MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Hey there, i gave up on the whole, x23 rr strange a while back, I did try it and enjoyed your feedback despite not replying, apologies.

On another note, I decided to just make a team to try and have some fun, mostly with resets (I know that’s not where this game is with so many optimal ToD team compositions but I don’t play very seriously) only playing against one other friend I’ve decided to change it up with, X23 Spencer frank West.

I have taken some tech from the forums, hopefully no one objects to that, with the M+Spencer H into reset, as well as off an otg ankle slice back dash tele+shopping cart. Tac past Spencer to level frank to 3. It wasn’t bad I enjoyed it, still learning the neutral though.

Now sorry for making this long, but what are you thoughts for this team playing casually? Any advice? Also, it wasn’t recorded… But i was able to an interesting combo that went

LMH, MF H, air MMH, air MMHS Ltalon, M+Spencer H, MF H… And hit with a falling heavy.

From there, the combo didn’t reset in hits, but it did in hit stun allowing me to repeat my mini jump loop AND be able to call Spencer again for a neck slice into launch combo.

I haven’t been able to try to recreate that, but was wondering if anyone has encountered this at all.

X-23 with Cart assist is nice.

What does Spencer do for X-23?

More for just combo extending and also can have some tricky incoming setups. I don’t take credit at all for this, if you look on this page earlier there is talk about the two by merkyl999x

Did you hit the falling j.h near the same time as the Spencer assist hit? Deadpool has the weird hitstun glitch with the capture state off bolo so I could see there possibly being some similar glitch to that. I’ve never seen it, though if you find a way to make that consistent it has potential.

As far as the team goes, I think you need to find a non-tac way to reliably level Frank for that team to be viable. Honestly, that team might be better with point Spencer. With where the meta is now, Dante/Frank/X23 or X23/Dante/Frank probably has some nice potential going for it. Dante loves cart, and that would give you access to the fizzykup Frank hard tag >THC enders (which are really fucking good.)

Found some new starters with Dante + CS (midscreen double volcano stuff among other things) that I’ll try to do a short vid for sometime soon. Got fourth at a little dinky 11-man tournament. Keep feeling better and better about Mags/Dante/X23. I really do think it might be in the top percentile of teams in the games. Forcing myself to get Dante infinite down this week for CEO to get it to its grossest possible level. (Also plan to find a way to fit an emd call early after a post dirt-nap dash L link.) All in all, still really excited about the team and where X23 is in the meta thanks to the new dante buffs.

I can’t remember exactly, i’ll get on my Xbox tonight or tomorrow and try to do it again, I’ll get back to you…

I’ve always wanted the Dante x23 duo but I have such a hard time with his bold cancel teleport which always frustrates me haha, if it weren’t for that, I’d play him much more.

Don’t know if you’ve seen this Merkyl. Reliable TAC infinite with 5% damage scaling. Easily enough meter for 1 touch kills on any character

That version of the infinite is already outdated. =P There’s already an easier way to do it, as shown:

The key is charging up the air play for a little bit. The hardest part is the starter, but once you land it, the rest is easier. (And exceedingly fun.) It works on down TACs, obviously, but also up, though you have to practice the timing. There’s even a version for side TACs:

Thanks for the heads up @TheRKD‌ and yup, totally on that already. The 5% is a bit of a mixed bag, though. Comboing to 200+ hits on a half health characters gets old. I have the up and down, but not the side TAC yet. As far as practicallity goes, TheGoodBook and SumBrwnKid were going for them and hitting them in tourney matches at CEO. (I wasn’t confident enough to go for it in tourney, but I hit it a few times in casuals.)

Yep. I’ve seen the newer ones just giving the original guy credit.

I mentioned it more as a backup. You have mags for infinities but dante can be used when you absolutely need to low health characters.
Also if they snap your team etc. you don’t need to worry about tac after jam session.

Yeah, I was super excited when that was discovered. I had been workng for a long time trying to find a way to hard tag out magneto and tac back to him after a long combo and was coming up empty.

I think it solidifies Dante/X23 as bffs again instead of being forced to choose between him and iron man.

Has anyone ever looked into running firebrand/Dante/X23? Or iron man if you’re on with running him. (He has the same hard tags as doom with FB with slightly less damage.)

What What What!!!
Where can I find it?!

The solo pickup is, once you hit an incoming character with Dirt Nap, as soon as you land, dash up and hit them with s.L into combo. You can also do it with s.M, which scales the combo less, but it’s harder to do.

The old dash L tech that somehow got called impractical and ignored way back when. It’s consistent and reliable. (Shoutouts to Leffen for posting a vid showing it.)

Edit: If they’re grounded and cornered (or close to the ground), the s.M is free, if you hit them corner-side and flip them towards midscreen the dash s.M is pretty free, if you hit them at or near incoming height the dash s.L is reliable (maybe a 3~5 frame link? Not unreasonably tight.)

As a personal timing thing, I count 1-point-thousand (when dirt nap hits), 2-point-thousand (when she stabs them in the neck), and with that same timing, right before you would count 3 you dash s.L.

I think the best combo you can manage from that point is:

dash s.LMHxxMF H, j.MHxxCS LxxTA L, land s.MHS sj.LMMHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land, OTG > extension/xf/etc.