Morrigan should have her own combo thread so here it is.
Please feel free to post combos here.
St. = Standing
J. = Jumping
6 = Forward (Numerical Notation)
2 = Crouching
Morrigan’s BnB -??? Dmg
[details=Spoiler]St. :l: > St. > Cr.
> cr.:h: > :f:+:h: > J.
> J.
> J.:h: > J.:s: (1-2 Hits)> St.
> :f:+:m: > :s:> j.
> j.
> J.:h: >
Shadow Blade >Darkness Illusion or Finishing Shower ( If you don’t have 3 bars)
Morrigan’s BnB if you hit the opponent at all you should generally go into this combo.
Below is a slight variation (No 6B) that was done by Crimson Cobra (I think) in the video thread. [/details]
Video done by Crimson Cobra
More BnB by Crimson Cobra
[details=Spoiler] St. :l: > St. > St. :h: > St.
> St. :h: > Cr. :h: >:f:+:h:> J.
> J.
> J. :h: > J. :S: (1-2 Hits)> St.
> :f:+:m: > :S:> j.
> j.
> J. :h: >:m: Shadow Blade>Darkness Illusion
Another delicious combo done by Crimson Cobra more or less standard BnB ( not to knock anyone down or anything), I’m not sure if this is good for meter management (if you omit Darkness Illusion and just do finishing shower instead). I haven’t tested any of these combos since i’m not near my PS3 right now.[/details]
Video done by Crimson Cobra
Combo By Faultydefense - (1.05 Mil dmg)
[details=Spoiler]Need corner and just under 3 bars of super to start
j.H> 6H> Soul Fire H> fly> j.H> j.Soul Fire H> unfly> j.H, 6H, Soul Fire H> fly> j.H> j.Soul Fire H> unfly, S> j.M>j.M>H> j.M Shadow Blade> Finishing Shower> j.M Shadow Blade> fly> j.H> j.M Shadow Blade>Darkness Illusion
A nice fly abusive combo created by Faultydefense. I would use this combo, just so I could learn to use fly/unfly better. This combo is great for finishing someone off since it doesn’t use Aerial tags and you don’t have to worry about it being broken. Although I will say…it looks kinda hard >.>[/details]
Video also by Faultdefense
Combo by Faulty Defense -890100 dmg
[details=Spoiler] 6M (CH), fly, move forward, j.H, L Soul Fist, unfly> j.H> 6H> H Soul Fist> fly> j.S (3)> 6H> H Soul Fist> fly> j.S (3)> 5M> 5S> j.M>j.M> j.H> M Shadow Blade> fly>j.H> M Shadowblade> Finishing Shower
Another good combo done by faultydefense, This can be done from anywhere from what it looks like. Make sure that the 6M is a counter hit. If you do get that CH you can dash almost have screen and combo. That move (6M) is really good.[/details]
Morrigan Combo by Faulty Defense -5 bars, 1197000dmg, 110~hits
j.H> 6H> Soul Fire H> fly> j.H> j.Soul Fire H> unfly> j.H, 6H, Soul Fire H> fly> j.H> j.Soul Fire H> unfly, S> j.M>j.M>H> j.H Shadow Blade> Finishing Shower> j.M Shadow Blade> fly> j.H> j.H Shadow Blade> Finishing Shower > Darkness Illusion
couple notes that are more important than the combo itself:
H shadow blade definitely sets up finishing shower better than M does, M is better for fly cancelling as it aids itself to continuing the combo, so if you want to extend it, use M, if you want to go into shower, use H (unless you were way under the opponent). Also, you can link a couple things after finishing shower depending on spacing. If you’re already in the corner, you can link a Darkness Illusion after most missile supers on hit.[/details]
Morrigan Death Combo I
X-Factor Lvl 1 and 3 bars required
St. B > St.C> X-Factor > St.B > St. C >St. B >St. C > Cr.C > 6C >j. B >J. S > St .B >S >j. B >j. C > M Shadow Blade> Shadow Illusion
A nice combo good for killing off that last character or just killing someone you don’t want to deal with. Not sure of the damage will test out soon.[/details]
Video by Crimson Cobra
Fireball Wall
[details=Spoiler] Alright guys. Here it is, the wall of skulls. It’s not too hard to do. It’s like this
This little sequence of buttons will create a wall of two projectiles covering the screen horizontally. First you’ll shoot the soul fist, then you cancel the soul fist into Fly. Then you soul fist again (who saw that coming?), then you’ll cancel it into unfly and land on the ground. If your opponent doesn’t have a zoning/fireball character. They’ll have a hard time getting past this. It builds meter, does some nice chip if your opponent tries to rush you. Also, if they try to super jump you can either Airdash to the other side of the screen or zone them in the air with more fireballs. Also you can use them as an opportunity to actually rush in and try to hit the opponent with an overhead/blockstring. It’s not easy to do at first. Practice makes perfect…PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!![/details]
Command throw tricks
[details=Spoiler] For those of you who don’t know, Morrigan’s command throw (Vector Drain) has great ( I mean great) range. :l: Vector drain comes out in 5 frames, but it can reach farther than almost every grab in the game (Besides super skrull of course). Most of the time you’ll want to use :h: Vector drain as a defense manuver. Sine :h: Vector drain comes out in 1 frame, if the opponent has gaps in their strings you can grab them as long as they are close to you. Also, like any of her other specials, you can cancel it into fly. So if you whiff the command grab, fly…immediately.
If you do it like this, you’ll always fly cancel if you whiff. If you don’t whiff vector drain will come out and you have to worry about the :s: randomly hitting the opponent.
Airdashing tricks
[details=Spoiler] Morrigan’s air dashes are just another threat on her list of goodies. Her most important air dashes (imo) are :f:+:atk::atk: and :d:+:atk::atk: (in the air). Morrigan’s backdash just isn’t good to me, since you can’t do ANYTHING (this includes blocking) for 25 frames. Her forward dash (on the ground) let’s you do stuff after 15 frames You can use her forward or backwards air dash to catch the opponent when they recover after a Vector Drain. If you hold :uf: or :u: and then wait to see where the opponent is teching you can call out an assist and cross them up.
Use her :d:+:atk::atk: airdash follwed by :s: to immediately land without hitting the opponent which gives you a chance to mixup Vector drain, attacking with a low hit or fly into an overhead :s:. I would use an assist to cover her since the distance needed to air dash off the ground is longer with Morrigan compared to other characters.
Let me know what you think about my organization. I’ll fix it if nobody likes it. Also, more to come later. I’m gonna make a giant edit, instead of editing every two seconds >.>
Eventually I’d like to try my hand at making a Morrigan guide but…that won’t be until later.
To do list:
Organize Combos by Creator
Organize Combos by Damage
Maybe put up what good moves she has…
2/26/2011 Added a new combo by Faultydefense
2/27/2011 Added some command throw and Air dashing info
3/3/2011 Added Fireball Wall (we need a name for that…)
Oh yes, please correct me if you did/didn’t do these combos/tricks/whatever and I didn’t give whoever did it full credit.
Good stuff Rin…
What are good Astral Vision combos? Just the BnB i suppose? How bout ending it in an s to send them otg and continue the mix up?
I think if you relaunch them with :s:, near the end of a combo, they will recover in the air. I think. Astral vision is most used for mixup (imo), it also does good damage with your combos and then finishing it with Shadow servant (I think that’s what it’s called) for that extra bit of damage. I’ll have to go to practice and see what I can come up with. Oh and Post whatever combos you have that are different! :nunchuck::nunchuck:
So far Im not so strong with combos, morrigans in paticular, ive just been doing extra jabs to hit confirm to basic magic series to air combo to knock down, then if neccesary/worth it hitting them with a shadow servant dhc.
Wow, I didn’t see all of that stuff posted on the first page of the Morrigan thread. I guess there’s no point in this one.
I would substitute 2C for 5C and 6B in those BnBs. 5C scales a lot…
Little curious Rin. You put St., S, J., Cr.,C. What does that mean??
Sorry that was an error on my part.
Edit: Where is that error at? I don’t see it…
St. A > St. B > St. C > 6C > J. B > J. B > J. C > J. S (1-2 Hits)> St. B> 6B > S>** j.B> j.B> J. C **> M Shadow Blade >Darkness Illusion or Finishing Shower ( If you don’t have 3 bars)
Morrigan’s BnB if you hit the opponent at all you should generally go into this combo.
Below is a slight variation (No 6B) that was done by Crimson Cobra (I think) in the video thread
OH oh oh! I see what you mean.
I see how that’s confusing. Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll start fixing these right now.
You’re right. Let me fix those too.
I love this listed combo. Ignoring damage scaling, the numbers are just pretty: 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 80 + 55 + 55 + 70 + 94.8 + shower + 94.8 + 70 + 94.8 + 405. Damn near optimal given hit stun decay. (Maybe can fit in some extra hits in after the S launch?) And it builds about 1.3 meters. Beautiful.
I’m new to this game and I have interest in Morrigan. Can someone list for me the absolute easiest bnbs Morrigan has? I’d like to start by memorizing that and then progress from there.
I’ve been using Morrigan and I’m really liking here but I’m struggling with the bnb in the guide. Definitely going to try some of these tomorrow.
hmm…Just take the first combo and split it up. Take your time. That first one is probably her easiest. Then again, most of it ends up being the same.
Thanks for the thread!
Not to be picky, but maybe put damage and meter/XF requirements in the combo title so we don’t have to open the spoiler to find it, also :l::h::s: notation?
Haha yeah, I just realized that one is almost identical to the one in the guide (it may even be the same). Could anyone give me some timing pointers with it? I’m really struggling after the first air section where you land and follow up with M, 6M, S. I can’t get the timing right for hitting them as they come down at all.
using the fireball looped corner combo, i’ve updated it a bit with what i think is max damage without x-factor
5 bars, 1197000dmg, 110~hits
j.H> 6H> Soul Fire H> fly> j.H> j.Soul Fire H> unfly> j.H, 6H, Soul Fire H> fly> j.H> j.Soul Fire H> unfly, S> j.M>j.M>H> j.H Shadow Blade> Finishing Shower> j.M Shadow Blade> fly> j.H> j.H Shadow Blade> Finishing Shower > Darkness Illusion
couple notes that are more important than the combo itself:
H shadow blade definitely sets up finishing shower better than M does, M is better for fly cancelling as it aids itself to continuing the combo, so if you want to extend it, use M, if you want to go into shower, use H (unless you were way under the opponent). Also, you can link a couple things after finishing shower depending on spacing. If you’re already in the corner, you can link a Darkness Illusion after most missile supers on hit.
The air combo endings involving DP’s and supers only can be tacked onto the end of a lot of combo’s where you’d think the hit stun would have deteriorated