MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

When a tac ends the match, odds dictate that you go for it. 66% chance to do 300%? I’ll take that every chance I get.

I do think point Mags or Dante is the way to go, which is why switched to this in the first place. I’ll still play point X23 for wolvie, but that’s just matchup familiarity this point and I get to avoid start of match nonsense. But X23’s damage caps at around 950k starting from one meter ending with a thc on this team. It’s main purpose is to maximize your chance to double dirt nap by off-loading the neutral game to Dante or mags paired with one of their best assists while keeping CS as a get it off jail free card.

I would probably play an X23 + log if you’re more interested in a more traditional play style since it makes her neural amazing
And really lets her shine as a character.

Add far as learning the team, I’ll probably do a short vid of all the tricks I have for this team so far soon. I’m still no where near tourney ready with this team. Mags and Dante take tons of work to be played well. I really do Feel it will be worth it in the end, though.

Speaking of Morrigan, I was considering learning her and making a team of either X-23/Morrigan/Dante or X-23/Morrigan/RR. Morrigan’s got a TAC infinite as already mentioned and her Shadow Blade can be used on incoming characters for Silent Kill, plus it’s a great CC. Its speed means it can be option-selected with throw at the beginning of the round (F+H+Assist, comes out if they break the throw or take to the air). The only issue’s that Shadow Blade doesn’t reach super jump heights, meaning X-23’ll have issues with characters hanging out at the top of the screen.

Using Pendulum (Log) and Dark Harmonizer, X-23 can gain 2 bars in one combo. From a good extended combo into Rage Trigger, if you DHC into Finishing Shower after 2 spins of Rage Trigger (so they’re still low to the ground), you can Shadow Blade M>fly cancel>j.H>Shadow Blade M>Finishing Shower if you’ve got the meter. Managed to reach 1.071mil on the ground, not the best, but good enough.

Personally, I wouldn’t run Dark Harmonizer and Jam Session together since I like get-in assists. I’d prefer to use Weasel Shot.

I like X23/Morrigan/RR, theory-wise. Especially now that the lab work on the soul drain combos is 90% done by someone else.

Yeah, that’s the other thing I forgot to mention, the Soul Drain Log combos, it’s pretty absurd lol.

I’m still running my obsolete team of X-23/Dante/Akuma. XF1 combo the first char, kill the second if they’re under health and pray I don’t get killed by their XF anchor lol. Tatsu is very much the ideal assist for Mirage Feint M since it’s quick (and thus option-selectable at the start), X-23 can easily combo off stray hits of it and has limited lockdown. Though, the lockdown very rarely comes into play for me since my friends usually get hit by the cross-up (they still beat me up though lol). Team suffers from terrible DHCs, lack of damage and no infinites, which is why I’m looking into other teams currently. If I could find foolproof reset/oki options, I’d consider sticking with the team, but I currently can’t.

How vital do you guys think it is to have a good option-selectable assist for the opening gambit btw? I like it against the likes of Wolverine and Magneto.

With X23, not very much. Good luck touching her on start of round. Her back dash is too fucking good.

That said, fH+Log xx CS H is amazing.

I don’t run Shadowblade with X23 because I have Jam Session to secure Dirt Nap anyways and I can play the neutral game with Jam Session and plink dash runaway call Dark Harmonizer. Shadow Blade assist would give me a THC as well but whats the point if X23 super knocks the opponent off the combo.

With that said. .I’m also thinking of trying a Zero/___/X23 team, like how Meep used to use. . .I don’t know I’m still soul searching for a X23 team lol and by the Merkyl999x I can only play RR with Vajra and I don’t think X23 and Vajra is even viable. D:

It’s a bit wacky but I think M.O.D.O.K./Dormammu/X23 is the team i’m sticking with. :smiley:

Which assist are you running with X23 on that team?

One glance at that team, and I’d pick Ankle Slice for unblockables for M.O.D.O.K and Dormammu.

Psionic Blaster/Dark Hole/Ankle Slice. I just tried it against some people offline and I won a few sets, M.O.D.O.K. plink dash back is too godlike and if I mess up my plinks I get a barrier which is also good XD but the only thing I have a problem with is when I do a simple corner combo with M.O.D.O.K., I call ankle slice, jamming bomb then I go for a snapback. . .but the snapback never lands. D:
Can someone help me and test this out in the lab for me?!

Why not just go straight from AS OTG to Snapback? Is the Snapback not hitting because it whiffs, or do they tech out after the jamming bomb?

It’s weird, it looks like the snapback will hit but it doesn’t. You just have to try it XD

I’ve been lurking on Shoryuken for a while, and only recently got into the game. I really like your idea of X23/IM/RR Merkyl and I’ve been kinda following you on the forums and trying to absorb information from you. However, I kinda feel bad biting your designs so I made an account to ask you (And everyone else) a few questions.

I’m sorta new to Marvel and still in the malleable “Choose your team” stage of my existence. I’m not really terrible at games and generally get a good grasp of mechanical things so the difficulty of learning combos and stuff isn’t a huge deal to me, however, the vast amount of information and thought that goes into team building is kinda beyond my current understanding.

I’ve watched lots of streams and stuff to try and get an understanding for how certain characters and match ups work and I feel like this is part of my problem.

So far I’ve been playing X-23/Doom (Beam)/Spencer (Grapple) and I feel like the characters don’t really synergize well together. I don’t get bodied every game but I just have this nagging feeling like my character’s just don’t really make sense. Honestly the reason I picked this team originally was because I saw the characters Doom and Spencer picked a lot on streams (Like Level Up or Spooky streams) and I had intuited how to do a lot of combos from others (The way someone learns to play a guitar by ear) and have trouble coming up with my own maximized combos sometimes. I picked X-23 primarily because she’s a character that I liked and really wanted to learn to play.

Could you possibly detail any synergies that my team already has? Or maybe make suggestions for new characters? Is X-23 generally better on point or anchor, in your opinion? Is Double Dirt Nap the only way to viably play the character? Part of my problem seems to stem from the fact that I don’t really have a huge guarantee on getting a Dirt Nap (Although I can do the Doom infinite tac well enough, I am kinda a training mode monster) and there is no guarantee i get the free kill. Do you HAVE to play Iron Man/Dante to get the free dirt naps? I’ve heard people say that “If you aren’t going for double dirt naps you might as well play Wolverine”.

Biting is always welcome. I wouldn’t share my tech if I didn’t want people to use it.

On X23 + Slant shot, There’s some 2 year old tech from a guy named JacobPlayingVidz that didn’t get as much looking into as it deserved. Here’s a vid and a copypasta from like 2 years back.

[details=Spoiler]Alright heres some notations for the vid cuz the quality is pretty bad.

Standard loop for high health characters: s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MH qcf. L s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MH dp.L qcf.L s.M(2hits)+spencer H

For lower health characters(about 900k and under) you want to use a different loop to make sure you build up the level 3 off of one reset. This loop does less damage but builds more meter than the loop for high health characters: s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MMH j.MMHS j.MMHS qcf.L s.M(2 hits)+spencer H

If you land a talon youll want to switch up the loop for hitstun decay: after the H qcb.H MH qcf.L s.M(1 hit) H qcb.H MMdown+H qcf.L s.M(2 hits)+spencer H

After the last H you have these options(there might be more so just experiment)
cross up low: qcb.M(delay) c.M
cross up high: qcb.M(right away) qcb.H S qcf.L
cross up command grab: qcb.M(right away) qcf.H
cross up instant overhead: qcb.M(right away) dash j.M down+H qcf.L this is character specific but works on most tall characters, works even if theyre crouch blocking but the timing will be tight
cross up talon: qcb.M(delay) qcf.L the timing on this one will take a little getting used to

front low: qcb.L(delay) c.M
front high: qcb.H(delay) S qcf.L
front command grab: qcb.L qcf.H
front instant overhead: qcb.L j.M down+H qcf.L this one is more reliable than the cross up ioh and is slightly easier to time
front talon: qcb.M(delay) qcf.L this must be done faster than the crossup talon to hit from the front side

All of these options lead to another set of ground loops and can be turned into another reset situation. They also lead to a corner to corner bnb.
Instead of canceling the H into a mirage, cancel into qcf.L(charge) dash HS sj.MMdown+H dp.H qcf.L dante+qcf.M(charge), assist hits, tk H crescent into qcf.H talon. [/details]

The only thing I would add is that instead of doing MF M for the crossups, I’m pretty sure you can either do MF L > dash under or MFC > dash under to get a faster mixup after the fact.

As far as the team itself, I would personally run X23/Spencer(Slant)/IM(UB) if I was running that style of team (I’ve honestly considered making it my B-team for shits n’ giggles). If you haven’t seen him already, go and find some matches by Danke (or Denial Danke is what he plays by more recently) Spencer/IM style is just too stupid to not run. I assume that you can do combo > slant shot > neck slicer > launch > TAC to get to IM’s infinite, which should then get you to double dirt naps (using slant shot to hit meaty on incoming to guarantee the dirt nap, though I don’t know how practical that really is since I haven’t looked at in the lab, personally).

The main issue with doom is that you won’t typically get 5 meters off the infinite and he doesn’t get anything super amazing off slant shot in neutral, either. IM is more work than Doom, but Unibeam is the best beam in the game and for spencer, the THC is worth the sacrifice IMO.

For X23, Slant shot isn’t amazing in neutral but as an incoming and mixup tool is really strong, I don’t know what the DHCs look like, but I have no doubt that you can get the full spencer double DHC nonsense with him in back, plus always having the ridiculous snap incoming options to fall back on as well. My one beef with this early on is that you had to run the reset super early on in the combo (something like 200k or so) since then with the CS > TA combos coming out, you can probably stretch that to about 300k+ with maybe a 600k meterless followup (~800k with 1 meter), so if that’s the case, that’s 90% of the cast dead off one reset, probably meter positive.

If you’re just going for Max damage with spencer, you might be able to squeeze out an easier s.HxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L after the grapple on characters that are normally difficult to get a 3rd rep on without special timing/spacing.

I’ll actually take a look in the lab because I made myself curious about optimizing slant shot combos and let you know if I have anything else to add.

I don’t really know much about the doom/spencer pairing since you don’t see many people out there that play them at a high level (and it’s almost always in the other order when you do see it.) I know you can do a basic extension late combo with it and there’s probably some dirty stuff you can do with the fH pressure + slant shot with dash overs, but again, I’ve never been a huge fan of doom and I only really know about him on the matchup side of things.

Edit for Lab followup:

So I went into the lab and looked at X23/Spencer(slant shot)/IM last night. Overall, pretty good results.

You can TAC past Spencer(Slant) super easily with combo > s.M+slant shot s.HxxCharged Neck Slicer (slight delay so you hit them grounded), s.HS, sj.HxxTAC.

With the new optimized combos, I can get about 400~450 before the reset and ~600 meterless after the reset with both assists (~800 for 1 meter) which means you can kill anyone off one reset for 1 meter and 80% of the cast for no meter.

s.H+slant shot xx CS M xx TA L, land, s.LMH, etc. combos, and should be a pretty solid start of match option. You have to go with a s.L after the TA to combo, though.

It is possible to dash under the restand rather than using MF M for faster crossups and you can probably even work out a combo where it will force a reset in the middle of a string rather than have to delay it or hit the reset meaty. (pair that with an MF and beam and you probably have something pretty amazing.)

On hulk (and I assume other big bodies) you can do combo into sj.TA L, land, AS + late slant shot and relaunch, doesn’t work in the corner or anywhere on normal sized characters, though.

I will say that using slant shot for your dirt nap guarantee is gonna take a lot of practice. The plus side, though, is that X23’s hard tag after a corner TAC infinite is almost perfect spacing to call spencer and have the angle/spacing right, so you’ll only have to worry about timing it properly.

full combo > OTG > snap > dash back > MF M + slant shot times itself well and seems like it would be super gross. It’s one of those setups that will crossup or not based on a few frames difference in timing and leads into an optimized combo. Abuse the mess out of that.

Merk, I just read in the other thread that you are playing Laura on anchor. It seems like the best choice so I really respect that. A local UK player Howtoread swears by anchor X-23, it’s tight.

Are you playing Mags or Dante on point?

Also in regards to TheMainCharacter. Do you think that Magneto/Doom/X-23 or MorriDoom/X-23 could be any good, Merk?

I was messing around with meaty Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest xx Silent Kill. Hit confirming the Hyper Grav into a combo on hit if it does.

Also meaty Sphere Flame, Raw Tag into Laura, call Hidden Missiles/Molecular Shield then Silent Kill was uber hard to get out of.

I either play Dante/mags/X23 or mags/X23/Dante. If my opponent has xf and air mobility, I do jump tempest into dirt nap (less chance of XF > escape options). If they don’t have xf or air mobility options, I do tk hypergrav xx tempest xx dirt nap (gets them closer to the ground or completely grounded for an easier pickup and lets you space mags much further back and keep him safe).

Point Mags option:
The main idea for me is that I want to get to mags’ TAC infinite as often as possible. For my current skill level with point mags, corner carry > hypergrav L > hard tag X23 (works on most characters at lower HSD), back grab > HG H, sj. ADD S > Hard Tag X23, and alpha counter X23 are the easiest ways to get from point mags. (Not ignoring the double TAC past X23, but I’m not crazy about risking 2 TACs.) I still don’t have a reliable way for X23 to tac past jam session after a hard tag and until that happens, I have to play her behind point mags (or until I find a much more reliable/less HSD reliant hard tag Dante > Mags TAC option.)

Point Dante option:
Since I’m playing CS now instead of LowTG (and it’s a lot less work), I just run Mags 2nd with point Dante so I can get better conversions into corner carry > TAC Mags abd alpha counter X23 gives me a free TAC Mags opportunity. If/when Dante dies, I like Mags’ chances at getting in safely compared to X23 and any shockwave or alpha counter puts me into XF2 loops and I still have all of the hard tag > mags TAC options depending on what the match calls for.

In an ideal match, she should hard tag to point after a TAC and win, in matches where your point dies, she should be using XF2 and an assist to kill and dirt nap (ideally getting on screen via DHC or alpha counter if your other character has better incoming options). That said, if I’m playing Wandles and Mags gets dirt napped (70+% of the time) I’m comfortable running it back with dark X23 and she’s totally capable as a runback character but it’s def. not the first thing I would like to see happen.

I’ve been messing around with the stuff you were talking about earlier and honestly I’ve been liking Iron man a lot better than doom. Unibeam is really strong. I feel like Ironman helps my Spencer play more as well. I really enjoy playing Spencer (probably the most out of the trio).

I didn’t know that you RIP’d Rocket raccoon. Do you think x-23 is better on anchor than point?

When the “newly rediscovered” tech dropped about X23’s solo pickups, I switched to mags Dante since it’s a true double dirt nap and a much stronger shell than iron man raccoon. I still think iron man rr is probably the best team for point X23, but there were a few top tier match ups that she struggled with and could blow up iron man, too. (Mostly wesker, zero, viper)

Dante with emd and mags with JS is much much more versatile, it’s just not great for extended X23 combos so you have to be super on point with hit confirms (compared to my old team where you could start a combo with s.S and still do like 800k meter neural.) The only downside (if you want to call it that) is that X23 can’t double dirt nap teams with haggar or Tron 2nd without landing a 2nd TAC.

I decided that double dirt nap was my focus rather than optimized point X23 and I think my new team is the best towards that end. It makes much more sense to have two super versatile characters with their best assists get the first hit as opposed to point X23, who has to work much much harder and loses it’s gimmick if she gets hit.

If you want to play a point X23 team, I think X23/IM/RR it’s still the way to go, though, and I’ll happily brain dump any tech you need for it if you’re interested in running it.

She’s still really good on point against characters with strong start of match nonsense, but ideally, I think you should focus on using her to abuse xf and dirt naps. Xf2 with a dirt nap guarantee is generally the way to go but you can solo dirt nap easily enough, too.

Merk have you got any new match videos to upload?

I don’t, but that’s mainly from being lazy and forgetting to bring my lgp with me. I’ll try to get a few sets recorded soon.