MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I thought of using Replusor Blast because I believed you needed it to get a guaranteed Dirt Nap. Then I remember you can just do skittles and DHC from there. I hope you continue using Laura, I like roting for you and other Laura players when they enter tourneys. I just wished more people used there MOST favourite character with some of the super top tiers.

Yeah, skittles works fine, but you won’t be able to double dirt nap off of that. since you won’t be able to build 2 meters after a dirt nap. it would still be great, but if you’re going that route, I would recommend Vergil/X23/Mags or Dante/X23/Mags since that’s the best those team can do and you have two top 10 characters instead of just one.

After messing with a ton of teams and configurations, and having good players escape less than perfect dirt nap setups on a semi-consistent basis, the team that I’ve come to terms with for playing x-23 the way she should be played at the moment is x-23, Magneto, Akuma and just abusing the TAC system by doing the infinite twice since there’s little to no repercussion for getting a TAC broken. After the first one I just neutral jump magnetic tempest to put them in blockstun on incoming and DHC into silent kill, relaunch with tatsu, and TAC again, silent kill X factor for the anchor.

killing their point with an infinite and hard tagging (sometimes having to unfly first) and then activating silent kill is just too slow unless you kill with exactly the right normal and happen to be out of fly mode, and unless you pick really specific assists, sacrificing something as strong as tatsu or shopping cart for a guarantee assist leaves an already less than stellar point character kind of stranded in neutral.

Badass, I just found a meterless Thor TOD after a dirt nap using unibeam as an extension. (And I assume it’s easier with a real relaunch assist). It’s officially down to just the baby characters that mess up double dirt nap now.

Also found out how to reliably beam bounce off unibeam at high hsd (finally able to handle HBDs in xf 1 with it, too). I didn’t realize you could call the assist late after an s and still have him come out (might be able to beam bounce off EMD if you’re fast enough and call late enough.)

As long as they don’t get hit by more than 4 hits of js this combo does 1.24+ meterless.

JS+ dirt nap, otg xfc on first hit, buffer mf hxxcs lxxta l, land, s.hxxMF HxxCS Lxx TA L, land s.HS, late unibeam call, immediate sj.HxxTA L, beam bounce, s.HS sj.HdHxxCS HxxTA L, land otg, link CS HxxTA H (should be at 1.24, if not, you can do 45k chip with another cs h immediately after.)

I’ll probably do a vid of it soon, too.

A friend of mine (Mr. Fox on SRK) switched to that team not too long ago and has been getting good results with it. He plays Vergil third so he gets direct access to IM’s infinites and a stronger anchor for if things don’t work out. X-23 is good with Unibeam and IM with Rapid Slash assist is kind of interesting, it works long enough to let Tony get his high lows going and looked like it might help him zone somewhat too. No guaranteed Dirt Naps but most people can’t get out of the meaty normal into assist setup anyway.

wow, i forgot to check back on this question, thanks so much for the feedback merk. i’m stuck because my RR completely sucks haha. does anyone have suggestions for the x-23/x/strange or x-23/strange/x shell? or should i just not put the two together

Anybody running Laura with Dorm/Doom? its a plausible team especially if you running rocks/beam with Doom.

**X-23 and Strange huh? Do you like Nova? Nova can combo extend for Laura and Nova loves Strange… but hey who doesn’t?

Or do you like Akuma? I personally love Akuma’s assists for extension or get of me and hit confirmation. His dive kick assist does better for combo extension than most scaling wise and positioning wise. Also Tatsu is amazing. It will go right thru an enemy’s drones assist call for Laura to approach when its expected she cannot.

Akuma and Nova are both alot of fun.**

You can relaunch in the corner with missiles too and they help keep people from just laming you out at superjump.

X23/Dorm is a great pairing. DH works great for her pressure and he gives her one of the best (if not THE best) DHC with stalking flare > meteor. Lots of other random synergy tidbits (check out LintLikr1 on YT, he’s the main Dorm+X23 tech head.) X23 likes doom beam just fine, both beam and rocks will pick up after a dirt nap. No great TAC, but great damage and neutral other wise. Only main con is not being a true double dirt nap team, but it works fine otherwise.

You can relaunch anywhere with missiles if you do s.S+missiles sj.HxxCS HxxTA L, land, neutral jump TA L (right as missiles start hitting) s.S.

I messed around with the X23/Strange shell and wasn’t impressed. I don’t feel like X23 gets enough of bolts to be worth having to run strange behind her. If you have an amazing strange, I might say go for it, but a lot of is super timing and execution heavy. If you’re having issues with RR, Strange is much much harder.

If you still want to run it, X23/Strange/Ammy, Dante/Strange/X23 (in all of it’s various orders. I feel like someone with a really strong Dante/Strange could make this team really beast, but it’s probably one of those teams that would be better without X23 on it.) X23/Strange/Doom (again, flexible order), etc. They all work, they just take lots of work.

i seen Chris G run Chun li hsien ko and x-23. Anybody think X-23 and Hsien Ko is a viable team up? maybe instead of Chun li you could stick dante, mags, or any good character that will act as a good battery. I was thinking maybe Doom on point, b/c doom is a good point(hell doom is a good everything) with missiles or rocks, Hsien Ko with pendulum assist and X-23 with her dp assist. Any thoughts?

sorry if im sounding like a noob, im just getting interested in this game after watching for so long, and Laura really interests me.

thanks for the advice guys, I’ve been a long time Team Nemo player and an even bigger strange player since day one and wanted to change it up, laura and strange being my fav 2 characters in the game i wanted to try to make a team work. i too find that x23 doesn’t get as much as she could from strange though. i could go the route tenboss goes and go x23/vergil/strange… but i’ve never played vergil before believe it or not haha. he also has a cool way to get into the flame loops, which i like.

I think ChrisG only plays that team to joke around, he doesn’t really know how to use those characters.

As for the pairing, if you really wanted to make it work then X-23/Doom/Hsien-Ko would probably be your best shot. You’d get access to Doom TACs and DHCs and you’d have two viable neutral assists, then if you lose X-23 you’d have an okay combo with Doom/Pendulum. The problem is that you could replace Hsien-Ko with literally any other lockdown assist character and make the team work better. I don’t think she’s an entirely unplayable character, but I don’t like her on a team that’s already risking a lot by having X-23 on it. They’d both be better paired with better characters.

Curious if there is any synergy between Zero / Laura. I love both of them and currently have them on separate teams, but if possible I would like to have them on the same team.

If you read back a couple of pages there was some discussion about their synergy. Personally i think it’s a bit lacking, unfortunately.

thanks, Ill check out the previous pages. appreciated.

Made a short vid about my team, Zero/x-23/dante.

Imo, its by far x-23s best team. Its features zero/jam which is easily a top 3 shell, and it has very few flaws assuming you can play a good Dante.
If Zero gets a hit you’ve just got an enormous lead. The idea is basically Zero killing from anything while still gaining one bar, and then do a stupid incoming mixup and if that hits, you’ve won since you’ll easily get enough meter to dirtnap the last char.
You often also kill the first character meterless, and that usually leaves you with 3 meters so if they have a team built around a strong second character (like Fchamps dorm team for example) then you can choose to kill that off for the cost of 3 meters (and no xfactor assuming you can do the dashup st. l link after dirtnap).

Once Zero dies you still have access to xfactor lvl 2, and you can easily kill a whole team with xfactor guard cancel->kill, 50/50 incoming with jam ->kill into jam+dirtnap.

All in all a very solid x-23 team, which is a pretty unusual trait for teams including her to have.
Feel free to add any constructive critiscm, looking for any possible improvements on either the team or the video :>

Awesome Video Dude. That team has a nice flow. How does it do against heavy zoning?

Def a 1-2 punch team (Zero/23/Dante). I don’t think Meep plays that team anymore, but it’s def slept on.

The idea behind it is simple just like you said, have Zero kill something meter positive (ridiculously easy to do) and have Laura XF2 cancel kill>match point w/dirt nap. Every combo practically corner carries into an inescapable dirt nap situation varying a few factors (Hard-Drive, Morrigan’s LV3, etc). Lots of endgame scenarios, and if things get really bad there’s always pocket XF3 Dante. Zero controls the screen really well with busters and jam session, it’s a top tier shell in the game atm.

There are pros and cons. Some players go full derp and put Vergil for ZMC, as Zero gets more dmg with Vergil. There are no infinites, and no double dirtnap strategies.

I played X23/Hsien-Ko/Felicia for trolls. (:

I would like to try to have a serious discussion about the team that I am currently working on: X-23 (Ankle) / Dante (Jam) / Frank (Cart). The team has some nice mixups and unblockable setups, but I would love to hear from the more experienced X-23 players about options and ideas.
