that it can salvage/save the franchise rather than remaining as is(static) or just having a momentary hype because of new characters and different Ui.

The goal is to attract the usual audience and followers, because something is “back” that was one of the most requested mechanic to return and accustomed to the foundation of the franchise.

Assist is a gameplay experience that is definitely missed and a mechanic that people would never find boring even being as is from the previous compare surge.

Capcom should even make a poll with the three new mechanic in MVCi

Active switch, Surge and Storm to know who the worst and best then what should be adopted in future expansion Surge vs Assist.

Yeah that’s sure is enticing and promising to be a redeeming qualities compare to assist haha


‘Wants’ the franchise to fail. You believe people who disagree ‘wants’ the franchise to fail. All your arguments are about what can ‘save’ the franchise, so you’re setting up a kafka trap for any potential counter-argument.

That’s why I try to note that I-myself believe Active Switch makes for a better game, it doesn’t cast aspersions to whoever disagrees; “Ha, you like a bad game?!”

It’s also why I focused on defining how the game works, because you’re holding tight on the idea that selectable universals are ‘assists’, even though Active Switch replicates the principle of assists enough to make that the comparison.

But I’m done.

Saying something to save is not similar saying something to fail. MVCi situation is not in a favorable one that why I’m saying to save. Not being favorable with my preference doesn’t mean wanting it to fail since it’s already in a unlikely situation, Disagreeing with Assist returning is simply believing the usual and conventional stuff like adding character, balance tweaking and improve graphics will make the game as great than the previous MVC.

Your just saying why it should stay while I’m saying why assist should return and replace it along with the thing it can change for the better from various aspects and not just gameplay.

Active Switch and Assist can work together effectively without conflicting each other while Assist and Surge cannot. Surge is the only thing that’s get in the way of Assist being in the game.

Any Time Stone users here? What’s your max damage BnB with full surge? I’ll list my numbers and pairing below:
Jedah X Chun-Li: 8905 8822
Jedah X Sigma: 9009
Jedah X Dante: 9068
Jedah X Ryu: 9207
Jedah X Thanos: 9267
Jedah X Haggar: 9275
Jedah X Gamora: 8925
Jedah X Winter Soldier: 8843

Some observations I’ve made:
Jedah I feel may be the best time stone user due to the fact that his specials aren’t necessarily affected by this game’s hitstun decay. Haggar surprisingly is also an effective time stone user due to his body press super that ignores HSD.
Dante’s lightning legs can be looped up to 4 times I believe. I’m sure it’s a glitch, but if you cancel the final hit of LL before his does the ground bounce, the opponent is in a weird freeze can of state where most of his specials will hit. Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Chun with EX SBK and I’m sure many others possess this trait.

Basic confirms to activate time storm:
Jedah: LP, LK, MP, HP (let all the hits hit) QCF LP, (TAG) let the tagged character hit, their fastest normal XX Time Storm activate.

Now, I haven’t listed the BnBs as I didn’t write down the notations. (Sorry).
My Chun combo post storm activation:
HP(5), HK SBK (cancel the animation twice think FADC), D D HK (all the hits should connect), D D HK, D D HK, HK, D D HK, D D HK, D D HK. Exactly as you read it.

This guy I’ve had on my friendlist for months stopped moving in our match, said I was laggy and demanded I leave, rage-quit, and blocked me. And I’m pretty sure the wasn’t as laggy as he thought.

Yeah but who cares what that fraud vergeben says? Dude got like one thing right and starts flexing on people like he’s a fucking prophet

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Since we’re close to MVCI’s one-year anniversary, I decided to finally make a tier list based on everything I’ve seen and played against during my time with this game. The reason I have plus and minus tiers for A and B is because there were so many character I wanted to put in those tiers, so I decided to split them up to not become cluttered and to show which characters in those tiers I thought were stronger and weaker.

S: Dante, Dormammu, Rocket Raccoon, Winter Soldier, Jedah
A+: Nova, Zero, Ultron, Black Widow, Monster Hunter, Strider, Haggar
A-: Captain America, Chun-Li, Spider-Man, Sigma, Morrigan, Gamora, Dr. Strange
B+: Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Spencer, Firebrand, Nemesis, Ghost Rider
B-: X, Arthur, Thanos, Venom, Captain Marvel
C: Hulk, Chris, Frank
D: Ryu, Black Panther

Feel free to discuss.

A team like Time Jedah/Strange would probably help Jedah out with his zoning issues. Time port is one of the best ways to give a character better movement and make them harder to zone. Then you can add someone that can also fill the screen and counter projectiles like Strange.

Time is cool don’t get me wrong, but that VS is mad easy to punish due to the recovery frames. I’m not the greatest of players but you’re right about Jedah X Strange. Definitely a solid pairing but with a lot of tricky mixups and damage. Plus Strange benefits from Jedah fireball lockdown to setup EOA 50/50s. Strange Bolts is also great for making people chill out. Jedah can confirm from Bolts hit into (almost) full combos, depending on the situation. And Jedah’s Spiral super allows Strange to force techs with EOA (bomb variant) into EOA (hit variant).