MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I thought that was going to be a problem but if u can predict where he is going to go then u can punish when he appears.

Just a random thought that came to me that wanted me to post on here. With a team consisting of Tron, X-23, and Morrigan aka huge meter build; wouldn’t this be a really good counter for phoenix? you build crazy meter with the tron + morrigan assist cuz of tron’s 30 sec combos, and then send in x-23 in some way possibly through dhc and snapback in phoenix into the unblockable dirt nap otg into super? This probably was discussed before, but with all the phoenix players, im looking for good ways to counter her.

I played Alioune tonight. He was using Magneto on point, zoning with Disruptor horrifically. At first he was using it standing, then once I hit him out of it with j.qcf+M - d.H he started doing normal jump Disruptor + Doom beam assist.

It was ridiculous, shut X-23 down so bad. I started trying Doom rocks, but I got nowhere. It seems like a bad matchup just because of Disruptor at the moment. I dunno.

I just started running X-23 (ankle), Dante (jam), Doom (plasma). Used to run Doom rocks, till I found out that x-23 actually combos pretty well off plasma, and it’s a faster projectile with a lot of priority, sohaaay.

Basic idea behind it is to land her combo into otg weapon x, then tag in dante for a free 1.1 mil combo (working on finding a 1.4 mil combo). She’s pretty much able to one combo kill most point characters without using xfc because of the damage reset on weapon x.

Even better, pretty much everyone’s hypers can thc into one anothers’. Like… qcf+2atk (x-23) xx qcf+2atk dante xx whatever Doom hyper you want, or dante qcf+2atk xx doom photon array xx x-23 weapon x. So it’s really easy to tag in/out different characters. I like going for the weapon x combo, the swapping out dante for doom. Zone with Doom till you see an opening (using Jam session whenever you need to), then open them up. Build 4 meter w/ Doom, then thc to x-23 lvl 3 when you get a chance for free damage.

Team is probably a little susceptible to rushdown, but I’m having a blast with it. Dante turning a random combo into death is too good.

X has to take risks with jumping m talons to get in on that fight. Unless you want to try and wave dash in, which is possible if you jump over a disruptor. But still, this fight is rough, and it’s better to leave another character to deal with mag.

qcf+B ankle slicer goes under doom beam assist during its active frames, but not on startup or recovery

I was running Tron (fire), X-23 (ankle slice), Trish (peekaboo). I was feeling that team for a while but I wanted a little most safety for X-23 getting in (getting in safely is my biggest problem right now). I thought about switching storm (whirlwind) for Tron. My idea was to use Storms whirlwind assist and having X-23 wavedash within it. Does anyone know if that idea or a similar idea works well? I rarely get the chance to play against real people.

i use arthur and hagger. hagger setups combos and so does arthur but more importantly arthur lets her move in something she has trouble with on her on. I use arthur on point chippin and zoning. Then depending on if arthur has loss half his health or has hurt the opposing team i switch to x-23. Arthur is GREAT when he has his armor he practically eats beams and rushs with his daggers so x-23 can get in. Usually if done right u should be sittin on 2 meter enough to clean house in no time. Hope this helps or at least gets u started somewhere

X-23 ankle slicer/Amaterasu cold star/Sentinel drones
this team has 100% combos coming out its ass so long as X-23 is on point. With Ammy assist you can set them up on anybody easily, with Sent assist you might only be able to do 100%s against big characters. Rotates to an Ammy point team pretty well… easy to set up unblockables with X-23, Ammy is a versatile character and with drone backup can do a little bit in a FB war. Sentinel is Sentinel. strong addition to any team.
With X-23s mixup options landing the one hit you need to proceed into a 100% combo is pretty easy so she’s the most important part of the team. Without her the team is still dangerous, just less so. Potential weakness of the team is the really good keepaway projectile spam teams… switching to an X-23/Sentinel/Doom team could fix that, and you still have 100% kill potential by OTGing into doom beam xx weapon X prime DHC to HSF but I haven’t tested that much

Sent unblockable - call X-23 and simultaneously start flight, press S. hardblockable version is call X-23, start flight, f.L f.H f.S

Doom missiles have been treating me pretty well in tournaments. So X/Dante/Doom from day 1 is turning out to work pretty well. Dooms a decent anchor, and most of the time they dont get past dante or x.

Hey guys, I usually use x-23/chunli/super-skrull (in that order). what do you guys think?

I’ve never played as Super Skrull so I don’t know about him, sorry, but I think X-23 and Chun go well together. Chun’s Hyakuretsu Kyaku assist is nice, plus it helps lock down incoming characters for a chance to land X-23’s level 3. Also in the corner during an OTG Ankle Slicer, Chun’s assist will connect and lift the opponent up, allowing you to connect Weapon X Prime. 10stars’ combo is really good at putting people in the corner and can be started from anywhere: [media=youtube]JigSXAQYt7w&feature=channel_video_title[/media]

In turn, Chun can use X-23’s Ankle Slicer assist to set-up unblockables, more or less. And Chun is a great meter builder if you know the right combos.

My current team is Chun, Hsien Ko and X-23(for online, X-23’s best combos are usually impossible online lol, so sometimes I swap her out for Phoenix or whoever.) But Dante is a more complete character than her and can also do the DHC trick on top. Doom would probably be perfect as well. Have to play about more with teams.

I like Hsien Ko because she’s really fun, and of course, her armored assist lol. She can also use the DHC trick after an X-23 combo combined with Chun assist, armor up and juggle characters for 1mil.

I started using X-23/Trish/Akuma great results so far. X-23’s ankle slice really helps out Trish while akuma’s hurricane kick helps X-23 move in. It feels really balanced so far and I plan on using it in my second tourney what do you guys think?

How are you liking your team so far? the team I’m using so far is similar to yours, I use X-23,Hsien Ko but Morrigan instead of Chun. Are you having any luck doing X-23 mix ups off Hsien Ko assist? I’m hoping I can make my team work without having to ditch Hsien ko lol. She’s not too great in the team anchor position.

This is the same team I use. I like it a lot. My order is hsienko, x-23, morrigan.

I have decent luck with it, although I feel like instead of hsienko I’d have so much more luck with a character that is a good assist and can throw down like doom.

@Iron Knight: I like your team. :slight_smile: I saw a Japanese player getting nice results with Trish and Akuma, but his point was Zero. He used Trish’s Low Voltage to set up cross-ups and used Akuma’s assist to help Zero get in. Should work well with X-23 as well.

I’m liking the team so far, the only issue is all 3 of them have low life lol. So they die quickly if things go wrong. I’m having some luck using Hsien’s assist to set-up X-23’s mix-ups, basic stuff like do a string, then cross-up with X-23’s medium Mirage feint to get behind them for a basic launcher combo(Hsien’s assist does a lot of hits so I think it doesn’t allow for much in the way of loops.)

Hsien Ko is awful as the anchor, I agree lol. Well, if you’ve got meter to blow, you could go Level 3 X-Factor and armor up which makes her pretty good, sort of. I usually put her in second for the DHC trick and have Chun as the anchor, as her Level 3 X-Factor is pretty wild.

The problem with Hsien Ko is that I could easily put in a better character, like Dante or Sentinel. Dante would add another assist to help set-up for X-23’s Weapon X and can use the DHC glitch too. And Sentinel is Sentinel, plus his Drones are great. But Hsien Ko’s in there because I need a decent covering assist , otherwise I’d use Dante and I prefer her playstyle to Sentinel.

I want to fit other characters in there at some point once I’ve played enough with my team, looking at Dante and perhaps Ironman.

I ran Hsien Ko for a little while with X as well. While the dark force powerup was great at certain clutch moments the amount of setup required I felt after awhile was just too much to be worth using over another assist. I tried it with different setups; starting Hsien-Ko and getting a safe tag out, as well as putting her second and DHCing through her to my third character (safer but requires three bars).

I had overall better results with starting her because Hsien-Ko is pretty much garbage as a third character. She is fine if your opponent is trying to come to you, but if he gets wise he will turtle up, and with her moveset and speed its pretty rough trying to catch up. I also found that I didn’t use the dark force powerup as much as I liked (smart opponents know to wait and punish the tag, a la fighting juggernaut in mvc2) and sometimes if the beginning of the match went south, I’d have to just get her out asap (since you can get stuffed during the startup of dark force).

Lately I’ve been getting the best results with X-23/Dante/Sent, but more so because dante and sent have such great chemistry together. Sentinel does give drones to X-23 but I find that dante has to stay alive throughout the match for me to retain 1 hit KO killing power, since he has an assist that can combo to Weapon X Prime in any situation.

The only real issue I see is that X-23 doesn’t really help Sentinel out too much. But neither does Wolvie, and a lot of people are running wolvie dante sent, so that argument might be moot. And while Sentinel is pretty beast right now I think as the meta develops he will continually get weaker unless someone breaks him open and finds some way to speed him up, which to me says that his reliance on assists will only get worse.

I think X-23 can find a place on rushdown focused teams such as the ones built around akuma and tron that have been popping up. Those assists are pretty well suited for landing that hit once you’re in. The problem you’d get is overall low health as well as some lack of versatility against teams that are zone/keepaway based.

I’m sure its pretty safe to say that at this point we’re all playing X because we like her character and not because she’s top tier by any means. I keep feeling like there’s something missing from her gameplay that we haven’t really figured out yet.

X-23…for some reason, I get the feeling she’ll end up being a touch of death character, given the right team.(well, pretty much a lot of characters can be “touch of death” lol.) The DHC glitch probably boosts her ranking up a lot IMO, and using the right combos, she can put you in the corner really fast for an OTG leading into death, and the combo will give you the meter to do it.

She just needs assist that cover her advances, which is why your team of Dante/Sentinel seems perfect lol. Drones help her get in, Jam Session OTGs into Weapon X Prime and Devil Trigger provides the DHC glitch. Where do you put X-23 position-wise?

And yeah, Hsien Ko mobility really isn’t good. If someone like Storm wants to play keep-away, it’s gonna be rough. Storm can also get in her face quite easily too.

I keep mentioning this DHC glitch a lot lol, but with Hsien Ko, if you manage to pull it off and wipe out a character, you can tag her out for X-23/whoever your 3rd char is and get an armored assist on top, in theory. It’s a win-win.

The issue I had with doing the armor super for the DHC glitch is that on point Hsien Ko doesn’t do the damage to clinch the kill oftentimes in that combo. She can kill low health characters but she NEEDS the extra meter to land it. And in my opinion a DHC that can 100% wipe out a character from full health versus one that has a shot at it but isn’t guaranteed is much more valuable. Whereas a character like Dante, or Ammy can combo without the third meter and 100%. One important thing to me also was being able to close out that kill without having to perform a full loop. A lot of times ill nab the weapon x prime off something like an assist pin which forces me to go right into super because of hit stun scaling. Characters like Dante and Ammy can kill people without the third meter; Hsien-Ko has a rough time with that because of her relatively low damage bnb’s.

I usually start X-23 because how she does sets the tone and pace for the match for me. Dante is a versatile enough character that I can adjust to whatever happens with her to try to make up for a deficit or keep a lead. I know a lot of people don’t like to start her because of her health but I think as long as u keep moving and don’t over commit u can get a decent read on your opponent.

With Hsien’s one, you can do 1mil damage with 2 bars, definitely, but you’ll need the corner.

I use 10stars’ combo as it’s the most damaging X-23 loop I’ve seen so far plus it puts them in the corner, then OTG with an assist(Chun’s assist, in this case.) Then DHC Hsien Ko’s armor, then do cr.h, f.h Medium Gong, cr.h, S>MMS(maybe you could land MMHS.) That’ll 100% characters in the range like Cap and Ryu.

Dante can do it too, but if he has an extra bar to spend, you’ll end up KOing any character in the game([media=youtube]wpsRIRK_XtQ&feature=channel_video_title[/media]) whereas I don’t think Hsien Ko can do that with 3 bars(she can do close to 1.3 mil, but not quite) so yeah, he’s better than Hsien Ko, definitely.

So basically, I should be using Dante lol. BTW, sorry if I’m missing something here, don’t want to come off as argumentative.

I also start off with X-23, mainly because of the DHC glitch and I prefer starting out with her.