MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

IMO the DHC glitch won’t be stickin around past the next patch… if they do one. Its just too retarded.

I do Wesker-or-Deadpool/X-23/Trish. Wesker/Deadpool work perfectly, and Trish’s Peakaboo assist is a lay-up.

I see thanks!

Just added X to my team of Zero and Doom. I have a really cool setup for Silent Kill and I can get every hit of Weapon X and still cancel into Zero’s Sougenmu or Doom’s vertical for big damage.

One challenge I’m having is X’s timing, but should be alright once I can hopefully get more Training Mode time in.

They don’t seem to mind unbalanced stuff, but they did remove sf4 unblockables.

I just changed my team for it though, always had X-23 on point and Storm as last for projectile assist and hail storm spam since the first day but just used Chun for legs so threw her out for Amy for DHC and a similar assist.

So will have two chances to DHC reset for a kill but is pretty fair as most teams can kill any of them in one 800k damage combo using 1 or two bars as well so is even. Can just play whoever I want in the center for fun, Chun and Jill would work well for strong assists or can play any of the Darkstalkers for a DHC reset and can put pheonix last and Storm in middle. X-23 does well with the low assist for high low mix ups and she can add damage to storm’s OTGs and Storm’s projectiles usually auto win so they eat other projectiles for X-23 to get in.

I’ve been running X-23 (Ankle Slice) / Taskmaster (Horizontal Shot) / Iron Man (Unibeam). Basically I try to play X-23 and Taskmaster as my main two point characters with Iron Man as my anchor. Unibeam is excellent for approaching either on the ground or side switching tricks from mid screen (Jump, call assist, M Talon over their heads to switch sides either right before or after the beam hits. If it does hit, the stun is more than long enough to land and get a free combo.)

Taskmaster benefits greatly from X-23’s low assist and is just a damage beast in general. I have Iron Man as my third because I feel like he can function adequately with no support. He can also adapt to pretty much any situation, 8-way air dash, fly, decent speed (relatively fast, but not compared to X-23, haha), can do an okay job with either rushdown or keepaway (but not a good job at either) He also has a triangle jump that you can do an attack from pretty low to the ground. Oh and proton cannon is awesome against phoenix if she gets predictable with fireballs, even in the air since the beam is so huge.
Short clip of my Iron Man in a ranked match: [media=youtube]Oz2vcKjBMf8[/media]

Try it out if you want, or I am always open to suggestions if you have any!

My team i’m using is x-23,viper,dormammu

My setups are high assist viper, ankle slicer
Dormammu shackles assist - liberation and decapitating slice

Makes sense to anybody?

Storm-a/X-23-b/Iron Man-b

Both Storm and Iron Man benefit from ankle slicer. Lockdown w/ Repulsor Blast as well as setup Silent Kill. Elemental Rage DHC Silent Kill Trick. Whirlwind helps Iron Man’s zoning. You can also switch the team to Magneto-b/X-23-b/Ironman-a.

im going with x-23 / spencer / and taskmaster… x23 with taskmaster assist is too good.

Absolute new X-23 player here. I was considering modifying my team specifically looking for a good Anti Air assist or more specifically a GTFO of here assist. Can anyone with more X-23 experience comment on her Crescent Scythe assist? How’s the priority specifically.

I’ve already been testing out Crescent Scythe in training and it works with Magneto’s Fly Fierce combos like magic. I think the timing is actually easier to perform from CS. You don’t end in a hard knockdown from j. S but I guess you can’t have everything.


Round Harvest safely gets X-23 or Skrull in, sets up Silent Kill, and sets up Skrull j.2H+ankle slicer unblockable. Tenderizer holds incoming char for Silent Kill. Low Voltage covers X-23 advance and Skrull meteor smash. All 3 are good anchors. Ankle slicer and Tenderizer help Trish’s damage output. Ankle slicer helps stone smite combos.

My team’s X-23 (cresent sythe), Wesker (low shot), and Chris (Gun fire)

It’s my style to play each character on their own. I find that if I call a support to get in, I can’t use that support in my combos, or they get hit by hypers. To counter that I don’t call them, or I attack at a different angle than my support is at.

About those combos: Let’s face it. A lot of the time you just don’t land your first hit the way you need to to start those beautiful full health combos, if you stop your opponent from jumping in with a standing :l:, you can follow up with :m:,:h:,:s:, then do a full air series (:l:,:m:,:m:,:h:,:d::h:,:qcf::l:). Now call Wesker for an OTG, and hit them with another ground series (:l:,:m:,:h:,:s:), and in the air you probably can’t land the first :l: again but :m:,:m:,:h:,:qcf::l: will work. Call Chris and do a fully charged ankle slicer. This is the best part because recovery from Chris’ gun fire makes them flip in the air. If you time it right you can jump and throw them, ankle slice, and follow that up with whatever you want.

With Wesker I just run, teleport, and wait for an opening. After I land a combo I end it with his low shot, then call X-23 which picks them up into the air. I super jump and try to hit them, which always fails, so I use the medium teleport to get a safe distance, call Chris and use Wesker’s air shot to teleport to the ground. I might get a playsport so I can show you guys what I’m talking about.

I haven’t practiced with Chris yet. What I see from others is that they wait to be rushed and punish with normals or proximity mines.

My current team that’s working really well is Wesker/X-23/Dante. As Wesker and X-23 can OTG. Both mixup and pressure game with this team~

I’m still messing with Hsien Ko (senpu bu) X-23 (ankle slicer) and Morrigan (soul fist). like someone stated earlier I’m mostly playing these characters because I like the character and their playstyle not because of their strength in the game.

I’ve started putting Hsien Ko on point in the beginning of the game because it makes it a bit easier to get the hyper armor wrecking ball rolling and because she is a terrible anchor, either Morrigan or X-23 are way better at that. I used to think that Morrigan’s shadowblade would be a good assist for Hsien Ko because it might be able to anti air some jump ins and keep some people off me, but in reality I found that her DP has too wide of an angle and people are able to get under it and get inside pretty easily, really wish it was more vertical.

So I switched to Soul Fist and while I originally thought it would suck because every beam in the game beats it since it’s just one fireball, I’ve found it to be kind of useful in the small amount of testing I’ve done. With Hsien Ko I try to play a zoning game with her normals and alternate between Item tosses and gongs. I’ve found Hsien ko’s gongs/item tosses to be a little slow (maybe it’s just me?) and Morrigans fireball comes out really fast which helps me keep something on the screen while I toss out projectiles and gong to hopefully reflect theirs. So far I think her fireball helps Hsien out a lot. X-23 helps Hsien Ko out too, using her IAD S overhead with X-23 seems to work pretty well, I’m still expirimenting.

as for X-23 I’ve found that calling Morrigan’s assist while jumping and doing an M talon to D+H is nice. If they block the talon/D+H the fireball hits at about the same time so I believe they’ll get caught if they try to press something and I think it will let me do a short blockstring cancelled into a M or H mirage feint, idk still messing around with it. I’ve found that even though soul fist isn’t a full screen beam it’s still really fast and calling it while side switching with X-23 is still effective somewhat as well as covering her approach. I also like calling it and wave dashing up behind it and poking at them with a crouching M cancelled into M mirage feint or H for an overhead. So I use Morrigan fireball to try and get inside then use Hsien Ko to set them up when I’m in their face. Also Hsien Ko’s pendulum is one of the assists that allow for a weapon X off an otg anywhere on the screen.

I love Morrigan with X-23 as well, (taken from Morrigan forums) calling a low assist (X-23) and doing a SJ Up Forward air dash will sandwich the opponent in between two attacks. you can hit low and cross up with morrigans jumping H at the same time, It’s great. I’m looking for more tricks with Morrigan using X-23 low assist atm. Hsien Ko’s pendulum assist is obviously good for Morrigan too. I like doing flight cancelled fireballs while using X-23 if they try to move forward. stuff like jump>Hsien Ko assist>m fireball down airdash in and go for a mix up.

I don’t quite know why I wrote all that, most of this stuff is probably basic information to everyone. But this is just some stuff I’ve come up with putting in hours in training mode trying to get this team to be competitive. Hopefully someone better with this team could give me some advice/insight as well Lol.

Edit- Question for people using X-23, How do you guys usually get inside and get your hits in? she’s really fast but all I ever see anyone doing on screen is spamming m talons hoping to get a hit. her standing and crouching M have a lot of range on them because they move forward slightly. Do you think she can play a footsie type game using her quick wavedash and poking with cr. M? not sure what it’s priority is like over other characters normals are though. Just looking for a more solid way to get her offense rolling with her.

X-23 Ankle Slicer
Wesker Samurai Edge
Spencer Armor Piercer

Basically I run around trying to get in with x-23 and get the dhc glitch into wesker for ~1.2m.
If x-23 dies Wesker zones with the gun and pumps meter until spencer can do the clean-up.

I lose pretty bad to taskmaster because he can countersuper most stuff and chip me to death.
Can only get in when he does the high arrows and I wave dash under them.
I’d need some anti-fb assist (gouki?) but dont want to drop neither x-23 nor spencer :frowning:

I’m still working on this myself. I’ve read the guide a little, it mentions making use of her st.H from afar and using Mirage Feint Cancel to shorten it’s recovery. Also mentions using Neck Slice and Decapitating Slice from mid-range but you need assists to cover you. Cr.M doesn’t seem like a bad idea though. Other than that, wavedash with assists to cover you, use Mirage Feint but make sure the opponent isn’t tossing out normals though.

I’ve been told I should move more erratically lol, but I dunno. Still have to work on getting in, I just abuse L Talon a lot, which isn’t a good idea against certain chars…

Speaking of assists, what would assists you guys recommend to keep X-23’s pressure up once she’s in? Tried Chun’s Hyakuretsu Kyaku, hasn’t got as much invul as I thought it did. Tron’s Gustaff seemed to do the trick but I don’t particularly wanna use her lol. If no other assists will do the trick, then I’ve got to go with Tron but lemme know what you guys think first please.

I have been noticing a lot of Wesker with x-23 I don’t see how they work tremendously well together, but i didn’t exactly read through every word and shame on me for not doing so

I have been running a combo i haven’t been seeing that much and that is X-23-ankle/Ryu-shoryuken/Dante Jam

Now X-23 and Jam session are probably the best way to make a really nice combo into air talon slice and then ankle slice and the Hyper. What i like to do is go through a combo, launch, then hit jam session right after launch, now While the opponent is being hit by jam session, you are flying the air and you can continue into an air combo leading to air talon L etc etc, I also like using Jam session when i xfc then weapon x because the opponent is stuck in it and if they block they have stun so they can’t stop the grab, and if they don’t block it weapon x combos, im going to have to show a vid of it sometime. But i rarely see people use Dante’s jam session like i do. Also if the oppent is just sitting in a corner blocking and I can use jam session to stuff them and then use her command grab into another launcher and repeat air combo air talon etc etc. Which again most people seem to only ankle slice after the command grab.

My only problem is Ryu, If i lose Dante then x-23 has no real assist support and im not sure if Ryu is a great 2nd character choice. He has pulled me out of some sticky situations before but A lot of those times its because Dantes jam session also works with ryu into air combo hurricane and Shinku haduken.

The only time i really can combo x-23 with ryu is when i ankles slice, super, then at the end of her last cartwheel i dhc into ryu shinku which then also gives me options on if i want to xfc to do another shinku or after i shinku if x-23 doesn’t have much red health i can call her back in for a safe switch every time.

I just want to make sure there isn’t a better candidate for my play style that could possibly work better than ryu

If you ask me, Akuma would fit that role nicely. That tatsu assist could help you get in with X-23 and you can use it to set up Weapon X Prime after an OTG. You could still do all the Ryu stuff you mentioned with Akuma.

X-23/Wesker is a good team. They can do the DHC trick for big damage and since Wesker’s OTG assist is also a low attack with good range you can set up unblockables with it. It doesn’t have many active frames so its not as easy as doing unblockables using X-23 assist but it still works.

Wesker also has a lot of hp, great damage output, good anti-zoning character… helps balance out some of X-23’s weaker points, like her lacking health and low damage. He is much better on his own w/o assists than X-23 is.

Sent is a good assist for both of them too.

I can’t use a vertical shinku hadkuken to dhc after her hyper cartwheel thing if i use Akuma