MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Those games are bad, except for UMVC3. MVCI as 3v3 would be better and it’s 2v2 aspect is a minus in the gameplay. It’s funner to think and construct a team, there is more in feeling an identity as a player through a 3v3. 2v2 is the only thing (aside from X-men and roster) that i can throw at this game.

I don’t think one is objectively better than the other gameplay wise on its own.

Marvel started out as 1v1 if you count Xmen COTA/Marvel Super Heroes. Before Marvel 2, Marvel was traditionally 2v2 so it’s not like 2v2 is some foreign thing. Marvel created the active 2v2 and 3v3 with assists. The way the active switch 2v2 engine works in MVCI specifically allows you to do and create things between 2 characters that would be way too difficult to manage with a 3v3 system. 3v3 as varied as you can make your teams, facilitates really most playing 2 characters and having the 3rd usually be assist fodder or comeback fodder. Especially if it doesn’t have a true active switch system like MVCI’s 2v2 would. There’s certain things it allows you to do with THC’s and assists that you can’t do with 2v2, but MVCI has made it clear that 2v2 also allows expression and freedom of things in ways that just wouldn’t work feasibly with 3v3.

The way Chris G makes Morrigan/Monster Hunter work together or the way Dual Kevin makes Hawkeye/Dante work together is just not something that would work in a 3v3 system. You truly get to let the entire toolset of each character assist the other character and it’s really unique even for Marvel.
If and IF this thing is real or could be real, I’ll go with whatever it is. I imagine they’ll stick with 2v2 as the game purported title for the game is still Marvel Infinite. Which means it will still be based off of that game, just evolved from the past MCU where you can’t have Xmen or Doctor Doom/FF. I wont mind 3v3 as that is fun, but being able to truly turn both your characters into a walking assortment of assists while still having the stone as the extra “assist” is really really fun in MVCI.


3v3 with the tag in system of infinite is an interesting thing to see work.

I want to believe…

Things that was very good in MVCi

  1. The thing that was very good and enjoyable in MVCi was definitely the the Infinity Storm Mechanic it was better than both X-factor and Baroque. It wasn’t broken and I want to say it was perfect. it introduce complexity in a healthy way and also there are tons to discover with this mechanics. I want it to return in future MVC expansion. I want it to be “as is” of what it was. If there was a thing it could change that would be the “time storm” to make it something like Dio’s Za Warudo, but overall even without changes it’s very good it is something that doesn’t really necessary to be need for radically balance changes unlike the infinity storm.

  2. Next is the active switch, it was a decent mechanic that can introduce many possibility like the Infinity Storm.

Things that should go away

1.) Proximity Guard - I don’t think that blocking should be strict and too technical in this games since in this era accessibility is more priority for this kind of mechanic and players of this game are mostly from UMVC3 players.

2.) Projectile Deflect - Makes projectile special moves dumb and obsolete

3.) Infinity SURGE - It will never be as good as assist, Assist > ISURGE. Infinity surge is hard to balance every season changes will be demotivating to a players invested strategy and exploits.

Things should to return to MvCi

1.) Whatever Assist format (TVC, MVS, MVC, MVC2 and etc) will do and replace the Infinity Surge

Yet prefer Assist like TVC/MVS having a special move that only occurs in Assist. I don’t think selectable assist will work fine together with Active Switch as the same time. I think it’s a better design that the game will have more consequence to team building unlike the infinity surge that is very free and not rooted to characters directly. So people would have to think careful in building teams because it had more weigh and attachment to the character that also affects the whole strategy directly than just picking the best of the season Ex: reality surge.

2.) Another thing that should return is DHC it adds depth and strategy.

3.) Possibly character exploits and advantage from there previous reincarnation in UMVC3. to hook and entice previous players that plays for the usual exploit but with slight alteration to be not as better like the previous and the need to deal with the whole new environments of game mechanic and rules. Ex Morrigan’s Astral Vision.

Problems with MVCI

1.) Team building consequence changes as soon they drop the assist mechanic and replace it with Surge. Assist is more bound and direct to team strategies because it affects the core of the other sets of move sets available for the player because the assist is exclusive to a certain character. Unlike Surge which is available with everyone and both your characters only depends on a single surge.

2.) I think making MVCi expansion to a 3v3 is not a good idea specially with DBZF and the recent UMVC. The experience should be unique but also innovative to standout in the market. What it need an identity and complexity in a easy learn-able not complication and be chaotic. The idea is also to avoid a mentality of gamers to think:

a. DBZF > MVCi(EX) because of more scene and well known characters
b. UMVC3> MVCi because of havng more characters and invested time.

Its not easy to best something that players are currently invested and attach with, The best way is best them for being new, different and better as a variation of both not as shadow or a wannabe, because that would be certainly a financial suicide if they try 3v3 with the original core design of 2v2 intended throughout the characters, it will just be interpreted as a lesser version of UMVC3 all over again.

MVCi should now stand where it had begin it’s ground a more complex variation of tag and be a variant available in the scen not a shadow of UMVC3 and MVC2 or not trying to be the todays wanabe of DBZF. What it should be is a decent and complex game than DBZF.

welp. verg just said MVCI support is dead. =(

one day i will get my Gill and Asura. One day

Nah that guys isn’t credible, the way he compile and combined wish list is just looking into the boards and trendy stuff posted recently choosing and mixing the most requested and speculated then post it somewhere else. That guy was also caught editing his previous post to claim he said something to be right. That guy is a fraud.

I will keep the dream alive then. Thank you friend. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Basically the one lit candle on the Menorah, is the one that is the fact that Capcom has made no official statement that they quit support for the game. Removing the DRM doesn’t really show 100 percent they are done with the game. Just that they are done with that version of the game.

Which even if a company says they quit support of a game (like Team Ninja of DOA5), that can just mean they are preparing the hard sequel. With no direct statement of removal of support, technically things are up in the air.


It would be funny of Uncanny turns out real, and Vergeben just goes “I said MVCI ceased support, not MVCI Uncanny Edition”


Maximilian said MVCI had a 5 percent chance, crack came.

Vergeben says MVCI has ceased support, but at least can OS when Uncanny Edition is revealed.

If nothing happens during Evo then i will officially let go of all hope for this game.

I disagree.

I like the tag in more than assists. I think it’s a nice new feature and it allows DHC like tech already. I only want 3v3 with the tag in any time feature.

I don’t believe they will just throw everything away that simple it had it’s amazing mechanics that definitely worth returning the active switch and infinity storm. There is no other title that can utilize those.

I’m registered. I hope I can meet/fight a couple of you at EVO.


I think the tag system is good on paper, but I don’t think the rest of the game brings it to it’s full potential. The game is too offense based and damage scaling is fucked up. There’s not much team composition as it could. I think UMVC3 with tag system would be better than MVCI.

Plenty of good long ranged/zone based teams you can make. Hawkeye is top support in this game and makes some top tier teams. Sigma and Dorm also great support and great at long range.

Offense is always going to be good in Marvel, but there’s definitely more viable zoning than in UMVC3 (TBF UMVC3 did have some decent zoning minus XF being cray cray).

Damage scaling could be fixed up a bit and not a lot of people are a fan of the max damage cap, but there’s definitely some shit that does a lot of damage.


Isn’t this EVERY Marvel game, though?

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What it needs is to improved defense as a whole in terms of technicality the key by removing the implemented proximity guard rather than endlessly tweaking other areas that would create complication or would badly nerf.

Needs chip damage. And characters with crazy offense shouldn’t get the best projectiles in the game

UMVC3 had a bigger issue on your complaints though. There was no way you can play defensive against Zero, Morridoom, Vergil, Jean, etc.