MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Yo, play Vajra and just make it work. I’ve thought about trying it. Just do the Vergil thing and x-factor if it’s important enough or just get the free hit. That said, I don’t see any reason for you to drop Ammy unless you just feel like it.

Also, after some extensive testing, Zero gets amazing conversions off of Crescent Scythe assist.

I’ve started messing around with Dante with CS and he can manage conversions off it and gets an extra layer on his incoming mixups from it.

The only issue I’ve seen so far is that you have to hit confirm stinger with the stab followup, DT, or volcano (death on pushblock). But up close pressure is decent, s.M+CS s.HxxCrystal > Shot loops works, s.M+CSxxTeleport > dj.S converts clean. You can stingerxxlate BC+CS > Teleport for an unmashable/unthrowable frametrap + crossup and confirm with j.S (won’t confirm off stinger hit, though. Still looking into ways to fill that little gap between stinger and CS safely/reliably.)

I haven’t fully worked out if it’s reliable/character specific/etc. but on early CS hits, you can do BC > fully charged air play > dash H > etc. or BC > dash over > sky dance > hard knockdown, the normal j.Hxxair play combo works in most situations.

I might actually start running Dante(JS)/Mags(EMD)/X23(CS) or Mags/X23/Dante as my primary orders.

Main thinking is just having it to cover people trying to SJ in over dante zoning (and fill gaps for multilock/hysteric) and alpha counter > Mags infinite when you lose footing with dante.

Quick edit to keep from double posting. Just got to play w long set against Wandles(ended 55:66 his favor), cs is pretty legit for Dante. Gonna go into the lab and check out what mags can get away with tomorrow.

Not sure if you’ve already figured this out, but a reset you can do if you’ve caused a ground bounce in the corner with Dante is use s.L and call CS at the same time. Teleport, and then a.S. On hit, you can get a combo, and it’s easy enough to make safe. Or, on incoming, use Million Carats, Devil Trigger, then call CS and teleport. You get the idea.

Also, Merkyl, I’m having a pseudo identity crisis with my X-23 team at the moment (X-23/Deadpool/Hawkeye), and I’m thinking it was induced by the combination of working on the guide (and thus having to explore various options with her) as well has having the guys in my scene telling me I should run a double Dirt Nap team. Long story short, I feel insanely comfortable with her on point. I dunno how to describe it, but more than just being a good player with her, I feel incredibly comfortable with her on point, and I also enjoy it a lot. I won’t knock on the double Dirt Nap teams, but I can’t see myself enjoying it too much, since if that team goes according to plan, I’ll only really use her for Dirt Nap, and I enjoy playing as her too much to delegate her to a second or anchor position. I see Dirt Nap as another tool, not her only redeeming quality that makes her worth playing. I really enjoy my team, but now I’m incredibly confused as to how I wanna go about playing X-23. I don’t want to drop her, and I doubt I will, but I’m just confused. Advice?

Play her with good assists, then. I suggest a beam or hori assist to help her control the ground space to godlike proportions, and then a combo extending assist so that she can deal some damage (much like your team already has). I am also opposed to using her as just a double dirt nap engine. Having a character with a TAC infinite or at least a damaging one for her would be good too. And then make it work. She’s got awesome tools and is a ton of fun to play, especially on point.

So play her on point. I still play her on point for MUs where I’m uncomfortable with mags or Dante. I will always play her point against wolvie.

She can get the hit and tac, then double dirt nap. My plan wasn’t too relegate her to never being played, I just wanted to have characters that could have decent neutral and handle point when X23 would suffer.

For most of the top tier match ups, I think running X23 it’s a rough call. Everything always comes down to his you want to play the game at the end if the day.

I played X23/IM/RR for about 8 or 9 months and it’s not a bad team, gives X23 and IM good neutral and damage/conversions, it’s a true double dirt nap, etc. You can honestly make lots of things work in this game when you’re not talking about playing at the absolute top level. If you’re not happy with you’re team, play something that makes you happy. You’re never going to get good with a team you don’t want to play.

I just feel like deep down, this X-23 team is one I’ll enjoy and work to be good with. It’s not terribly conventional for her, but I like it, and I think I’ll stick to it. Thanks for the advice. =)

Also, Merk, I put a question for you in the guide thread.

I ran her point for nearly half of ultimate, it’s def. not the worst thing in the world. She just has a few bad matchups against Wesker, Trish, Zero, Dante, Morrigan, Mags, etc. Anyone that can play a strong zone game, has comparable normals, or doesn’t have to stay on the ground to lame out. The issue is that her worst matchups are against some of the top tier characters and I didn’t have anyone on the team to sub in for her to cover those. Just try to keep in mind what matchups will give all of your characters trouble and if it’s a top tier/heavily played character, you might want to have a counterpick option ready for them.

She’s much stronger than anyone gives her credit for. She just takes more work than people are willing to put into a marvel character before she becomes scary.

I’m completely aware of how scary she can be. Having found a bunch of different tech for her (courtesy of my own experimentation, everyone on this board, and anyone who’s contributed to the guide), I’ve found some amazing stuff for her. =) My own personal issue is that since Marvel 3 is my first foray into playing fighting games seriously, I still haven’t developed a bunch of fundamentals of fighting games, such as footsies or spacing or proper patience. It’s why I’m gonna start playing Ultra when it’s out; I’m hoping a different fighting game will help with those things.

And I have Deadpool on my team for anyone who likes to zone, since Deadpool can zone with the best of them, not to mention his teleport can help close in on people trying to stay away. Just like X-23, I find myself exceedingly comfortable with him, so I’m almost as good with him as I am with X-23.

(However, if there’s a team/character that I know for a fact will wreck my entire team’s shit, it’s why I have my Deadpool or Dante team as backup.)

Looks like three X-23 players were invited to Curleh Mustache South… that is if DapVip still plays her. Wandles and Jayto will be there in San Antonio.

I wonder what their team composition will be. Or if they will even give it away before hand.

I hope they place high. Congrats on the invites fellas and good luck!

Dapvip will 97% be playing dante(JS)/X23(AS)/Iron man(UB). Wandles will be playing Hulk(Wave)/IM(RB)/X23(OTG). There is a tiny tiny chance that Dap might be playing something else, but I know that Wandles isn’t changing teams. Those guys have been playing those teams pretty much since the start of Marvel 3.

That’s cool. San Antonio is a 3 hour drive for me. Would be great to watch.

Can I get some feedback on X23/Dorm/Shuma?

I don’t know of any of the shuma guys are still around. In theory it should be viable. I think the main complaints were low hitstun on the assist, but X23 can run with emd with no issue so it should be fine. I think there was also some issue with it otging too slowly for regular extensions. I feel like you should be able to make it work but I don’t think there’s been a lot of time explored with it. I never even bought shuma until he was getting pulled from the shop and still haven’t looked into him.

With everything the assist has the possibility of doing for X23, I have a hard time believing it could be a bad assist for her.

X23and dorm are bff, especially now that he has a practical infinite, his damage scaling is too high to get you 5 bars for double dirt naps all the time, but she loves the assist and stalking flare is the best dhc for her. If you can catch people grounded with stalking flare, you can set up unblockables with shuna +ankle slice and he has amazing damage and meter build.

You might have issues with a few matches like mags and viper, where X23 has trouble on point, but dorm wouldn’t be able to start on point either. (Don’t know what shuma can get away with on start of match)

I was talking to some of Socal X23 players about a month or two ago and at the time I was using X23/Vergil/Disruptor and they told me to switch Magnus out for a lockdown assist so then I hit the lab again and trying out Angelic’s shell but was unsure what Laura can provide Shuma. . . Hmm are any of you guys Socal by any chance?

North Alabama, lol.

God damn it XD
Well I want your opinion Merkyl999x you had to choose to run either X23/Vergil/Shuma or X23/Dorm/Shuma or X23/Strange/Shuma.

I don’t think any of them are particularly optimized for X23 (that’s mostly because I think it’s crazy to not have a team optimized for double dirt naps) but, personally, I would play the Dorm option so you’d have some kind of TAC option and better X23 combos with DH rather than Bolts or RS. Both Vergil and Dorm should give you good enough DHCs to kill off any reasonable touch, both have great safe DHCs, both have the ability to deal with zoning matchups, both get pretty busted teleport mixups with Mystic Ray. Honestly, either of the first two would be fine, just depends on your personal preference. I can’t stand Vergil’s playstyle.

As far as strange goes, there’s no great way to get him in for FoF Loops from X23 without 2 meters (TAC, but if you’re gambling on TACs, you should be gambling on TAC infinites) I don’t feel like bolts is crazy amazing for X23 and if you’re playing EoA, you might as well play Dorm with DH.

If you run the Vergil option, I would use CS with X23 for the vergil ground throw pickup (go check out how well Jayto abuses that), if you run dorm 2nd, I would run AS for Stalking Flare > hard tag shuma > unblockables. If you want to run point Dorm, I would use CS for the alpha counter (cause the only thing more annoying than a strong zoner is a strong zoner with an alpha counter.)

Looking at your sig, though. If you already play Mags and Dante. Dante(JS)/Mags(EMD)/X23(CS) and Mags/X23/Dante are what I’m playing and I think they’re the closest you can get to an optimized X23 team without playing characters that have bad top tier matchups. The only sacrifice you make playing this team is that you can’t 1 TAC > 2 Dirt naps against teams with Haggar or Tron 2nd, which is a pretty minor worry in my book (and you can still go for another TAC after first dirt nap anyways.)

Alright, Kyle, I done went and caved. I’m gonna try out X-23/Magneto/Dante. The hard part for me is gonna be learning Magneto, but that’ll come with time, I think. So, what kind of stuff should I work on first?

I’m thinking about just going back to X23/Vergil/Akuma or maybe trying out some X23/Dark Harmonizer/Jam Session since I just learned the Morrigan Infinite on my main team. :smiley:

Also sykilik101 I’d prolly do Dante middle to get a safer DHC or go into Dantes gun super for a more damaging DHC. Then again I don’t know how that team works, really? . . . I mean I get that you go into Magneto Inf. to build meter for X23 for double dirt nap but doesn’t that mean your always going for TAC exchanges?

On different note, Here’s a video of my friend playing against Flux.

Thanks again for all the feedback, It’s really hard to find X23 players D: