MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

DHC before the upwards part? or use the ShoryReppa Hyper instead of Shinkuu.

I DHC after the entire hyper goes through and the just vertical Shinku and gets the full damage and can be xfc into another shinku for a 98 hit combo easy

X-23 vs Felicia

I’m thinking about a team like X-23 or Felicia/Dormammu/Hsien-Ko. I’ll try both combination during the weekend, but I don’t have too much time to play, so any advice is welcome.

Here are the ideas:

  • Using Dormammu QBC + 2A and use X-23 level 3 so I get the unblockable while the opponent is blockstunned;
  • Using X-23 low attack assist and Dormammu’s teleport to trap the opponent in an unblockable situation;
  • Using Hsien-Ko Pendulum and Dormammu Dark Hole/Purification (not sure which one yet) to cover X-23 pressure;

What do you think?

I’ve been trying thor with x-23 and they seem like they could be a good combination. Weapon X-prime goes into mighty tornado and rage trigger can go into a combo reset with thor’s whiffed grab super.

They both also give each other relaunch combos as after an air combo with x-23 and you go 2C, 236A to end the air combo you can call out thor’s mighty smash right before you use fully charged ankle slice and they’ll end up in a ground bounce and you can either use your super for the combo reset or go into a relaunch. X-23’s ankle slice also helps thor relaunch people as well at the end of his air combo. Both the relaunches work mid-screen too.

Currently I’m testing out X-23(ankle slice), Thor(mighty smash), Doctor Doom(plasma beam)

I don’t know if anyone here has outright said it yet, but I think Tron assist is the #1 tool you can possibly have for X-23. Just saying.

Also I’m giving my team a cheesy name, Team XTrA! lol

i agree tron is the ultimate assist for x-23. but the problem i see is that she sucks balls as an anchor. i played around with her a bit too and as soon as somebody killed my first to characters, it was lose by default in a big bunch of matchups. she doesn’t have the comeback potential a 3rd should have, at least for me she doesn’t.

i am running x-23/dante/akuma and so far this works good, tatsu assist is pretty good for x-23. you can do easy hitconfirms off of it, even with wavedashing in on reaction from quite a distance away. it also extens her combos after otg into a relaunch, or even in WXP, if dante is not available. with dante i’m running weasel shot, since it sets up WXP anywhere on the screen just like jam session, but it’s better for hitcomfirming off of it and for crossup-shenanigans with mirage feint M or just crossing the opponent in the air with talon M. even after this, it lasts long enough to combo after you land. i like this team.

x-23 B
Hsien-ko A
Chris B

Start with x-23=>DHC glitch into Hsien-ko=>If it would kill opponent - take out Chris, if not DHC or aerial exchange to x-23/chris


Start with Hsien-ko=>When it’s possible use goldarmor super and use DHC to Chris/or take out x-23

  • x-23 can use DHC glitch to both, Hsien-ko and Chris, [media=youtube]o6kN-Wts-9Q"[/media]
  • Hsien-ko with gold armor very good assist
  • Chris good at building meter (1-2 meters per combo) and have pretty decent tools for spacecontrol
  • x-23 and Chris have good damage output
  • Need waste meter for gold armor, can take snapback to hsien-ko and waste another meter for gold armor but…
  • Hsien-ko and x-23 dies quickly
  • x-23 and Chris can’t use their full potential without good assist, if Hsien-ko dies => game over
  • If Hsien-ko dies, x-23 can’t use Weapon X Prime combos (well, on some char like She-Hulk and Sent she can do it without assist)
  • Hsien-ko is not good on point and much worse as anchor, maybe i’ll change her on akuma tatsu

I’ve been working with X-23 Deadpool/Thor/Storm/Wesker Doom as a team. I really like how Deadpool and Thor can use the DHC, whereas Storm and Wesker are better characters overall. I’ve been using the team with pretty good success, using Doom for Beam or Rocks assist.

w/ Deadpool

w/ Storm

Anybody been messing w/ Jill? been thinking about X-23-b/Sentinel-a/Jill-b, how well does arrow kick+ankle slicer work or is cartwheel kick+ankle slicer better?

Good fucking god, can someone please help me out with the X-23 vs Wesker match-up? He’s just really, really fucking annoying lol. Can’t touch the bastard because of his mobility, he hits like a fucking truck, and he’s got high health. Can’t approach him properly from the air because of his counter, he’s just really fucking jarring lol.

Had a whole bunch of nice matches with friends where I had unholy trouble with Wesker, but unfortunately, we couldn’t record them due to certain circumstances, otherwise I would have just posted the vids where I lost for criticism.

Yeah, Wesker sucks. I typically try to predict teleports, and throw st.Ms at them or charge a Neck Slice, or just wait for Tron assist to finally connect. Also Decapitating Slice is a nice way to open a combo opportunity if they let you get away with it.

Speaking of criticism did you ever watch the video I posted? Let me know if you have any tips for me. There’s more of my gameplay at the start of Part 3 of that video too.

I watched the vid and enjoyed it! Forgot to mention it though, sorry. I don’t like criticising people much, especially when a game is brand new and especially when I suck lol, so the only thing I’ve got to say is I think call more assists to back up your offence and advances. Cold Star is vulnerable, I admit, but I think using it to cover yourself is still viable, even though Cold Star stays out forever. This is something I’d started to do, but don’t do enough of. I need better assists in my team as well.

Thanks for the Wesker advice BTW, it’s more catching that fucker lol. His teleports jar me when they’re use for mobility rather than for mix-ups. Mix-ups, I’ll take, hitting that guy is another lol. I’ll definitely make more use of M as well, in my matches, I was mostly using H~cancelled with L Mirage Feint S. That poke is serious business.

Off topic, but I’m happy with my progress so far in this game, though this game is still difficult for me. I’ve gotten much more comfortable in terms of moving around the screen with X-23. Compared to SSF4 where movement was limited, MVC in general seems to revolve so much around it. I generally try to keep moving, but also try not to run into stuff as well. Wavedashing is brilliant lol.

Quick question, does it matter which version of Mirage feint you cancel your normal with? like if I do H mfc with qcb+H~S is it different than cancelling with L~S?

I really need to work on my movement with X-23, right now I just feel like she’s too fast for me to handle lol. like sometimes I get a random S.M>Cr.M but it happens so fast I’m usually not ready to combo into standing H into H mirage feint combo etc. I’m usually predicting they are blocking so I’m trying to be ready to M mirage feint their advancing guard but that’s making me not be able to do her combos. How are you guys getting around this? I’m guessing I should go into training mode and put the dummy on random block with advancing guard on and practice hitting H to start a combo and Mirage feint M should come on reaction to push block.

In those moments where you dash in and are unsure if they are blocking or not what poke/string do you usually go with?

I just need to get comfortable with her in general, I find so many situations where I don’t know when I should throw out a jab instead of M like when someone is in the air just above me and I hit them then they reset to land on the ground, I seem to get beat out when I toss out normals. Been trying to wavedash in and poke with standing H but it’s hard to gauge the range especially when your both moving around quickly lol.

I’m not quite sure actually. For some reason, whenever I cancelled with L Mirage Feint S into something like crouching jab with the dummy( Cap.America), I’d get counter-hit even though I’m pretty sure I’ve got the advantage. Cap’s crouching jab is pretty fast, but I’m at like +6 or something like that whenever I cancel M. I used M instead and counter hit the dummy everytime. Then I used the H version of the feint and my jab worked so dunno what’s going on there.

During moments when I’m unsure whether or not I’ll hit them with my string, I call out an assist during the string and go for a mix-up instead, like a cross-up or something. I’m using more LM>Mirage Feint cancel S now and mixing it in with throws and junk, it’s pretty cool.

L feint cancel recovers quicker than H feint cancel. You should always feint cancel the L feint.

Personally the best thing I think to do is just always do something that leads to s.H then cancel that into L mirage feint cancel. Like a typical block string would be c.L, c.M, s.H, qcb+L+S (making sure to hold both L and S down and press L slightly before S). This is a pretty safe string you can do as long as you know you’re in range for the s.H to hit (which on most characters is like ridiculously far away due to s.H’s range). If the s.H hits you can do another s.H then cancel into H feint into blah blah blah. If the s.H doesn’t hit, do another s.H to qcb+L+S. You’re getting mad frame advantage everytime and you’ll keep moving in on them staying in range.

Once you get them afraid to press buttons you can start going for dash in throws, talon attack or reverse talon attack mix ups, talon dives or even set up command throw if you see them blocking that long.

The only issue you have to worry about is that some characters like Morrigan or Ammy are really small when crouching and kinda limit the distance you can use that block string from. If you’re too far away. Which isn’t really terrible since it still moves you forward and the whiff recovery on the s.H to L feint cancel is very quick. Just move in a bit closer to them and force the string down their face when in range again.

s.H in general when combined with L feint cancel is probably the best normal she has. It’s pretty obvious that X23 has a long way to go when people aren’t even doing shit ridiculously good like that in her normal game. Once she gets figured out you’re probably going to be seeing s.H come out of her like all the time. 9 frame start up, great hit box and if it hits air or ground they’re getting full comboed. Combined with the L feint cancel she gets amazing frame advantage on block and very little whiff recovery.

The only thing bad about it is like…it doesn’t hit low and loses to low attacks very easily. Which means unless they’re jumping I would keep it for block strings. ** Her best move for beating lows seems to be s.M. Her s.M will even beat Wesker’s c.L and has the same start up at 5 frame start up.**

Ah, ok, that’s weird then haha. Guess I was doing it wrong or something. It’s awkward for me to cancel H feint anyway, so that’s good to know.

Absolutely 100% agree, plus it cleanly beats some super armor moves like Hulk’s standing M and H, and Sentinel’s cr.M at point blank (don’t try it too far from Sentinel or you will get booted hard)

Between s.M and s.H that should be enough to amount a legitimate offense with her normal game. c.L and c.M are just there cuz they hit low when u need the mix up. I’d have to try messing around with Tiger Knee Talon Attack against his c.M also. That would probably be better since s.M forces you to have to deal with the armor while a TK Talon Attack could aim above it.

Hey guys, I’ve been using X-23(Point)/Trish/Dormammu(Anchor) as my main team, and it does wonders for me. I use the Ankle Slice, Low Voltage and Dark Hole assists respectively.

With X-23 on point I mix dashing in and out, talon strikes and her M mirage feint to get in, with Trish’s low voltage assist to cover me. When I knockdown my opponent to the corner, I don’t ankle slice unless I’m going in for the kill. Instead I will start a mixup with dormammu’s dark hole assist on their wakeup. I wait for them to either roll behind x-23, where I can then c.m and start up a new combo string. This almost always works, I’m not exactly sure why lol but it does. If they wakeup normally then they have to block Dormammu’s dark hole, which allows me to M mirage feint and attack or do any other kind of mixup.

X-23 helps out Trish’s high low game with the ankle assist.

Dormammu on the other hand benefits from low voltage and ankle slice. You can use ankle slice after a knockdown in the corner and followup with another combo string, although the timing is tight (unlike Wesker’s low shot). Meanwhile Trish’s low voltage assist helps keep opponents away or you can use it in teleport mixups.

What do you guys think?

Seems like Dark Hole might keep people in place long enough to set up a Decapitating Slice attempt too.